Picture of Eric & Angela


Our Vision for IN HIS LOVE CHRISTIAN CENTER (IHLCC) WEBSITE is a place where all people, all over the world, can receive pertinent information about the Kingdom of God. This Website includes:

The Topical articles are generally found by selecting the respective links

The Simple Verse Interpretations are found by selecting the GODS-PILLS link.

Some Inspired Words from the Heart are scattered through-out the website depending on the topic but the majority of these documents can be found by selecting the KINGDOM link. Inspired Words from God typically minister about an issue or topic on our heart at a certain time that the Lord helped us to understand better by presenting it a different light.

The altar care or as stated earlier the "altar call" is what a local church or Christian ministry would offer to any person desiring to be either joined unto Christ Jesus for the first time or longing to draw closer to God through more knowledge of His free gifts and immeasurable graces. These teachings simply show a person that the altar of a specific church, hall, convention center or even a tent is not the key issue, the key is whom is standing at the altar of your heart. To find out more about what is always available to you at the Altar of Christ Jesus click-on the SALVATION link.

The Sermon Outlines are found by selecting the SERMONS link.

The number of documents will start out small and keep growing monthly, our goal is two have at least 100 documents during the first year of operation. The following year we would expect to have at least another 100 for that year also. This will continue for the first seven years. This would total at least 700 documents after the first 7 years. Our viewers would have a library of reference teachings based around the Word of God. These teaching could be used for every day devotionals, lessons for the general public, or private development, if desired.

A viewer has the ability to scroll by topic to find information pertaining to their heart’s desire. For example if you were thinking about God’s opinion of money. Click on FINANCIAL and scroll through the list of available documents we have posted under that menu item and click on the one that sounds like it would be the most interesting to you. When this website gets fully loaded the possibilities are endless and that my faith friend is God!

Always remember our Heavenly Father loves you, Jesus died for your salvation and the Holy Spirit is here to show you exactly how to appropriate the Promises of God in Jesus Name. Amen!

We Love You - IN HIS LOVE