Healed and Delivered

Notice the general definitions of cancer

Cancer – noun

  1. A malignant growth or tumor that tends to spread.
  2. Any evil that spreads destructively

Malignant – adjective

  1. Inclined to cause harm, suffering, or distress.
  2. Dangerous or harmful in influence or effect.
  3. Tending to produce death, as a tumor

Tumor – noun

An uncontrolled, abnormal, circumscribed growth of cells

Circumscribe – transitive verb

  1. To draw or trace a line around; encircle.
  2. To enclose within bounds; restrict

Greetings my friend, we (ihlcc) welcome you to join with us in our fight against cancer. Unlike many other articles we don’t claim to have any profound secrets to share with people who are facing this life threatening disease. We don’t encourage a large prayer group to bring the power of God into a situation seeking an instantaneous cure. We also don’t boast of having a healing ministry that is exclusive to us. No we simply wish (desire) to focus on a few relevant truths of God’s Word in a sincere hope that you will see the Power of the scriptures which will give you more than enough healing to produce a permanent healing in your physical body. Helping people receive from God is exactly what this ministry is all about. So be patience while reading this teaching and re-read it several times to get the full import of the Words of God shared in this document. We will jump around a bit because this is written with the desire to capture your attention for a short span of time by repeating central truth at least two or three times. We (ihlcc) firmly believe that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established. This means by reading this teaching once you will have two witnesses of the critical truth and reading this document repeatedly you will see the central truths of God in a much brighter light. Remember the key to receiving the wisdom of God is clearly understanding the knowledge of God. The knowledge of God’s Word is readily accessible in the form of the Holy Bible but we must do our part to pursue it (His Knowledge) with all discipline and diligence. Amen!

Let us start with the principle of speaking life through words:

Many in the earth today don’t realize that life and death is in the Power of the Tongue according to Proverbs 18:20-21 KJV

20 A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled.
21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

This simply means we (the Christian, each person, whosoever), not God, get to decide how much life we put into our lives. Yes, some (truthfully speaking - a large majority) people think that God decides who lives and who dies but that is not completely true. No, the scripture we just read states that Death can come from our own tongue and by the same principle Life can also come from our own tongue. A person will say, “How is that?” and we (ihlcc) would answer it is based upon your confession. That means what you say in your heart will overflow through your mouth and those words (based on the thoughts of your heart) will prevail in your life. Yes, some people fear cancer so this thought of death looms large in their mind and when those thoughts of death comes out of their physical mouth they produce death in the physical body, while the spirit of man lives on. However, on the contrary when health and healing permeates your mind the thoughts of life continues to motivate the soul into staying upon this earth until they are good and ready to die somewhere in the far distant future. Yes, you can decide to live or die because you have the power of both in your tongue. It is not the physical tongue that is so powerful in itself but rather the spiritual words coming from the tongue that influences the outcome of your life. So, first understand that you have nothing to fear of death because Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father are both one-hundred percent (100%) Life having no part of death within them so Death is only a defeated foe in their mind. Likewise, we must not be afraid of Death or be concerned that Death will conquer us. On the contrary we simply believe that God has already given us Life (which He has) and that He will continue to give us more Life by grace while we continue our journey upon this earth to do God’s Will. Remember Jesus said in John 10:10 KJV that He came to give us Life in the fullness of His abundance.

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

The only reason Jesus had to use the words “that they might have life” is because the Lord knew many people would not believe this truth and that unbelief would keep them from experiencing His gift of life to all mankind. The Grace of God is always more than ready to distribute His Life and Love to every person but they must acknowledge that His Goodness is worthy of their praise. If we are too proud (or lacking knowledge; ignorant) to consider the awesome Power of God’s Word we probably also are too proud (or too ignorant) to speak His Words out of our mouth. Yes, many people believe God can do anything but how many of those same people believe that God’s Word has already done everything including the work of healing for man in the person of Jesus Christ. As Christians it is very important for us to think that the healing for our mind and body was already purchased for us through the stripes of Jesus Christ. Knowing that your mind must think this way first, for your tongue to speak that way secondly is called the confessions of Christ. When the healing power of God has manifested its fullness (wholeness, soundness, completeness) in your physical body it will bring glory to God because you are living (experiencing, speaking, partaking of) His Will upon the earth. When the scriptures speaks about the power of our words it is really speaking of the power of His Word in our mouth and the power of His Words in our heart. That specific combination produces the power of God to overcome every obstacles you will face in this world. Notice Mark 11:22-24 where Jesus taught to consider first what you speak before man in-line with considering the substance of your prayer to (before) God.

22 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. KJV

The simple truth presented here is that there are two ways to receive from God and both can be used separately or combined. However, if the two contradict each other neither one will ever produce the desired results. Certainly, this makes sense because how can you expect God to honor His Word coming from your mouth when you don’t honor the consistency of His Words coming from your mouth. In other words, choose your words wisely by searching the Holy Scriptures about your particular case, then after you have established the scripture supporting your desired result then start to speak openly about it (the fulfillment of those scriptures). Yes, other people don’t have to be persuaded by your confession of faith but you sure do. If you are not feeling good (confident, assured) about the reality of your healing it would be a good ideal for you to continue to meditate upon the promises of God until you do. The scripture calls this confidence in the confession of God’s Word an operation of the spirit of faith because it believes they (the people of God) can overcome any obstacles through the Power of God working directly through or with His people. So no prayer is ever mentioned until a heart’s conviction of Godly success is already present in the Believer. Likewise, speaking right always precedes praying right. There is no such thing as having a strong prayer of faith without the strength of joy and peace to speak consistently what God has already promised you. Therefore speaking right words should be complemented by a good faith filled prayer that needs no additional support beyond the Word of God. Likewise, that faith filled prayer should be in agreement with the everyday speech of the believer who knows they were healed according to God’s Word.

