What is hurting America (the United States of American) is the hardness of people’s hearts. People aren’t expressing love for their fellowman. When the states were truly united people helped one another, this breeds creativity because inside of compassion is God’s Spirit, when that spirit is lost or blatantly disregarded, people show their carnal nature. For where the Spirit of Lord is there is Liberty and Justice for all.-2 Corinthians 3:17 It is the nature of the flesh, which is self seeking and devilish. This means not only does it consume all the time on it’s own thoughts, it’s own desires and it’s own pleasures, but it also ponders and conspires ways to use other people to their own selfish advantage. The devil uses people for his evil intentions and so do people motivated by him. This nation of people here in American need a leader (and multiple leaders) of compassion, the sign of the times is showing that many people are very satisfied to isolate themselves apart from their fellowman. The divide between rich and poor, the saved and the lost, the compassionate and the cold hearted, the Jew and the Gentile, the religious and the relational is becoming greater and greater. The greed of many wealthy Americans will never be quenched; because they care nothing for the average person of the country that they live in. They are in love with the God of Money as the rich man who died and went to hell not realizing that he caused many to fall with him.-Refer to Luke 16:19-23 What many rich people don’t understand is all those who fall away from godliness because of their negative influence or lack of financial support a portion of their fate will be added to their charge. This may not sound fair but in the Kingdom of God to whom much is given, that same much is required. The gracious Lord gave gifts unto all men, these gifts are deposited inside your heart. We can almost guarantee that the majority of people who are rich use some of those gifts (God given abilities) to prosper in this earth. Therefore, the Heavenly Father is just when expecting the gift He gave them to be used for His Glory. If you believe that God has given you nothing at all, that belief is exactly what you will receive in eternal, “nothing godly”. Then the problem those individuals will face is any place without God is spiritually considered hell. For the ungodly rich whether they displayed hard-heartedness by not giving to things they were supposed to give to, or by their literal actions of spite and pride toward certain people these sins will cumulate to their account against God, unless they receive forgiveness through the Precious (Priceless) Blood of Christ Jesus. Yes, even those wealthy preachers who lost sight of God's Love, thinking themselves to be wise have become foolish abandoning their first love. A Loving Father who sent Jesus with a simple message of love. For only the Lord knows the heart, but rest assured that to much who is given, that much more shall be required.-Refer to Luke 12:48 So labor not to be rich, nor convince others that this is a most noble cause. God’s will is provision for all, but God’s heart is genuine unconditional Love for all. Many run to and fro pronouncing freedom by financial gain this fuels their fire and opens doors to take advantage of the simple minded who stumble and fall, but warning to the man who puts a stumbling block in his brothers way. The Lord is not saying that all the wealthy people are bad, but it is stated in the Word of God that there will be some people that have corrupted the simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus causing many to fall.

1 Timothy 6:5-10
5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.
6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.
7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. KJV

And 2 Corinthians 1:12
For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world, and more abundantly to you-ward. KJV

