ALMS - MATTHEW 15:32-39

32 Then Jesus called his disciples unto him, and said, I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat: and I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way.
33 And his disciples say unto him, Whence should we have so much bread in the wilderness, as to fill so great a multitude?
34 And Jesus saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? And they said, Seven, and a few little fishes.
35 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground.
36 And he took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks, and brake them, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.
37 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets full.
38 And they that did eat were four thousand men, beside women and children.
39 And he sent away the multitude, and took ship, and came into the coasts of Magdala, KJV

Let us explore the Apostle Matthew's account of the feeding of the second multitude. In verse 32 we notice that Matthew reports that Jesus had compassion on the multitude because they had been with him for three days and they did not have any more food. This is a big difference between shorter meetings (services) here in America, all day meetings in other nations and the people Jesus ministered unto during His public ministry. Notice that the people had been with Him three days this implies that they came and stayed with Jesus for three straight days. This is why the food they originally brought with them ran out. It is amazing that people would have the passion to attend a meeting for seventy-two (72) hours straight but what is just as surprising is that the minister could speak for that length of time. One can presume that they took breaks along the way and that everyone fell a sleep at night but that would be an assumption. The point we would like to bring out is that this could have been a supernatural move of God where almost everyone stayed awake and the Lord Jesus ministered for the majority of those seventy-two hours. It is possible for the Presence of God to preserve a people beyond normal natural limitations, which make this option just as viable as the other. This possible option would explain why Jesus did not want to send them home on an empty stomach. It is very typical to feel like superman in the presence of God at a meeting only to find out after you leave the meeting (where the Presence of God was tangible) your natural feelings return and tiredness (or exhaustion) sets in. However, since the physical body is strengthened with food eating a good meal when hungry or physically weak usually renews your strength. Spending three days ministering to a great multitude of people as mentioned in verse 33 would explain why the disciples did not remember the previous feeding of the five thousand men plus women and children described in Matthew 14:13-21. Generally speaking when people get tired their memory only thinks of sleep and rest. The statements by the disciples were exactly the same as what they thought in the previous feeding and that is why the Lord had to demonstrate this miracle again. The Lord establishes His Will in the mouth of two or three witnesses as recorded in 2 Corinthians 13:1. Therefore it was the faithfulness of God that allowed the disciples and the people present to partake of God's grace in this fashion again. Notice the consistency of Jesus with the Lord asking the exact same question in verse 34 that He asked them before, "How many loaves have ye?" Although the question was the same the answer was a little different. Notice in this account the loaves were more seven (7) compared to five (5) and the fishes were more also a few compared to two (2). This reminds us that the process may be the same but results could always be different. Therefore even when you know the procedure do not predetermine the outcome. Jesus being consistent (the same yesterday, today and forever) had the people sit down to establish order and ease of serving in verse 35. Then Jesus did exactly what He did the first time. He took the food that was given to Him (Laid His Hands upon it), blessed it (gave thanks for the provision they had on hand plus the more to come), brake them (to represent breaking of His body), gave to His disciples (representing that the disciple of Jesus takes a piece of Christ), and the disciples gave to the people (once we are saved we should share Jesus with others). This is why this lesson is referred to as "alms" because the people knew they did not earn this food for their good work. The people who received the food did not deserve it because of their good behavior. No, all the people present had to recognize that only because of the Grace of God they partook of this food multiplication miracle. The major point we can receive from this teaching is that no matter how much you share Jesus with others you will never run out of His spiritual provision. Verse 37 confirms this in the natural with the statement, "And they did all eat, and were filled:". We can see that the people were hungry for God (a three day meeting) just like they were hungry for the food. When people are hungry they will eat without reservation and once they have eaten freely they will be filled. Feeding upon Jesus is like eating at an all day open buffet full of your hearts desires. You can go up for as many helpings as you would like from a complete variety of foods to choose from and gather as must as you can eat today with extra desert for later on. This beautiful principle of God shows us that when you give of your substance unto the Kingdom of God He will multiply your gift back unto you. Notice that the meal started with seven loaves and a few fishes but concluded with seven baskets full of broken meat. This reminds us that while bread can be easily digested meat will take some time to digest. The meat represents the deeper truths of God that we need to carry with us in our mind until we can digest them into our spirit. The seven baskets full represents the number of completion showing us that the Lord provides for each and every day of the week. The basket being full indicates that God's intention is to fill us with His presence and blesses us far beyond just a little portion for that day. Verse 38 reveals to us the approximate number of people Jesus had to feed, "And they that did eat were four thousand men, beside women and children". This means that since Jesus can feed a multitude how much easier will it be to feed your family and your household. The Lord separates the number of the men from the woman and children because Jewish men of that day (customs) represented more that a person they also represented a whole family. It was once said, "If you have caught the man of the house you can spoil the whole household!" Jesus knew that there would be some men who would move away from the church in the last days. Therefore He desired to show the entire world that in the beginning of the church men were an outstanding part of the complete congregation. The term, "men should be the bread winners" should be re-phrased as "men should be the bread of heaven receivers". The man is suppose to receive enlightenment from God to share with their household (wife, children and relatives included). In verse 39 we see the graciousness of our Good Host because Jesus sent away the multitude filled and inspired. The Lord will never dismiss you but He will send you on a mission to help others to see the goodness of our Father God. The people came to Jesus looking to receive something from Him and they received theirs hearts desire. The Lord will invest His good treasure inside of you expecting you to go out and help others. Remember it is stated in John 13:34, "As I have loved you so shall you love one another". Jesus gave "alms" to the people primarily because He loved them and that is the exact reason we give "alms" today. So once you help another through the giving of "alms" know with all confidence that you have taught a good lesson to the receiver of the gift. We hope and pray that they too will learn that lesson and make an effort to help someone else in their time of need with an "alms". Once you see that the receiver of the gift has true godly compassion and gratitude you can copy Jesus action in verse 39 by taking your next journey to the coast of new horizons. Amen!

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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