1 Peter 2:24 KJV
Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

Once you have obtained this understanding of practicing a lifestyle of speaking right, in other words consistently speaking God’s Word, then you can believe you received based upon the truths of God’s Word. The more we practice being in agreement with God’s Word the more of God’s Power we will experience in our lives. The Holy Bible tells us there is power in agreement because when at least two are in agreement with a promise from God He (The Lord) has bound Himself to answer our request to perform His Will upon the earth. Since the agreement of the Word of God constitutes one witness all that is needed is your will combined with the confession (speech) of your mouth to establish that second witness upon the earth. This agreement between God’s Holy Word and God’s Holy Creation (you) will cause the spiritual Kingdom of God to work effectively on the physical kingdom of this earth. Thus, you can have from God what you say about God’s Word when it comes to the affairs of your life according to Matthew 18:18-20

18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. KJV

This is not due to your own holiness or spirituality but simply the truth of God’s Word to be immutable just like God. Since healing was promised to you from God it is easy to believe that Healing is established in you by the grace of God. The ordination of the twelve disciples of Jesus in Matthew 10:1 proves this point.

And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. KJV

If the Lord ordained the original twelve ministers to go out and heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease it is obvious that His heart’s desire is to heal you. You would never send people out in your name and teach them exactly what to say and do if you have reservations about your plans. No, my faith friend you would first establish your will with those who represent you, just like you see in the business world. Well we all know God is at least as smart as you and all the other people in this earth combined. Amen!

We can also take note that Jesus ministered healing in His ministry upon the earth as a man anointed by God. A man anointed by God can freely give healing and also people anointed by God can easily receive their healing. The difference is in the days of Jesus He personally laid hands on people to minister (distribute) this healing. However today since we have this same anointing within us, in the Person of the Holy Spirit, we simply receive this healing directly from God in our hearts first. We often notice that in the days of Jesus ministry upon the earth healing was sparked by hearing God’s Word audibly or feeling the Lord’s touch physically but in this dispensation of Grace the believer does not need to hear Jesus outwardly or feel the hand of Jesus physically. They only need to believe in His Promise of accomplished healing inwardly (within their heart) or agree with His Written Word that they were healed to receive this promise outwardly (in their physical body). Thus, this anointing is healing just as much as it is our assurance of salvation. We only wish (deeply desire, earnestly hope) that all Christians believed this in their heart with corresponding confessions and showed this belief in their everyday deeds. God’s Will of man being healed has never faltered or faded but many question marks of unbelief about God and healing through false teaching have lead many astray. The anointing of God is in each and every believer and knowing that the anointing of God is the Spirit of God and the healing of God is one way we receive our healing from God. The Precious Holy Spirit is within each believer as a deposit from God according to 2 Corinthians 1:22 ERV (Easy-to-Read Version)

He put his mark on us to show that we are his. Yes, he put his Spirit in our hearts as the first payment that guarantees all that he will give us.

This Holy Spirit of God inside of us may not be felt (or perceived) by our physical senses but by placing your trust in His finished work of healing, atonement and salvation you allow His work of regeneration (renewing, healing, quickening, restoring, life giving, etc…) power to continue producing positive results in your life. These positive results include physical and mental healing, peace of mind, spiritual and mental energy with whatever else you may need. Thank God that His Grace is sufficient for us because His Grace is more than enough to cover every trial, challenge and circumstance we face in our life upon the earth. Notice in an example of Jesus ministering to a believer that the Lord’s words were short and simple while the effect was wonderfully power in correcting the problem (situation). We will notice that even when the believer was not totally convinced of God’s Will he was still able to receive the power of God to cure his sickness.

Matthew 8:1-4
1 When he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him.
2 And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
3 And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
4 And Jesus saith unto him, See thou tell no man; but go thy way, shew thyself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them.

Today with the Holy Bible as our written record of God’s Will there is no good reason to doubt, so what some received in the ministry of Jesus by instantaneous healings through the laying on of hands we receive instantaneously by faith that the work was finished at the cross of Calvary. Remember the scripture we covered earlier in Mark 11:24 clearly states, “When you pray, believe you receive, and you shall have”. So it is not a matter of if God heard your prayer it is rather a matter of if you heard (believe) God’s Word. God’s Word is alive and it is speaking to all men everywhere but are we able to listen and take it to heart. The Lord Jesus warned us in Luke 18:8, “When the Son of Man comes shall He find faith on earth?”. The Lord had to ask this question because many people believe on His Power as God but refuse to believe in the Power of God present within them (as Christian’s, as Christ Himself, as Anointed Ones of God) through faith in the Living Word of God through the ministry of the Holy Spirit inside His beloved children. Yes, doubt (darkness, unbelief) may come but truth will always dispel darkness to remove all doubts if given proper attention of heart. Yes, the all enlightening truth of God is strong enough to overcome all sickness or disease when the Believer stands their ground that the battle was already won. Remember dear saint you are not sick fighting for healing, no, not at all, but rather you are the redeemed, the healed, the delivered resisting sickness (or disease) through grace by faith. The Grace of God convinces you that it is not based on your power while the faith of God calls those promises of God as done in your life right now. Knowing that faith is never waiting on God because faith clearly understands the work was finished at the cross of Calvary. The hope of God will point you in the right direction by letting you know what is available to man from God, whereas faith lays hold to the fact that God’s Word to all His Children is God’s reality for all the Children of God. Faith makes it personal to each and every believer who has it because faith is no respecter of person’s it only respects God’s Word to manifest God’s Power. Amen!

Let us look at an example of strong faith to model the method, as opposed to marveling over the man that displayed the faith of God. Please understand Jesus called the faith great, not the man. Jesus loves all people but the faith of God found in the man is exactly what blessed the Lord and brought healing to the man’s servant.

Matthew 8:5-13
5 And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him,
6 And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented.
7 And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him.
8 The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.
9 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.
10 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.
11 And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.
12 But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
13 And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.

