1 Then Jesus six days before the passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead.
2 There they made him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him.
3 Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment.
4 Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him,
5 Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?
6 This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein.
7 Then said Jesus, Let her alone: against the day of my burying hath she kept this.
8 For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always. KJV

Let us read the Apostle John's testimony of the unusual interaction between Jesus and Mary at a supper prepared for Him. According to verse 1 Jesus was in Bethany where He had previously raised Lazarus from the dead. Not just from a death bed but literally from the grave according to John 11:38-44. We further read that "they" made Jesus a supper, which could mean all three prepared the meal, Mary, Martha and Lazarus. The reason we point this out is because each person seems to be in a key position. Lazarus, who was raised from the dead, is sitting at the table with Jesus, which means he is in fellowship with the Lord. The position of fellowship is essential for every believer and is mentioned second because his position is pleasing to God. The first position we see mentioned in that same verse is Martha who was serving Jesus. We all know serving the Lord is good and right. However, serving God can never take the place of good fellowship with the Lord, nor should it. Serving is a step into God's good will but we all must be willing to move into God's pleasing (acceptable) will through fellowship. The next person in the family was actually in the highest position spiritually even though she seemed to be in the lowest position physically. This individual in verse 3 is Mary who anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair. Oh, think about it my faith friend, Mary had entered into oneness with Jesus through the fragrance of the Holy Spirit (the ointment). Is there a better position of humility than at the feet of Jesus? Mary worshipped the Lord with all of her heart, soul and substance. Yes, this position of "offering" her best to the Lord transcended the other two positions by a sizeable distance. Remember Martha stood serving (highest physical position), while Lazarus sat listening in fellowship (middle position physically & even with Jesus) and Mary bowed worshipping (lowest position physically). This oneness of Jesus feet and Mary's hair was beautiful in eyes of God even though it was to be thought distasteful in the eyes of a certain man named Judas Iscariot according to verse 5. This account is recorded by “ihlcc” as an “offering” because the gift was given personally to Jesus, as the Divine Son of God. This example is labeled as an offering because the Gospel of John focuses on Jesus as the Son of God. In the other two examples recorded in Matthew 26:6-12 and Mark 14:3-8 we speak of this example as “alms” because the humanity of Jesus is portrayed. Since the category is not as important as the physical actions and the intentions of the heart we will be happy for you to use whichever category pleases you best. Amen! In the interpretation of scripture we seek unity and peace over strife or debate because the Heart of God is Love. Mary offered a very costly ointment (perfume) to the Lord Jesus and He accepted it. This very well could have been Mary's way of saying thank-you to Jesus for raising her beloved brother from the dead. Can anyone show too much gratitude to God for His miracles performed in their life? Selah. We must know that Jesus will never ask you to display honor to Him publicly but He will always receive the honor you give Him spiritually and/or privately. The Lord is not demanding because He chooses to be accepting. The giving of the ointment was only one part of the offering because verse 2 clearly states, "they made him a supper". This means the supper and the service to prepare the meal should be considered an “offering” too (or alms deed). One reason it may be considered an “offering” is because it was done for and to Jesus whereas the giving of "alms" is for men on the Lord’s behalf. These offerings included service, food and perfume but it also contained the quintessential element that can not be ignored. The greatest thing this offering imparted was their heart of love to the Lord of Love. We have noticed that each level of the heart was different but Mary exemplified the totality of heart in her expression of worship to God. She assumed the lowest physical position to give God the highest spiritual praise, which included an "offering" of Love. This is a special offering not to be duplicated on earth because the Lord Jesus today is worshipped in spirit and truth, not as much in his physical body. Mary set a high standard of loving worship that is a type of sweet smelling fragrance to God when we bow down to worship God today. Although this act of worship and offering was perfect to God it had to endure some persecution from man. This teaches us that when we give unto God be sure not to be discouraged by man. Man is carnal and his natural inclination is to think in a selfish sinful manner. The good thing about Mary, Lazarus and Martha is that they did what they desired unto the Lord and not unto men. The house being full of that sweet smelling aroma signifies the permeating Presence of God's Holy Spirit. This overwhelming Presence proved to be too much for the ungodly so to dampen the Spirit Judas complained. However, our Lord Jesus is also our Protector and Defender so He quickly defends His dear true disciple, Mary, by politely proclaiming this act of worship was for Him personally, not the poor. The Lord Jesus was very kind to give her critic the reason why Mary’s offering was necessary in verse 7 because your offerings to God are a private manner not to be judged by someone else. We must make a mental note to never criticize another’s worship and offering to God because what some men may lightly esteem could be precious in God's sight. The poor will always be here in this earth for us to give "alms" but the Lord Jesus now has to receive our "offerings" in Heaven because He is on the throne of God with our Heavenly Father. So remember when giving an “offering” to the Lord Jesus worship Him with your offering to add the sweet smell of ointment for all of those around the Throne of God to smell. Amen!

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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