ALMS - MARK 6:34-44

34 And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.
35 And when the day was now far spent, his disciples came unto him, and said, This is a desert place, and now the time is far passed:
36 Send them away, that they may go into the country round about, and into the villages, and buy themselves bread: for they have nothing to eat.
37 He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat?
38 He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes.
39 And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass.
40 And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties.
41 And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.
42 And they did all eat, and were filled.
43 And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes.
44 And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men. KJV

In this miracle of God performed by Jesus we can see it all started with “alms” giving to Jesus, our Lord. In the very first verse (verse 34) of our context we can see that Jesus did four things, He came, He saw, He moved and then He began. He came speaks to us of showing up. If we need to be some where to help people just showing up starts the process. Then we can see that Jesus sees, the Lord will always scan the area looking into the hearts (souls) of people. Once He has done this He can properly diagnose what is needful for that particular situation. The Lord knew that the first thing these people needed was love and for that reason He was moved with compassion toward them. We can learn from this example that we must always be willing to reach out and help people grow in the knowledge and blessing of God. Now this is interesting that He moved toward them with compassion and began to teach them. It would seem that the teaching of God’s word is not always associated with being compassionate but here we see a direct connection. We must realize that many people need God’s Love but they also need God’s Word to make them complete. It is not enough to say I love if we fail to present those that are hurting the healing power of God’s Word. Since the spiritual aspect of man’s hunger was satisfied first then the Lord focused His attention to the outer man. The Lord is very practical and desires to take care of you spirit, soul and body but we must be willing to maintain that order. Meaning we must esteem God’s Love first, then combine the understanding of God’s Love with the instructions of His Word to frame our natural world around Him. Jesus never minds providing for His People but He usually requires at least some minimal commitment that those who come to Him are sincere. Notice that in verse 36 the disciples mentioned that the people should be dispersed so that the people could eat. This was probably their own stomach speaking to them about some food. Since the day was far spent (verse 35) dinner would have been appropriate. However the Lord surprised the disciples with the statement, “You give them some food!”. This is still happening today, quite often the Lord will speak something to us that we fully don’t understand at the time when it is spoken. We too, like the disciples should ask Jesus further questions seeking more direction until we have enough information to do what we know He is speaking to our heart. In verse 37 we can see that the disciples asked the wrong question because they were not expecting what Jesus was about to do. So don’t feel bad if you don’t always understand everything the Lord Jesus speaks to you the moment it is revealed. Do notice however that because the Lord is always in control of His operations He knows exactly what is necessary and He is ready to execute His Plan. Notice that the Lord never did answer their question in verse 37 He simply asked them His own question. We can conclude from this dialogue that if you do not already know what the Lord will answer according to His Word be open for Him asking you a question in response to your question. The question of Jesus required them to look inside of themselves for their resources instead of looking to the outside to provide something they needed. This is a principle of God that states, “Never try to get someone else to do or provide something that you can do or provide yourself”. We can glean from verse 38 that they needed to do some research, therefore some time and effort was spent. As soon as they could answer the Lord’s question He described how to fulfill His previous commandment to them, “You give them some food!”. We all know by this time the disciples knew that if they did exactly what Jesus said they would see something wonderful and everything would work out fine. So as soon as they told Jesus that they had five loaves and two fishes in verse 38 Jesus immediately told them to get the people organized. The Lord will always perform His works when everything can be done decently and in order. When the scriptures states that Jesus commanded the company to sit down by ranks and companies it means that everyone was in a group and those groups were seated in ranks (the groups of the same size were close together). This is necessary for Jesus to determine exactly (or approximately) how many loaves and fishes would be required to properly feed the hungry. The disciples presented the Lord Jesus with an “alms”. Yes, perhaps a lunch for one or two but no less a gift for the Master’s use. Therefore, since Jesus was given an “alms” He could easily multiply that “alms” to minister unto the multitude. Since the people were sitting it would be that much more easier to count the total group present. So although the total number of people is given in the last verse of this teaching (verse 44) be assured that Jesus knew the number of people before He prayed. Notice in verse 41 that Jesus looked up to Heaven first, which shows us that He was trusting (looking unto) His Heavenly Father for this miracle. Then the verse states that, “He blessed” which is the same thing we do before we eat. The food must be blessed (prayed over) to kill any harmful germs or impurities. Next the Lord brake the loaves, which tells us that God’s Hand of Grace must touch the natural to take it unto the supernatural level. Since the Lord is absolute growth and increase anything He touches will continuously produce, even if it must reproduce itself. After that the Lord gave the loaves (and fishes) to the disciples (His body, His workers, His Servants) which means we have to be willing to put our hands to work. It is never acceptable to the Lord for His servants to be spectators. The Lord does the spiritual work because He expects us, His servants, to do the natural work to the best of our ability. Remember we are workers together with Christ according to 2 Corinthians 6:1. Since the Lord did His gracious part first, then the disciples did their faithful part to serve the people, after that the people were happy to do their receiving part. We can see that the amount of food was more than enough to meet their needs because as long as Jesus kept breaking and giving the multiplying kept on manifesting. We should point out that the people ate and were filled because that reminds us that it is God’s Will for His Children to have adequate provision with some extra leftover. This example teaches that everyone should have had enough bread and fishes to eat according to their own appetite. Proving that God is no respecter of persons but He provides for all the people in His Presence equally (in the same way and at the same time). The whole act could be considered an “alms” or the disbursement of individual deeds could be considered a multitude of “alms”. Whatever way you look at this miracle of God you have to conclude that “alms” are of God and “alms deeds” are blessed of God by the demonstration of Jesus working the works of the Heavenly Father in the earth. Amen!

PS – One note of this story, if someone is coming to one of your all day meetings where no food is allowed during the meeting it is acceptable for you to feed them after the meeting, if they were unprepared. This would also be true in an all day home visit if the visitors had nothing to eat all day and you were able to minister God’s Love and Word to them. We do notice that when people came for the purpose of eating first without a spiritual hunger for God that the Lord rejected that type of thinking in John 6:26,27.

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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