A few things to notice in this example: One note is that the man recognized the authority of Jesus Word and we should too. Knowing that God’s Word is good enough to heal any life threatening situation is having an accurate understanding of God. The second note is that this knowledge of God with the understanding of the authority of God’s Word was not enough. The man spoke something powerful that caught the Lord’s attention. The words “Speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed” is a statement of faith based upon the Person of God that was made into truth (reality) by the full manifestation of those words. Dear believer, each Christian must come to this realization that God’s Word in the Lord’s mouth only works when we receive it in its totality. Likewise, God’s Word in our mouth will only work when we speak it forth in totality, which basically means without doubt or reservation. Believing the knowledge of God starts the process but speaking the promise of God out loud with firm confidence of heart establishes the confession of faith as truth in our life. Someone may say, “We cannot be sure?” but that someone does not clearly realize that “God is sure!” Since God said, “You were healed” and He (the Lord, the Father, the Creator) cannot lie according to Hebrews 6:18 the spiritual reality of your healing was consummated in Christ. The key for believers is to firmly understand that this truth of God’s Word is outside of their personal circumstances or situations because God’s Word stands above all else. Many believe what they see and feel in their body because that voice of pain, fear and discomfort speaks loudly to their mind. That is the exact reason the Lord put it in writing within the Holy Bible and gave us the deposit of His Holy Spirit to seal this truth in our heart. We should be wise enough to fill-up on this truth of God to the point (place, level) where we are fully persuaded that this truth is right for our life. Once God’s Word is running over on the inside of us (our hearts and mind) it will spill over to the outside of our spirit and mind by flowing out of our mouths (our confession of faith) with all assurance to propel the power of God in our life, and of course the praises of God coming out of our mouths should also accompany the promise of our healing. It is the voice of faith that praises God in spite of the circumstance and it is the power of God within those praises mingled with the promise of God that produces the desired result of healing, strength and deliverance from all trials of this earth. God’s will is complete (total, pure, full) healing for every person upon the earth and so our will must be fully set to completely receive the healing provided by the stripes of Jesus. Amen! Notice the working of Jesus in His earthly ministry of over two thousand years ago and realize this ministry continues for you today according to verse 17. The word “our” is specifically speaking about you, so reach into God’s Word and receive it openly for your spirit, soul (mind) and physical body in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Matthew 8:16-17
16 When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick:
17 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses. KJV

In the last paragraph we spoke highly of recognizing the authority of God’s Word with the outward confession of faith. Now we will unlock a secret of ministry which is combining the same two principles when ministering to the sick in the Name of Jesus. Yes, this is the exact model the Lord Jesus taught the disciples when carrying out His Will upon the earth. This is exactly what we (ihlcc) use when ministering to people all over this earth. We simply curse the cancer in the Name of the Lord Jesus by commanding it dead at that moment and we command it to leave the body of the oppressed one. (Because we understand the authority of the Name of Jesus and we have faith in the word of God coming from our mouth as sufficient resources to get the job done.) Our foundation for faith is the Word of God and our confidence is solely in the authority of the Name of Jesus. We do understand that the use of the Name of Jesus in the earth is acting as the Person of Jesus being alive on this earth. Yes, my faith friend, it is that easy simply rebuke the cancer from off the body of the inflicted one by the Word of God and command that cancer to depart (or shrivel up and die) in the Name of Jesus. Yes, it is that easy the more challenging part is standing upon that scripture of truth forever for yourself and all people you come in contact with through the prayer of agreement during your stay upon the earth. Note: If you a facing an outward growth strongly consider instant removal from off the body with the commandment of death in the Name of Jesus which is slightly different from if the cancer is one that is attempting to spread inwardly in which we (ihlcc) strongly consider cursing the cancer by commanding instant death (shrivel up and die) in the Name of the Lord Jesus with complete removal from your physical body. To explain this a little further, an outward growth needs to be removed from the body immediately because once it is removed from your body it will cease from being a threat to you, then it can complete its death in the garbage. If the cancer is one that is inward you will not be able in see it physically with your physical eyes (excluding x-rays) so commanding it dead should precede removal of the body because instantaneous death will stop any growth or spreading and it might be removed little by little when the shrinking starts. Now the question comes to mind, “Is God able to do both at one time as a miracle?”. The answer is “Yes certainly”, but this is not an issue of God’s Power but rather how much of your spirit is releasing the Power of God at any given instant of time. Understanding that God is not withholding any of His dynamic working healing power puts things in proper perspective which means you just practice being faithful in your inward belief that this work was done the very second you cursed the cancer and know that God was, and is, and forever will be faithful to perform His Word. You will never need to worry about God’s part, you only need to concern yourself with the measure of God’s Word and Spirit that is united with your words and your spirit. The combination of this oneness in unity will produce the tangible Presence of God upon you and that Pronounced Presence will drive out all sickness and disease including cancer. We may not know exactly which order the deliverance will come, nor do we claim to always know the exact time frame, so we firmly proclaim what we do know and that is it is clearly God’s Will and our will to manifest the healing power of God in our physical body and mind. However, don’t be too concerned about which one is better because both will work effectively when applied with faith in God’s Word and peace of mind in your heart. All praise be unto God from whom all these great blessing flow. Amen!

The knowledge of God’s Will about healing mixed with the confession of faith speaking consistently (constantly) of already being healed shows an attitude of achieved victory in Christ Jesus. This combination of knowledge, faith, peace and joy is more than enough to secure the attitude of the complete healing (deliverance) being done in your body in Jesus Name.

Please recognize that since Jesus as a man anointed by God, just like you, had an abundance of power to heal others so much so that He gave it unto His twelve disciples, you too have God’s Power residing within you just waiting on your words of faith spoken from your heart to release this holy healing power.

Luke 9:1-2
1 Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases.
2 And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. KJV

Since Jesus gave this power to heal to His disciples we should understand that He is still giving this power today through His disciples because His disciples already have this great power. Thus, all we need to do is release this healing power in the Name of Jesus to help others, how much more shall we release it through words to help ourselves when we are in need. Some call it “power to cure” while others call it the “Anointing of God” and yet many call Him “the Holy Spirit” but simply recognize it as “established truth” for all believers who walk by faith and not by sight in line with 2 Corinthians 5:7 KJV.

