Today as I (ihlcc) was pondering the double portion given to Elisha from Elijah (2 Kings 2:6-14) I saw something different which was, “the measure of God's Spirit upon/within a person will affect the rate of their healing”. I remember a story of a man of God who received a miracle, in his story he broke an ankle playing baseball. Immediately he thought God can heal this ankle just as easily as He could heal any disease. So he prayed to God with another person at the game and tried to get up gingerly but the ankle was very tender and sore, he could not walk on it. He thought, “Lord, why am I not healed immediately?” The Lord revealed to him that he was trying to stand-up gingerly which meant he was not getting up as if the ankle was whole (completely healed). So because the Man of God was not fully persuaded that he was healed the very instant he prayed his actions based on his measure of unbelief hindered the miracle. Thus, he made the proper adjustment repositioned himself to spring up immediately without regard for the ankle (no testing the waters first, so to speak). This change in thinking coupled with the corresponding action caused the miracle to manifest at that moment. In the simple definition of the word “miracle” it means a supernatural acceleration of the power of God, that defies the natural progression of events beyond (surpassing) human experience and reasonings. Thus, an instantaneous result can only happen in the supernatural realm of miracles. What I saw differently was that miracles are not totally dependent upon God but rather they are more dependent upon the spiritual state of the receiver of God's Word. We (ihlcc) will explain, when a person is spiritually 100% full of God's Presence things happen in the supernatural realm that are beyond natural reason. What we are teaching is that in Heaven the Presence of God is so thick that no evil, sickness, sorrow or disease is present nor can be. Not only is it not there but the saints are thousands of miles away from it. Therefore it is not a matter of trying to resist sickness because sickness has no place in the fullness of God's Presence. For where the Spirit of Life abides in its fullness no death or derivative of death (sickness, weakness, disease, etc...) can abide. If you believe in the doctrine of Heaven being our home free from sickness and disease you must believe that there is a reason. Some may reason this is so because the physical body is no longer in Heaven. Good point but we could say what about the spiritual diseases of depression and grief, and what about the mental disease of someone who has loss their mind. Also, what about those who are possessed of the devil this is not a physical bondage only but rather primarily a controlling of one’s spirit. Surely there are such things as physical sicknesses and spiritual sicknesses but Jesus bore the stripes for both. The Lord bore all sickness and disease for all mankind no matter what the cause/root (original state). Another could say, "It is because in Heaven there will be no more germs, toxins and abnormal physical and/or mental conditions that will cause sickness. We (ihlcc) would ask, "Why is that?" and we will submit the thought with eternal life fully manifested in our spiritual resurrected body sickness cannot dominate (influence or control) us. The Lord said in Matthew 6:10 as it is in Heaven pray it be that way on the earth. Therefore, we can experience the Presence of God on earth just like we will experience Him in Heaven. Remember, Our Lord is not withholding His Presence in any measure the problem is that usually man is not totally full of God's Spirit for several reasons. The first (1) being not knowing God's Word on an intimate level, so how can they believe the things (words, doctrines, revelations, ideals, thoughts, etc...) they know not? And how shall they know without proper teaching? Another reason (2) is due to what requires our time (job, family, housework, etc...) we don't spend enough time to become more acquainted with God's Word and His Ways. Also another problem (3) is some people simply choose unbelief over walking by faith. This is due to previous doctrine combined with their experiences in life that lead them to believe in their own doctrine over the Gospel of Christ Jesus. There are many false religions and false doctrines in the Christian religion that help to attribute to this erroneous mindset. In the Gospel of Mark chapter 4 the Lord Himself points out the three primary scriptural reasons people don’t receive God’s Fullness. The first being (1) allowing thoughts contrary to God’s Word to steal God’s Pure Fruitful Word away from the heart. The Word of God must be believed (pondered, meditated, muttered, etc…) to grow deep roots inside your heart, if the seed is stolen it will never bear (grow) roots inside of you. Another problem (2) is speaking God’s Word with people who are not open to God’s Ways. If someone doesn’t want to understand God they won’t. The Lord is very gracious