Picture of Eric & Angela


Scripture Reading - 2 Corinthians 3:17

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom). AMP

The fourth of July, 1776 is historically celebrated as “Independence Day” for the United States of America. The original Declaration of Independence basically declared independence for the United States from the Kingdom of Great Britain. This formal document was approved and signed by our Congress. This date represents two separate things that work together. The first representation is spiritual because God established America with chosen people so that all men, women and children would have a place to worship Him (God) freely. The Lord inspired men to come to a place that would allow people to come to Him often and openly to fulfill their spiritual desire. This Land of America was not without purpose because the Lord God did the same thing for the Children of Israel when He called them out of Egypt.-Refer to Exodus 3:1-12 This is considered first because it is the foundation for the second which is the natural festivities of cerebrating our independence from Great Britain. It is sad that today many over look the spiritual heritage of our country. They choose to enjoy the food and festivities and fireworks without giving thanks to God for giving us the land. One of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence felt that “Independence Day” should be commemorated as the day of deliverance in which we show our devotion to God Almighty. However, many here in America choose to honor the glory of America without glorifying the Inspirational Source of America. We must not let those who ignore the Great and Wonderful God we love cloud our view of this holiday. This is still a Holy Day (holi-day) to all Christians because we choose to honor the “Deliverance of God” from those who would try to oppress us both spiritually and physically. This “Land of the Free” came at the cost of much sacrificial bloodshed but we must remember that Jesus first shed His Precious Blood for all mankind. So when you celebrate this 4th of July please remember to celebrate the liberty we have in Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father to appreciate the natural celebration of this nation. Yes, by all means we thank God for America and the good life we live here in the United States of America but please remember without the Lord Jesus in your life you have no freedom at all. “Independence Day” is not about being a great nation but rather it is completely about being a Godly Nation. Yes, one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all in the Awesome Name of Jesus! Amen!