(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

Petition/Prayer before God and men

In the Name of Jesus we curse all tumorous growths in (place the recipient’s name here) physical body specifically in the (body organ or region here - example prostate gland region, throat, liver, etc..), we command them to be totally dissolved, dried up (shriveled) and remove from the receiver’s body in the Name of Jesus, their body is the healed temple of God.-2 Corinthians 6:16 We thank you Heavenly Father that (place the recipient’s name here) body is completely clean from all abnormal cells and ungodly conditions in the Name of Jesus. In Jesus Name we have released the healing power of God to cure all ailments by removing all sickness and disease that would try to oppress their spirit, soul (mind) and body. Right now Father we believed we received the full manifestation of your Promised Word of healing and deliverance in the Name of Jesus. Amen! We give you thanksgiving and praise because your word has already healed (place the recipient’s name here) in the Name of Jesus and has brought complete deliverance from abnormal growths within (or upon) their body. There is no adverse side affects from any treatments (place the recipient’s name here) is exposed to because it is not that which goes into man that defiles him but that which comes out.-Matthew 15:11,12 and Mark 16:18 Father you promised us nothing shall by any means hurt us according to Luke 10:19. We thank-you Lord that all negative reports that were written against (place the recipient’s name here) were nailed to the Cross of Christ and taken out of the way by the Blood of Jesus in agreement with Colossians 2:13,14. Thank you Lord that (place the recipient’s name here) is whole in Christ Jesus unto the glory of God our Father in the Name of Jesus. With Long Life have you satisfied (place the recipient’s name here) and shown them your salvation Father by Christ Jesus.-Psalm 91:16 For you came Lord Jesus to give us life and that life more abundantly and we thank you for that abundant life made manifested in our spirit, soul and body in the Name Jesus.-John 10:10

We strongly (highly) recommend writing down the exact date and time you prayed this prayer to God because the spiritual principle of believing you received is crucial. Remember “you were healed at the Cross of Calvary but the date and time you record only serves as a reference for when you believed – you received your healing from God. Faith says, “I am healed by the stripes of Jesus” so recording the date and time will keep you looking back to the already completed work which keeps you in faith, as opposed to hoping God will heal you sometime in the future. The healing work of Christ was done (finished, completed, fulfilled, accomplished) at Calvary and you are simply agreeing to this spiritual fact to establish it in the natural realm of your body. Remember what the spirit and soul (mind) conceives will empower the body to breathe so that your whole being (spirit, soul and body) will receive. Know that those who choose to walk by faith with patience will receive the promise of God without fail according to Hebrews 6:12. Be steadfast and immoveable always abounding in the work of faith unto the glory of God, the Father in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ because your stand of faith will not be in vain.-1 Corinthians 15:58 Amen!

Next we will mention some scriptures to undergird your faith. This will enhance your assurance in the Word of God and the Power of God working mightily in your life. Once you have prayed the prayer of faith that the work of healing was already completed know with all confidence that God heard your prayer because it is according to His Word which means it is according to His Will.

1 John 5:14-15
14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:
15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. KJV

These scriptures speak of us asking according to God’s Will and He hears us because He always hears His own Words. This asking according to God’s Will gives us the full confidence that we have the request we made before God. The two things to recognize in this statement is, for one - the verse said we have it, not we shall get it, but rather we have it. This means that we know something tangible spiritually even though others might not see it naturally. The whole Kingdom of God works in the spiritual realm so don’t forget that God’s Power is always working for your good even when you cannot see it physically or feel it naturally.

Earlier we stated from the Word of God that we can establish God’s truth on this earth when we have it with at least two witnesses. The witness of God’s Holy Word is one witness and the witness of your heart and mouth is another witness. The scripture in 2 Corinthians 13:1 only re-affirms this truth to encourage you that your every word will be established in your life when it agrees with the Word of God.

2 Corinthians 13:1
This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. KJV

Some people standing against cancer have to go through chemotherapy so we thought it would be a good idea to give those experiencing fatigue and/or fear about surviving the battle some scriptures of comfort. The comfort comes from knowing that God’s strength is manifested from that same anointing of healing we just need to recognize that fact and draw on His strength according to Ephesians 6:10

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. KJV

Being strong in the Lord basically means placing your faith (trust, confidence) in the truth of His Word as opposed to believing what you see and feel in your body. Being strong in the Lord will include the force of JOY which energizes the spirit, soul and body. Understanding that you have already won this battle of maintaining your healing because Jesus defeated sickness and disease on the Cross at Calvary gives you a sound reason to rejoice. We (ihlcc) are not saying be joyful for the sickness or disease (the cancer) because all sickness and disease is against God’s Will. What we are proposing is to be joyful in spite of the ailment because you have Jesus Christ in your life and His Presence can secure the victory over cancer when given proper place in your life. Too many Christians lose their battle with cancer because they have too much respect for the power of this disease. It should not be a matter of the big “C” and the little “j”. No the emphasis must be reversed to totally respect the stripes of the Jesus we must acknowledge the huge (large, gigantic, enormous) “J” in Jesus eradicating the little “c” in cancer. We are not saying cancer is not a problem but what we are saying is that the stripes upon Jesus back solved that problem for those who dare to believe it. Yes, our God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask, speak or confess when we simply exercise childlike faith in the promise He made to us. Man never has to wait for God to do a work in their life because God has already performed His mighty work of healing in the Body of Christ through the stripes of Jesus. This is just as true as the Shed Blood of Jesus saving mankind from all sin. Although we (all Christians) know this to be truth only those who believe this and act upon it by confessing Jesus as their personal Lord receive the benefits of God’s salvation. Likewise, when you acknowledge that Jesus Christ took your personal sickness and disease just like He took away your sins you will be in the position of power. This is the revelation of God the Savoir being one in the same as God the Healer. This knowledge of God’s Grace and Power and the shear Mercy of God will empower you to be strong mentally and then go from strength to strength physically in the Name of Jesus.