so He does not force His Will (His Word, His Way) upon anyone. The third (3) problem mankind encounters with not receiving the fullness of God’s Power (His Presence, His Word, His Spirit) is a divided heart. When a gardener allows weeds and grass to grow together equally the weeds always win. A good gardener will pull out the weeds so that the grass can grow in its place. This makes for a beautiful lawn and also keeps the weeds from finding an empty spot to grow among the grass. The fourth (4) type of ground we are discussing in this article and that fourth type is where a lot of Christians live. It is not that they don’t ever receive from God it is rather a problem of not receiving the fullness of God in physical healing or mental wholeness. You see, my faith friend according to Mark 4:8 and 20 each believer has the capability (potential) to receive 100% of God’s Presence. Although this is not commonly realized in the Body of Christ it is no less a reality to those who do experience this blessed (blissful delight) state of spirituality in Christ Jesus. Many believers are less than full of God because the reasons just given but they are living in some (limited) level of success in God, thus their percentage monitor for victory is still at some favorable number less than one-hundred percent (100%). We (ihlcc) would never condemn anyone for being less-than 100% because in all honesty we to are less-than one-hundred percent at certain times in our life. However, we (ihlcc) have experienced some times when we were completely full of God’s Great Spirit to measurable levels of overflow. This high level of blessedness allows us to be a blessing to others and God Himself. For Our Gracious Lord Jesus Christ is very liberal in His distribution of God’s Spirit, therefore He is blessed when we a full of His Presence just as much as we are blessed by the fullness of His Presence. Amen! The simplicity of God’s Word teaches us healing and the validity of God's Ministers in the Holy Bible warrants God’s faithfulness to fulfill His Promise to Heal all our sickness and diseases. And yeah, better yet The Lord has already healed us all. We (ihlcc) are seeing that healing is already done by God but we must be fully persuaded in thought and deed to receive the full manifestation of God's Promise, which is His Presence. We (ihlcc) will explain it this way to those who can receive it. Focus more on the Presence of God than the Promise from God because the Presence has the Promise of God’s Word inherently within it (Him). The Lord has given you access to His Awesome Miracle Working Power twenty-four hours a day and all seven days of the week, in other words all-the-time. However we typically divide our time up between natural activities and spiritual activities. When we expose our spirit and mind to natural things we tend to be natural minded at that time of exposure. Likewise when we expose our heart and mind to the more holy things concerning the spiritual things (truths, doctrines, ways, etc...) of God we elevate our mind to higher levels and at the very same time we enrich our spirit to a stronger level making it more potent. This process over time (years, months, days) affects everything we do because it directly affects the way we think. Thus, some people have a stronger spirit because they are strongly bend toward the more spiritual things of God while others are more inclined to follow natural tendencies. We have observed that those who are more filled with a deeper understanding of God's doctrine concerning healing and they are full of faith, joy, peace, love, and simple pure belief of the Words of God prosper wonderfully in receiving from God. Their healing is made manifest and they are more likely to receive a miracle if they are in a meeting or they through worship and praise to God enter a level of spiritual fullness in God. The miracles of God are not automatic but rather happen instantaneously when the conditions are right. We (ihlcc) used to think that God had to perform a miracle but that is not completely correct it is more a matter of us creating a miracle with God's substance that was given to us. The Lord does have some times where He performs a miracle without man's participation (like the woman son who was raised up from the dead in Luke 7:11-16) but more often than not The Lord's Power is seen while working for people who operated in robust faith. Whether it is the faith of the receiver and the faith of the preacher or in some cases just the faith of the receiver or solely the faith of preacher we don't always know but one thing we do know that miracles are manifested when the conditions are right. We present the fact that your healing is tied to the spiritual state of your spirit and mind in Christ Jesus. Can God perform a miracle absolutely but as we stated earlier don't focus on God doing something miraculous specifically for you when you could be focusing on the fact that God has already done His miraculous work within you.

