Picture of Eric & Angela


Eric & Angela (Combined)

Graduates from Rhema Bible Training Center, Broken Arrow, OK during the month of May 1999

Served under authorities at Word of Faith International Christian Center, Southfield, MI for 11 years

Street Evangelism, Counseling, Sunday School Teachers, Facilitators in small group meetings, Children’s Church worker, Nursery Worker, Sunday School Administration

Served under authorities at Rhema Bible Church, Broken Arrow, OK for 5 years

Ushering, 3rd Grade Children’s Worker, Nursery Worker, Alter Care, Choir, Prayer Groups, Marriage enrichment facilitators, Married 30-39 School of the Bible-Greeters, Attendance Coordinators and Home Visitation Coordinators

Served as Resident Pastors for South Hills Retirement Center, Tulsa, OK for 2 years

The ministry included weekly teaching and preaching to residence in the apartments, nursing and alhermisers sections.

Served under authorities at Church On The Move, Tulsa, OK for 4.5 years

Greeters on Wednesday night team 7:00 PM Service for 1.5 years,
Greeter Captains for the Sunday 11:00 AM service for 3 years,
Facilitators for a community group class (Parenting Workshop) for 1 year
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