Psalm 84:5-7
5 Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose heart are the ways of them.
6 Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools.
7 They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God. KJV

Resting upon the promise of God while the Word of God fills your heart is being strong in the Lord and that understand mingled with your confession of strength will take you from strength to strength during the testing of your faith. Please understand the Lord will not test you but the circumstances of life and the evil one will test (try, prove) your faith. We pray that when the circumstances of life tries your precious God given faith that it would shine forth as gold that is only refined by fire because the fire could not destroy the precious metal of God. The faith of God cannot be corrupted, nor does faith shy away from a challenge, no faith acts quite the opposite it stands strong in the midst of contrary conditions and boldly contradicts the voice of failure because faith knows no fear or defeat (failure). Dear Believer in God you will never have to worry about your faith holding out because even a grain of mustard seed faith will get the job done of moving a tree when you use it in the Name of Jesus according to Luke 17:5,6 KJV.

5 And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith.
6 And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.

The faith you have in God you received from His Word so His faith that you use is never the problem. The problem is never with God’s faith but the lack of using godly faith, being patient and a clear understanding of scripture is what usually causes people to stumble when it comes to receiving their healing. This is the key reason we keep on stating that the Saint of God must fight this battle in the knowledge of God based upon the revelation of God’s Love and His finished work on the cross to keep their peace which strengthens their heart. Being a doer of God’s Word is exactly how you do all things through Christ (God’s Anointed Word) because the power of His Word coming out of your mouth and filling your mind is all the strength you need to overcome the fiery darts (evil thoughts producing fears) of the wicked one. The Apostle Paul was overcoming all the traps of the devil through the strength of God and he told all Christians the secret to his success which is doing everything in the power (grace, love, peace, joy, wisdom, patience, etc…) of God. Now it is up to us to use it. Amen!

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. KJV

Please notice that Philippians 4:13 comes right after Philippians 4:6-7 and there is a good reason for this divine order. To understand this truth we will emphasize that strength is a key jewel to glean from the scripture of Philippians 4:13. However accessing the strength of God is conditional based upon following other principles (doctrines, truths) of God’s Word. In reading the below verses of Philippians 4:6-7 we will focus on several truths that are prerequisites for God’s supernatural strength to be manifested in your life on a daily basis and especially during a test or trail.

Philippians 4:6-7
6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. KJV

The first truth of these two verses is “carefulness” which is a large problem for many people. Whether you call it worry, anxiety or overly being concern they all produce stress which counteracts against God’s healing power. We (ihlcc) will repeat this because it is vital for you to clearly understand that “carefulness” opens the door to destruction which is the forerunner of death. Yes, let us be clear that if the person is full of concern about the effects of this dreaded disease upon their life it will prepare them for a horrible defeat in the battle with death. Satan boast long and strong about the power of cancer to kill you, if you choose to believe his threats he will (or does) have the advantage over you. Being “careful” about what could happen will keep you at a severe disadvantage because the pathway of uncertainty is always chaotic. Therefore we strongly recommend that you tie down the finally result (conclusion of cancer) by your spoken words agreeing with the Word of God in cursing cancer by commanding it dead and then command it removed from your body. Once you have spoken to this disease in the authority of the Name of Jesus it must obey you, period. Cursing cancer in the Name of Jesus is the most effective way of stopping (killing) the disease at its roots (source, origin, core). Having the confidence in the power of God’s Word combined with the authority of Jesus Name you should be able to find peace and comfort in the reality that God is faithful to perform all things that He promised you. Amen! You are responsible to believe this truth that the very moment (that specific instance) you spoke to (rebuked, commanded) that cancer to go, it was removed from your body it was done that very second. Likewise, the very instant you commanded the cancer to die it started the process of dying. Remember the order of commandment starts with you and then finishes with God according to Matthew 18:18.

Matthew 18:18 KJV
Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Matthew 18:18 GW (God’s Word)
I can guarantee this truth: Whatever you imprison, God will imprison. And whatever you set free, God will set free.

Matthew 18:18 ISV (International Standard Version)
"I tell you with certainty, whatever you prohibit on earth will have been prohibited in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will have been permitted in heaven.

Curse the cancer first and command it removed in the Name of Jesus, then the Word of God has proper place to eradicate the disease by the Power of God. As mentioned previously you are not waiting on God, God is desperately hoping that you will be obedient in proclaiming His Word in the Name of Jesus with a heart that is fully persuaded by the promise of healing and life. The two things that God promises are both in your favor because the promise of healing brings life and the promise of life propagates continuous healing. We must do our part to cast down fear, doubt and unbelief to remove all “carefulness” in the Name of Jesus because “carefulness” is the poison of death. Secondly, the terms “prayer and supplication” are mentioned in Philippians 4:6 which basically is the same thing that we have spoken about in this write-up. For clarification the terms “prayer and supplication” is exactly what we are speaking (teaching) about when we (ihlcc) say “rebuke and command”. Generally “prayer” is known as simple concise straight forward communion with God whereas “supplication” is known as a well thought-out preparation of words that you will speak to God using His Word that describes the result (out-come) that the Lord has already promises you, then you will speak these same words to yourself and to all others. The prayer of faith can be known as the “Commandment of faith” and the “supplication of faith” can be known as the “simple short rebuke to the enemy (the cancer) in the Name of Jesus”. Typically in Christian circles you hear ministers say that Jesus prayed for the sick but if you study this out you will find He basically either “rebuked” the sickness or “commanded” the individual to do something that initiated the healing power of God. In dealing (resisting) cancer you must be firm in your stand against it, you cannot afford to think of this as an even battle or for sure you must never allow yourself to even entertain the thought that you are over matched. Yes, cancer is a deadly disease but according to the principles of God anything that kills can be killed. Remember, whatever is sowed must be reaped, so according to Galatians 6:7 if cancer tries to sow death in people it must reap death from people. The potential of the disease should not make you afraid because you are thoroughly persuaded of victory in Christ by the Power of your God. Remember you are not fighting this battle alone because this battle has already been won by the stripes of Jesus Christ. Since you are a Blood washed member of the Body of Christ you are a child of God who should partake of the victory Jesus won for you. If you have any sense at all it will never be your will to see one of your own children sick, nor do you like seeing a loved one hurting and in pain. If you have any measure of compassion you will also be saddened for a loss of a loved one close to you. How much more is God against the pain and suffering of one of His Beloved Children and that is exactly why He desperately needs your help in cooperating with His Word to bring His Will to pass in your life. One difference we have seen between healing results against cancer in American vs. overseas is the child like faith of the people. In America we have been conditioned to believe that cancer is this great big disease that kills thousands of people every year. Yes, we have even known family members who have fallen at the hands of death when stricken with cancer. However, we are supposed to walk by faith and not by sight according 2 Corinthians 5:7 KJV.