You are a continuous walking miracle in full manifestation in Jesus Name. Amen!

Your manifestation of healing is within you, yes, within your authority, so concentrate on being full of God all-the-time and the manifestation of your healing will be seen because the work was already done. Yes, an instantaneous manifestation may come but if you were healed within that very same hour it is all good too. We now will introduce the thought of accelerated healing which moves beyond just the natural healing of body and into the realm of the supernatural because that will get you thinking healing is not a process but rather a spiritual phenomenon for those who believe. We (ihlcc) submit the question to you, dear Saint of God, “Why was Jesus able to see and perform so many miracles?” One answer is He knew (not wondered about) He had the Presence of God upon and within Himself so He spoke as one with authority.-Refer to Mark 1:21-27 Jesus knew that the Holy Spirit (God’s Anointing) empowered Him for service and His ministry was to release this exact Power of God into the everyday lives of hurting people to undo the works of the devil (sickness, disease, discomfort, etc…).-Refer to Luke 4:18 Remember the apostles shared this same revelation in Acts 3:6 with the words, “Such as I have give I thee: In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk”. Now, whether the Name of Jesus ushered in the healing Presence of God or the spoken command to rise up and walk pushed the Power of God into the lame man’s body I know not but I do know this the man was healed. We see two different examples in the Old Testament where the Presence of God pushed out sickness, disease and even death without the faith of the individual receiving the miracles being released (spoken outloud asking for healing or claiming they were healed by the power of God). In another example in the New Testament we will see the presence of God working (healing, curing, delivering) the people of God as expected by the people of God. We will start with our first example in the Old Testament found in 2 Kings 13:20,21. Where the bones of Elisha were exposed in a sepulcher (tomb) and some men cast the body of a dead man upon the bones of Elisha and the dead man revived and stood up on his feet, instantly. That, my faith friend, is a spiritual miracle. In our second example also found in the Old Testament we read the following from Psalms 105:37-39 Good News Bible Translation (GNB)

37 Then he (The Lord) led the Israelites out; they carried silver and gold, and all of them were healthy and strong.
38 The Egyptians were afraid of them and were glad when they left.
39 God put a cloud over his people and a fire at night to give them light.

In verse 37 in other bible translations the word “feeble” is used which typically means weak as from age or sickness or disease. Since in either circumstance the elders of Israel were healed and all the other people were healed we can clearly see the Presence of God kept the whole nation of Israel in healing when they came out of Egypt. That, my faith friend, is a spiritual miracle. In the Old Testament during the exodus of the Children of Israel the Cloud and the Fire represented the Presence of God. God’s Presence is large enough to propel sick and disease away from a whole nation and God’s Presence is so strong that it can keep sickness and disease away from a whole nation for an extended length of time. The thing we need to realize as Christians is that we have something to do with that time frame it is not totally up to God. The Gracious Lord Jesus and our Heavenly Father expects us to do our part of believing He is always with us. Thus, this mind-set will encourage us to think, speak and act as if His (God’s) healing Presence is also manifested in our life. The third example is found in the New Testament book of Acts chapter 5 verses 14-16 to dispel any rumors of healing being done away with in the New Testament. I think we can all agree that the book of Acts was written to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and it is written for a picture of the New Testament Body of Christ. We notice in those verses that the shadow of Peter passing by people solely represents the Presence of God. In this example people used their faith to come into the Presence of Peter hearing that God’s Power is “moving” among the Children of Israel. When we (ihlcc) use the word “moving” we are really stating that God is healing, delivering, curing, releasing any saint that is in bondage to Satan and/or any one of his evil ailments (physically and spiritually). The saints that came looking (expecting) to receive a healing/deliverance from God received exactly what they came for. These precious people of God hear that God’s Power could be tapped under the ministry of Peter and they had enough faith to believe that God was bigger (larger, more powerful) than their abnormal condition. In their mind they thought if I go to where God is moving I will become part of that movement. Thus, the mindset set that God is liberal in His distribution of healing was the prevalent thought in their mind. The moment those precious saints started thinking, “I can be healed” was when the actions to go to Peter started entering their mind. The key wasn’t Peter or his ministry but rather their participation in the Presence of God. Just like water it is always wet so when I come in contact with it I will be wet too. Water doesn’t not become dry when a dry item touches it but it is strong enough and flexible enough to take away from itself to leave the dry item with some refreshing wetness. Likewise, God’s Presence is so strong and so flexible that it (He) will always leave a residue of goodness (healing, peace, comfort, etc…) upon anyone who chooses to come into contact with it (Him), the more the contact the greater the penetration. The greater the penetration (depth) the quicker the manifestation of healing which is the miracle. We need to develop this attitude of always having the Presence of God because we might not always know who is depending upon us to receive from God. God’s creation of man (including women and children) is totally amazing. The Lord made (created) man to receive from Him because God alone is the Source of all Life. Just like in the natural a thirsty person is weak for lack of water every thirsty soul needs God’s Presence. In the natural your body is made (created) to disperse the natural water into all parts of the body that need it as soon as you do your part of getting to the water and drinking it. Spiritually speaking when the spirit and soul of a man is in direr straits due to sickness and disease his spiritual will absorb healing immediately when given an opportunity (a source, a power link, a transmitter). The problem with many people is that sometimes unbelief, doubt and fear keeps man from receiving from God.

