24 Whensoever I take my journey into Spain, I will come to you: for I trust to see you in my journey, and to be brought on my way thitherward by you, if first I be somewhat filled with your company.
25 But now I go unto Jerusalem to minister unto the saints.
26 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem.
27 It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things.
28 When therefore I have performed this, and have sealed to them this fruit, I will come by you into Spain. KJV

This book of the New Testament is written by the Apostle Paul. The Apostle is giving an account of his travels to the churches in Rome we are not sure if this epistle was given to several church leaders (elders, bishops, pastors) or to just a few people that would circulate the letter. However from Romans chapter 16 we know this letter was intended for several churches in that region and according to Romans 1:7 this word of God should be applied to all the saints in Rome. Therefore we can conclude what was good for the Romans back then is still good for us today when we stick with the same principles. This group of scriptures is about offerings, in particular the offerings that were collected in Macedonia and Achaia as recorded in verse 26. This was written after the initial preparation of the collection spoken of in 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 where the Apostle Paul explains “when to collect”, “separating the collection”, and “which account the collection should come from”. In those verses the Apostle was not sure if he would personally escort the offering. However, in this account the Apostle indicates that he indeed will hand deliver the gift to Jerusalem. The Apostle Paul is showing some of the true characteristics of an Apostle, which stands for “A Sent One, A Messenger”. These verses show us that a true Apostle of God is very interested in distributing money to other financially troubled churches. We must understand that Paul was not the founder of the Church at Jerusalem, we know for a fact that Peter, John and James seemed to be pillars there according to Galatians 2:7-9 However, the true love of our Father God and Lord Jesus Christ does not love one church above another. Since God is not a respecter of people will he be a respecter of churches based upon location? No, the Lord Jesus is Lord over all Christian churches and He loves them all equally. The Apostle Paul having that same spirit did not think it fitting to only look out for his own churches but rather the Body of Christ as a whole. This is still true for us today we should not be content to only look after the needs of our local assembly of Believers but include other churches in the Body of Christ. Yes, other churches of different denominations should be open for our financial offerings if they are lacking the basic necessities of life. To the poorer churches that are experiencing an unfortunate trial we, Christians Churches, should be ready to help in any way that we can. We must remember that we are all one Body in Christ and we desperately need one another. The Apostle Paul mentions in verse 26 that the churches from those remote areas were glad to help. Although in verse 27 the Apostle Paul gives a spiritual reason for their eagerness because the blessed message of Jesus coming from the Jerusalem church via the Jewish people first, we not know there is more to it than duty. Yes, to be willing to give unto those who enrich your life spiritually with godly truths and gifts is wonderful and right. However, we now know from the heart of God that giving to the less financially fortunate brethren is always blessed (right) before God even if they did not bring you the message of salvation. In today’s Christian community we should have no problem whatsoever with sending an offering to another church to help with their expenses whenever we so desire. If we only give back to those churches which gave to us where is the grace? Has the Lord ordained us for duty, obligation or works? No, we believe much more than just works (acts of duty) but also demonstrations of grace (freely giving as a favor, a gift). Did not the Lord say in Matthew 10:8b “freely ye have received, freely give”? Does not the Apostle Paul tell the Corinthians that, “I have preached to you the gospel of God freely” in 2 Corinthians 11:7b? Since giving an offering to those who bring us spiritual food is right and good and can not be spoken against let us also purpose to give to those who are in need in the Body of Christ as an act of grace. This grace of giving is most definitely according to your willingness, your resources and your cheerfulness so don’t feel obligated. There will always be some who can give a lot and others who can only give a little and still others who are not in a position to give at all and God loves all three groups. The wisdom of God is to not compare your financial portfolio to another, let your offering be between you and God and no one else. Remember to whom much is given the more will be required, which is also stating to those who have nothing extra to give nothing extra will be required. If we take the grace and freedom and cheerfulness out of giving we will miss God every time by becoming legal (duty bound, works driven) in our offerings. However, if we purpose to give an offering unto God’s People as unto God’s Himself because we have the willingness, financial ability and happiness about the gift (the offering) we are pleasing to God and the gift we be accepted by both God and man. The Apostle Paul was looking forward to finishing this transaction which he calls “sealing the fruit” because he would partake of the awesome joy that comes from giving a blessed gift of God from the people of God. This is the reason the Apostle Paul could write to all of us in Acts 20:35b “It is more blessed to give than to receive” because he experienced this pleasure personally and you know what Saints, so should we. Amen!

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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