(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

This means we don’t try to beat cancer we whole hearted realize that cancer has already been defeated by the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. The stripes on Jesus back defeated cancer because the Lord Jesus Christ took that dreaded disease upon Himself by being made a curse for us. Therefore, since Jesus already bore our sins and sicknesses we don’t have to. However, we must realize that He is the overcoming conqueror and since we are inside Him, as a blood bought child of the Living God we have overcome because Jesus overcame. This is the core message of faith when you believe God’s written Word (spoken directly to you) over what you see and feel in the natural. We are not saying to ignore the cancer attacking your body but what we are saying is to rebuke it by commanding it to be dead and removed from your body, so that you can have the conviction, strength and serenity (peace) that comes from knowing you have won this battle in Jesus Christ. Many people want God to remove the cancer by His Grace and Power but the believer must exercise his authority on this earth to command (rebuke) the cancer to die and go from their body in the Name of Jesus Christ. Once the commandment has been given the power of God’s Word spoken through the believers lips will give life to God’s Perfect Will being performed in that specific situation which will result in the manifestation of God’s Healing Power driving out all sickness and disease. The reality is that the healing power of God to cure cancer is generally not based upon the strength or loudness of the prayer but rather the clear understanding of the believer to know they have already won the victory. As little (humble) children of God it is easy to understand the future when you already know how things will turn-out, so being confident that you were healed, are healed and shall always be healed in Christ Jesus should reposition your mind to think like God thinks. When we think exactly like God thinks and have the same heart as God has we are certain of continuous victory no matter what comes up in our life. Yes, we (ihlcc) do acknowledge that cancer is harmful if it is allowed to run its full course in the body of a person unhindered, but we also acknowledge that we (all Christians) have the power to stop (shut-down, paralyze, subdue, destroy, etc..) cancer in our physical bodies in the Name of Jesus. Remember dear saint of God victory starts in your mind (spiritually, in attitude, in thought, by illumination, by revelation) about overcoming the disease before it takes place in your physical body. Therefore spend whatever time is necessary to convince yourself that you already have conquered this enemy in Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus was given that Name by conquest so never diminish His permanent victory (His work upon the cross) over all sickness, disease and aliments (weaknesses). Knowing that you are healed and complete in Christ Jesus will inspire you to pray (rebuke and command) against the disease of cancer in the authority of the Name of Jesus. The specific knowledge of God’s Word should reveal to you that the victory over cancer is not a dream or a fantasy but a biblical fact in the Word of God. Once you have released God’s Will through your words spoken against the disease in the Name of Jesus you are equipped to stand against any attack of cancer that seems to persist in your body. Remember, you are not fighting a battle with cancer, but rather you are the healed child of God resisting the enemy of cancer trying to invade your physical body. Yes, Jesus is Lord over all but every person is governing their own physical body to the best of their knowledge so when it comes to allowing Jesus to Lord over your body you must speak His Words with the right heart of faith in understanding and love. When you totally (without reservation, doubt, or uncertainty) love Jesus with all of your heart it will remove all fear of failure. This confidence in God’s Healing Word being manifested in your physical body will allow you to freely praise and worship God with Joy. This Joy of Jesus comes up from your heart to release healing energy into your body that drives out all sickness and disease (including cancer). This is not a dream or fantasy but rather a truthful reality in Christ Jesus. Jesus did not die on the cross so that you could die too, but rather so that you would live and live more abundantly according to John 10:10b. It is incumbent upon us to use the promises of God to the best of our benefit because His promises were spoken directly to us and for us. It is doing all these godly things we just mentioned that keeps our spirit (our heart) and soul (mind and emotions) in calmness and peace in Christ. If you are abiding in the strength of God the peace of God will be upon you and that peace will be sensed by others around you. Generally speaking, the people who have confidence and joy that they have won the battle also have the faith to endure the battle unto victory. Miracles and healings of God are never by accident but they are always a result of purpose by the receiver and God. Specifically speaking, the Lord’s Word always gives-off (permeates) God’s Healing Power but each person upon the face of this earth must receive that all-powerful word of God into their heart to benefit from it. The gracious and gentle God will never force His Healing Word upon any person against their own will, nor will He freely heal you when you decide to work against His healing principles, like stating; “I am healed”. Yes, there are instances of divine intervention where people received healing without even trying to believe God’s Word but that will not last if you continue speaking words of unbelief and doubt contrary to God’s Word of Healing and Life. If you speak convincingly about just how awful the cancer is and confess that the doctor’s remedies are not working it will work negative destructive forces in your body. If you say, “I don’t know if I am going to make it” those comments will bring death and destruction to your door step. If dread and doubt fill your mind to the place of consistent conversation with others it will cause defeat by the cancer you are facing. The Lord is gracious but He is also just, so He will not allow every person to just do whatever they want to with disregard for His Word to continuously reap the benefits of His Word of Life (Healing). Healing came to us with the price of Jesus sacrifice so we should never think of healing as an earned blessing. Although you have paid nothing for your healing God paid everything to give it to you. Since His work to conquer death and sickness and disease was so great unto victory why can’t our work of faith in the Name of Jesus be just as successful? The answer is, “It can and it shall” when we stand unitedly with God against the things that are contrary to His Will. Cancer is a defeated enemy that must not be given any place in our lives, so we, united as One Body of Christ must believe and enforce the law of healing, good health and liberty we have in Christ Jesus. Since if one member suffers we all suffer with it, we must all stand against any (and all) sickness and diseases by commanding them dead and removed from our body in the Name of Jesus. Remember, dear child of God, your physical body is a part of God’s Body of Christ so it is not permissible to allow any intruder into God’s Holy Temple. We as watchmen (warriors) over this holy temple God gave to us are required to only allow the things of God into this temple (our body) while not allowing harmful aliens (unhealthy objects, enemies of sickness or disease or unwanted intruders of thought about our body) into our bodies. It is not a matter of choice but a matter of principle, chiefly the principle of if we chose to be godly or ungodly. When we chose to represent God with all of our heart we stand only for His good will in our life and we stand strong against all things contrary to (outside of) God’s Will. We are therefore careful for nothing because we confidently know God’s Word, which is His Will, is always working good on our behalf in our spirit, soul and body. The comment “with thanksgiving” found in Philippians 6:6 cannot be ignored when speaking of the healing power of God. Praise and thanksgiving is the re-enforcement power of faith because being thankful acknowledges that God’s Promise of healing was received by you. Generally speaking whenever we receive something good from someone we say thank-you. Some have said that saying thank you after you receive a blessing from God completes the transaction. We do outwardly show our gratitude for God’s work of healing and strength in our body by being thankful unto God. Since we know that God’s Work starts out spiritually we should purpose to empower this spiritual work through the power of praise and thanksgiving. We give God praise and thanksgiving for what He has already done in our body and that statement of faith is exactly what strengthens our heart to keep the peace of God ruling our mind to cast out every shadow of doubt referred to in Philippians 6:7. Remember, dear saint, when you are full of God’s Light darkness has no place in your spirit, soul or body, thus being completely whole you shine forth the glory of God in the land you are living in as a Child of God. Amen! This principle of letting God’s Light shine through you to eliminate all sickness and disease can be known as operating in the Spirit of Life as discussed in Romans 8:1-11 KJV.