Hebrews 11:6 KJV
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Many people depend upon their own understanding and reasoning as their answer to sickness and disease. However we (ihlcc) know better than this, to depend upon yourself, your doctor, your pastor or anyone else is to be non-dependent upon God. The problem is not answered in avoiding doctors and/or nurses or anyone else for that matter but the answer is given in the Holy Bible with the truth, “by Jesus Stripes you were healed”.-1 Peter 2:24 Naturally sickness and disease tends to encourage people to look for natural remedies found in modern medicine and/or surgery. Thank God when that works, however sometimes that natural solution does not cure the problem. According to God’s Word His spiritual solution of Jesus bearing all our sicknesses and disease was already consummated at Calvary. Therefore, His (God’s) work was already finished spiritually but we must think this way, speak this way and act this way to realize its (healings, miracles) full potential. Once you thoroughly understand this truth of God’s Word you will be embolden naturally and spiritually to expect healing, life and miracles when you pray for others and also when you pray (proclaim) for yourself. If the person you are praying for is open to God’s spiritually method of healing your spoken words of healing and life will penetrate their heart to bring healing and a cure to their natural body. This means that you can impart God’s Healing Power to yourself or anyone you choose and that, my faith friend, is the working of a miracle. You can perform miracles without the complete cooperation of the person if they stay neutral simply because the overwhelming Presence of God upon you. However, you will see more manifestations of miracles when the receiver works with you, in the since that they are open to the miracles of God in their body. In the Word of God we see the example of the woman with the issue of blood in Matthew 9:19-22 that pulled her miracle out of Jesus Christ’s Presence without the faith of Jesus. Jesus specifically told her in verse 22 “Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole.” The rest of that verse states, “And the woman was made whole from that hour”. Our (ihlcc) point is the Presence gave access to the healing power of God and when you couple God’s Presence with this revelation that you are made to receive God’s Word of healing in its fullness you too will draw in miracles continuously. Praise God forever because miracles are the children’s (believers, saints, Christian’s) bread to be eaten all day long twenty four hours in a day. Yes, as we stated earlier, “you are a walking miracle in Christ Jesus”.

You are The Miracle inside of Christ Jesus and
you are created to perform miracles upon others.

Miracles are nothing more than manifestations of God’s Presence which means they are created for you and you are a created miracle from God and structured (made, built, designed) to receive God’s Miracles specifically (customized) designed for you. Please understand that it is not you that does the work because the work has already been done in Christ Jesus. The Presence of God is the Miracle of God and all you are doing is releasing this blessing of God into someone else or receiving this portion of God’s Goodness of healing into your heart to bring Glory unto God in your physical body and/or mind. The Lord owns everything your whole spirit, soul and body so why not experience His Goodness in every part of your being. Yes, allow this revelation to sink deep down into your ears (your heart) and let it spring out in your mouth (through your mind) to release the provision you need. We as Children of God ought to think like God, look like God, speak like God and definitely be like God, all miracles included. The Lord Jesus Christ started with the miraculous conception and He concluded His earthly ministry with the miraculous resurrection, so why would it be hard to believe that we too possess His same miraculous power to display for mankind on this earth. Remember, in Heaven miracles may cease because there are no imperfections to cleanse. True radiant power will always dispatch energy, just like light’s projection into darkness will always produce sight for the eyes. Our spiritual results are founded in Christ Jesus who has given us His Mighty Power but it is solely up to us to believe this and operate in this Light (revelation, doctrine, power, freedom). This decision to believe in miracles is ours and the correct decision will directly impact our ability to receive which in return will directly affect our ability to experience them (the godly miracles) in our lives. Amen! The true power of God has weight and substance to drive-out sickness and disease. The greater the force driving out the symptoms of darkness (sickness, disease, discomfort, etc…) the quicker the manifestation of healing, if this happens instantaneously the miracle is consummated. The rate of healing is not the key but rather the key is believing you received the moment you prayed (or were prayed for) so that God’s Power is fully available unto you and through you. Amen! The miracle in your life should be the normal frame of mind because God’s Power works instantly in the spiritual realm so please keep your faith and confession right there (in the spiritual realm as opposed to the natural realm). Yes, believe the healing was instantaneous so that you are more spiritually minded than carnally inclined. You were healed spiritually so never wait for your healing but rather claim you were instantaneously healed in Christ Jesus and never let it go. If you believe you will be healed some day in future you are not operating in the “now work of faith” and this could be detrimental to your reception of God’s Presence because if you think you don’t need God this very second, “what draws Him to you that very moment?” The correct answer is nothing, your need does not draw Him (His Promise, His Presence) only your words of truth coupled with your heart of belief in His Word (His Promise, His Presence). Typically, we (ihlcc) believe God rises up from within your own heart more than He flies down from Heaven above.-Refer to Romans 10:5-13 Yes, a firm steadfast belief in God’s Word always draws His Presence and the very essence of God’s Presence emanates His Healing Power. This Miraculous Power of God is God’s ripe fruit positioned in you for the taking, so take it by faith to enjoy the benefits thereof.