As Christians we should not be anxious to be a teacher, for teachers/preachers/ministers shall receive a greater condemnation (judgement). Many people simply don’t care about doing what is right, they are high-minded about many carnal things that seem right in their own eyes. This is why the Lord Jesus is telling some of His Ministers that the only thing that will save America is a great awakening. Yes, an awakening unto God, in holiness and truth. Those that know God’s heart will focus on the message of love. For this very reason we are called into the ministry for such a time as this! This is a time when men and women all over America need to hear about God’s Love. It is not enough to just tell people God Loves them, we must show them God’s Love by our lifestyle, they must be able to see Him (Jesus) in your eyes, they must be able to understand through the teaching of God’s Word just how to love one another like Jesus. For this reason our Heavenly Father sent John the Baptist, teaching people in a practical fashion how to love their fellow man by not being cruel, or robbing wages.-Refer to Luke 3:2,10-14 Jesus message to all mankind (in Matthew chapters 5-7) is still the same message for us today. The message to love one another with the Love of God is the component that is lacking in the earth today. Some people are walking in God’s supernatural love but only having some people walk in love, here a little and there a little is not enough. We need a strong Christian Church walking in the power of their calling to love one another. For this reason Christians were born. We are created to love, Believers are born of God’s Love, they have been programmed to love according to the Word of God. For the Believer, we must show love first and then think about wealth later. Yes this current emphasis on wealth has caused some to stumble in their Christian Walk because they have thought, “the more money I have the better I can help other people in need” this may sound good but it is not the same way God’s Loves us. The love (the motive) was right because they want to help others, but the result seemed to be wrong because they did not become rich within a few years. This is because money doesn’t make one Godly, but rather being Godly will produce a certain rate of money. If you put the cart before the horse the horse can not pull it. Many Christians are now learning to keep the love of God (the motive) right while focusing their actions to correspond with God’s Word, Jesus as the Leader. This means trying to help people become more like God first, rather than trying to help people first through God’s resources. Yes, we always love people but even though we love all, we are not always able to fully show (demonstrate) that love through alms (natural gifts) to others. Remember the love of Christ constrains us to do what is right before God and our fellowman. Let us ponder a practical example; Many parents love their children, yes even all members of their extended family, but that does not mean that those children and/or relatives should be showered with financial blessing all the time. When you truly love them, like God loves you, you don’t always speak soft pleasant words of encouragement to them repeatedly. Yes, Christians must constrain themselves to show forth God’s love for their family by deed and truth. The primary goal is not to have your children (or relatives) think so highly of you that they forget about Jesus. Our goal as Children of God is to show them our love in the way (manner) that Jesus is glorified. This message speaks the truth that we can now love you open heartedly because God gave us His Love. This means giving them God’s Word in the package of God’s Holy Spirit by displaying God’s Love all at the same time, this is effectively giving them Jesus. Doing this is giving your family God independently of money. The world needs that same opportunity, to see God’s Heart all at once. This means giving His Love and His Word in the right spirit when you minister unto them. The Love of the Father with the consistency of the Word of God (Jesus) brings the Love of God into manifestation for people. Operating in this Spirit of Holiness is what is often referred to as walking in the fruit of love. The scripture refers to this as the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. KJV

Yes, this is exactly what the world and America needs. Love filled Believers are called for such a time as this and God’s Spirit is upon us for this purpose. So fellow Saint go forth and love God’s People and all people alike. We must feed God’s People and all people alike the Holy Word of God with the Heart of God, which is Love. Please dear Child of God do not fret about the situation you may find yourself in, because God is still working on your behalf and remember that God has plans to prosper you and to give you a good hope and a future according to Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV). To all the Believers in the world today, “All things are still working out for your good if you love God and are called according to His Purposes” according to Romans 8:28. The Lord has planned surprises to help us get through these challenging times, things we know not of at this second, but will know in the future. We faith filled Believers must do our part of praising God and thanking Him for already working things out for us and our neighbor in the Name of Jesus. Amen!

Attention: The Lord Jesus needs all of His soldiers in the ministry of love right now. These orders are not for our future Heaven or some far off time, but rather right now.

2 Corinthians 6:3
(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.) KJV

The Christian Soldier must have their heart full of God’s Love and their mind renewed by the Word of God to be effective in the world today. So understand that the problems in America are the same problems in the rest of the world. They are the same problems that plague the world. These issues are the same hurdles each family member has to overcome individually before we can overcome them collectively as a nation. Life is not complicated if we in walk in love because God is not the author of confusion, He is the God of peace.-1 Corinthians 14:33 If we focus on loving others in the power of God’s Love, we will stay on coarse. If people receive an awakening to the Love of God demonstrated on their level so that they understand how to apply Him (Jesus), then and only then will they be successful in knowing God and acting like Jesus (Him). It is still God’s Love that makes the world go round. The Believer must be content, and be faithful in their contentment unto to God. Remember the Apostle Paul learned to abase and abound, how to handle plenty and lack, how to enjoy hunger and fullness being content in whatever state he was in according to Philippians 4:11-13. We as Spirit filled Christians must be willing to learn these lessons too. For God loves us and He expects us to carry His love unto all those we know and to whoever we meet. Praying for the President and the leaders of this nation is good and right but what would help the people of America the most is God’s church of Christians acting like Jesus Christ. We must purpose to show God’s love consistently, because what diet we feed the people is exactly what they will ultimately become. Amen! When we feed on Jesus we become exactly what "He Is" unto the Glory of God, the Father! For if you drink not Jesus Blood (His Love) and eat not Jesus Flesh (His Word) God has no part in you.-Refer to John 6:53-57

Now we know exactly what America (and the rest of the world) needs and you know exactly what we ought to do as Christians Soldiers in the Army of God's Love. Now all that is left is to love people freely, frequently and unconditionally in the Name of Jesus! Amen.

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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