1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

The Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus brings wholeness in every area. It manifests healing, peace, joyfulness, strength, calmness, revelation, illumination, and countless other attributes of God. The key is operating in that divine Life of God on a daily basis. In verse 1 we notice that the believer can walk free from condemnation when they walk after the Spirit. The walk of the Spirit is a disciplined lifestyle that focuses on holiness and fellowship with the Lord every day, not just on Sundays or Wednesdays. The walk of the Spirit is dedicated to following the direction of God whenever they are prompted to a specific thing by God. The great thing about walking in the Spirit is that it doesn’t wait to hear from God because it already knows it can stand fast on whatever the Lord has already said in His Holy Bible. Just like what we stated previously the Word of God is God speaking personally to you and you must respond to His Word in humbleness and obedience to reap the full benefits of your great salvation. In verse 2 the scripture states you are free from sin and death which could be quoted as being free from sickness and destruction. Yes, the scripture used the past tense of “has made me free” so there would be no room for debate. When we stay with what the Word of God teaches we learn without confusion of thought. Therefore settle this issue in your mind that God said exactly what He meant and God means exactly what He said. The Lord wrote His Word such that even the simple minded could understand it but those that are in darkness cannot understand Light. Since we are the children of Light we can clearly understand God’s Word with our reborn spirit. Our Gracious Heavenly Father also gave us the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit Himself will personally feed you the Word of God as you are able to bear it. The Spirit of Truth will always give you enough understanding to settle your mind and reveal to you what you need to do next. Therefore there is no reason to wonder about what God meant by His Word because it is very clear when you honestly study God’s Word that He wants (desires, expects, decreed, etc…) you to be whole and maintain healing and strength in your spirit, soul and physical body. The Lord has given you all the spiritual guidelines to walk victorious in this earth but we must follow them closely to receive the fullness of His Blessings. This is why verse 5 states we must remain spiritually minded if we wish to pursue the will of God in our life. Yes, being cancer minded will work death in the person whether saved or unsaved whereas being spiritually minded about healing and life will allow God’s Healing Presence (Power) to work mightily. We (ihlcc) know it will be challenging to not think about the cancer that is attacking your body but there is a way around it. God’s way is The Way, The Truth and The Life and His Name is Jesus by spending extra time in God’s Word and praying in tongues the believer will be able to channel their thoughts on God consistently. Keeping your mind on the good things of God with verbal thanksgiving for the healing He has already given unto you will aid you tremendously in standing your ground on healing. Notice we said on healing, we did not say trying to get healing because you were already healed by the stripes of Jesus just maintain that position of victory for the rest of your life. This is not a one-time battle this is rather a godly revelation of a truth (a principle) to live by, this is a mindset with accompanying confession as a part of your normal life. When you live by the principles of God your life will take on new meaning and character because you will reflect the Light and Love of God wherever you go and in wherever you do. This is why the Apostle Paul could boldly say in verse 11 that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead will bring life to (quicken) your mortal body. Yes, the Apostle Paul did not stutter or hesitate but he boldly proclaimed that the Spirit would bring healing (life) to your body. So if any sickness (like cancer) tries to invade your physical body you have God’s Word that healing will come through the quickening power of God’s Spirit. Therefore, you must believe this, speak this, think this and possess this understanding in the face of contrary circumstances to truly walk in the strength and liberty (freedom) God has called you to. This revelation of healing is taught throughout the Holy Bible but the problem is it is not always taught throughout the Churches of God. So we must be diligent in the study of God’s Word to teach ourselves and others that this message of healing and life is relevant (pertinent) truth for today. Knowing that God loves you is great but also knowing that God healed you because of His great love for you is liberating. This liberty of God is for your personal enjoyment and it is the sole reason Jesus died on the cross for you, so enjoy these precious promises of God to allow God’s Will to be performed in your life. We (ihlcc) hope and pray that you can receive these principles of God because just as much as we want you to healed how much more does our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ yearn for your complete deliverance from cancer to be realized in your physical body bringing His peace to your mind. The Lord died that you might have life so please take full advantage of His sacrifice by maintaining your healing spirit, soul and body in Christ Jesus. Amen!