So in closing my dear believer know with all confidence that you were healed and never, never, (we say never) believe that you will be healed in due season but rather believe in line with God's Word that you were healed immediately because the work was finished over two-thousand (2000) years ago. Yes, believe you received your miracle the very moment (second, instant) you prayed and surely your miracle will manifest spiritually and if that fullness of spiritual power is overflowing in your heart your body will respond likewise. We surmise that you believing you received your healing as soon as you pray is a doctrine of truth the only thing that doesn't work is when some people change that attitude for a lack of patience, but God has called us to greater faith in His Word. Yes, it is the fullness of God (our faith in God is a part of that fullness) that believes in the miraculous power of God working mightily in our everyday lives. So in the mighty name of Jesus believe in miracles and certainly believe for miracles in your life and in the lives of those you prayer for and stand with in Jesus Name. Remember sometimes we have not simply because we ask (believe) not. So Believe, so ask in the Mighty Name of Jesus, for who can resist that name. Truly since most children of God are spiritually and mentally mingled with God's Word and our own beliefs healing starts working in our body according to the ratio of God's Presence to (or verses) our lack of God's Presence. This means that God's healing is working to the measure that we control the influence of His Presence in our life. This is not just God deciding when to bless or when not to but rather we decide how much of God’s Presence we are willing to receive at various times in our life. The more that ratio favors God's Presence the quicker the manifestation but likewise the lesser we have God's Presence (in real power with understanding) the slower the healing of God in our spirit, soul and body. If the ratio is too negative toward the non-Presence of God we will not receive the spiritual healing we seek from God, primarily due to our own unbelief. Thank God for the natural remedies of healing for the physical body which address multiple symptoms in the average (carnal minded) person. We (ihlcc) sympathize with these people but we cannot help them until they decide to help themselves by obeying God’s Word. The rate is spiritual so it can only be measured by the response time of the full manifestation. So when you want to accelerate the manifestation of healing focus on filling and refilling your heart and mind with God's Word to anoint your spirit, soul and body with God's Presence. Yes, in those situations you want God's Presence both inwardly and outwardly to accelerate the manifestation, work the miracle so to speak. When this transition from illness to wellness is immediate the miracle is manifested when it takes some time we (ihlcc) simply concentrate on keeping that ratio of God's Presence in the most favorable position so no doubt and/or unbelief can creep in. Thou child of God be whole, and think whole thoughts and you shall experience the miraculous power of God simply because “You were healed in Jesus Name”. You were healed a long time ago, so you must be healed right now, yeah this very second, so receive this truth to receive you miracle right now in Jesus Name. Amen! Praise the Lord Jesus and our Heavenly Father God

We (ihlcc-a.k.a. Eric and Angela Foster) agree with you right now that your specific miracle of healing is manifested the very instant (second, moment) you prayed in Jesus Name. We believe you were physically and mentally healed by Jesus stripes and you received your complete miracle right now in the Name of Jesus. You have our word on it in this document and with God as our witness so let it be written, so let it be done in Jesus Name. Amen!

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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