The last thought we wish to leave you with may be the most important in receiving from God. This thought is “forgiveness”. Since we have been “forgiven” as Christians it is very important for us to “forgive” others. We have been washed by the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ solely because He “forgave” us. Yes, we asked for God’s forgiveness when we knew we had done wrong before Him and our fellow man but God forgave us even when we didn’t ask for it. The very moment the Blood of Jesus was shed on His Cross at Calvary the “forgiveness” of God flowed down to the ground for all men to have access to His cleansing New Life. This is the same principle we should live by when it comes to “forgiveness”. We should always “forgive” others who trespass or sin against us whether they asked us to “forgive” them or not. Trespass is basically when someone else comes into your business or affairs whereas committing a sin against you is when someone willfully did you wrong. Whatever the case may be we should “forgive” them because “unforgiveness” has some serious consequences. The Holy Bible tells us in Matthew 6:14-15 KJV that a consequence of “unforgiveness” involving other people will put you in a state of “unforgiveness” with your Heavenly Father.

14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

This basically means whenever we choose to be unforgiving toward another person our Heavenly Father has to consider our actions as ungodly and render a judgment of guilty. Whenever a believer gets a judgment of guilty the Blood of Jesus is not being applied to that specific situation. If that happens we are not covered by the Blood of Jesus, therefore our own sin(s) appear before God which means we are in “unforgiveness” before God. This is a terrible position to be in because the blessings of God’s grace flow freely all day and all night if you are covered by the Blood of Jesus. The blessing of God will keep you and sustain you when you do the whole counsel of God’s Word because God intended for you to walk in His Image and Likeness while you are upon this earth. Many people who suffer with bitterness and “unforgiveness” miss out on the true Joy of Jesus in the atmosphere around them. We cannot ask the Lord to heal us when we are unwilling to see others healed and made whole in our life. Yes, the Lord can answer all your prayers when you are a doer of His Word, but the two go together they (the Word and Prayer) are not supposed to be used independently of each other. Specifically, we need the Word of God to know what to pray about and we also need the prayers of saints, friends, church members, family members to help us see the great truths of the God’s Word. The two work together to complement each other because the Word of God tells us about God and man, whereas prayer is our vehicle for conversation between God and man. The Spirit of God is a forgiving spirit that humbles itself in love to not hold onto any grudges or offenses. It is said, that all those who practice “unforgiveness” are not clearly understanding the negative impact it has on their own life.” So we (ihlcc) do strongly encourage everyone to practice “forgiveness” whenever necessary because practicing “forgiveness” is more accurately representing your Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ. If you are in need of God’s help (which all men are) you must cleanse yourself from all “unforgiveness” because “unforgiveness” limits the Lord’s ability to help you. All unforgiveness is outside of love and operating in love stimulates the faith of God working in your life. Remember Galatians 5:6 Good News Bible

For when we are in union with Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor the lack of it makes any difference at all; what matters is faith that works through love.

It is operating in the Love of God that will keep the life (peace, healing, wholeness, joy, strength, etc….) effective in your situation. This Love of God does not co-exist with “unforgiveness” it simply will fly away much like the Holy Spirit does when He is grieved. Someone (in ihlcc) once said, “Unforgiveness is the damn that stops the water of the Spirit of Life from moving into or upon your life”. We have known of people who chose to hold unto “unforgiveness” all the way unto a premature death when others repented and chose forgiving others who offended them unto a longer life and Eternal Life. The Bible said in Deuteronomy 30:19 KJV that life and death are set before you but you should choose life.

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

You would think this should be a no-brainer but God still had to tell the people (us included) exactly what to choose. This is the reason we are asking all saints and sinners to choose to forgive others because it will bring God’s Life into your problems which will always set your life in a positive direction. The point is “forgiveness” is godly and “unforgiveness” is ungodly but you must decide which side of the situation you will take. If you want life you must side with Life by being “forgiving”, but if you decide to support death then choosing “unforgiveness” will usher in the spirit of death into your personal situation. We would always hope that everyone would side with our Holy Loving Righteous God but that is not always the case. Yes, many times people fight against God through “unforgiveness” with others and even God Himself. We (ihlcc) have talked with people who are bitter with God about the death of a loved one, as if God killed them Himself. However, those who think God kills people are severely deceived because the Lord Jesus came to give us (all mankind) more life and less death according to John 10:10 KJV.

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

The Lord has no delight in the death of any person His hope is that all men would come to know Jesus Christ as their personal savior before they physically die upon this earth. On that note, let us sum up the whole matter of “forgiveness” which is to do it because it is right and it may lead to saving a life. The life that is saved because of the application of “forgiveness” may very well be your own. Amen! Cancer cannot conquer a loving, faith filled believer who knows the authority of the Blood of Jesus so rest assured that all harmful storms in life will pass away when commanded to cease (desist or dissipate) in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Simply put those who “forgive” are forgiven and those who choose not to forgive are “unforgiven”. This principle of “forgiving” all men includes “forgiving” yourself for things (sins or trespasses) you have committed in the past or present. If we only knew just how much the Lord Jesus loves us we would be quick to love and “forgive” others and ourselves in the same manner He loved and “forgave” us. That manner is unconditional love and “forgiveness” that is based upon His compassion for all mankind not whether we asked for “forgiveness” or not. The Heart of God is to “forgive” all mankind and each person individually, however we must also make that our purpose in life as Christian soldiers upon the earth. The victory we have in Christ Jesus is so great and so fulfilling that it would be a shame to let “unforgiveness” stand between us, our God, our fellowman and our victory over all sickness and disease in the Name of Jesus. Amen

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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