We all are familiar with the not so popular world of “clutter”. Thus, we all have to take inventory on managing “clutter” that accumulates (develops) over time. We all have had to face (think about) this issue called “clutter” sometime or another in our lifetime, the problem is some people deal with it better than others. No matter what walk of life you find yourself in, one thing is universal the managing or lack of management of “clutter” must be addressed. Clutter whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual does not lead to peace, but rather blocks our success with God and man. Selah

Let’s define clutter as: A collection of things lying about in an untidy mass or something overstocked and/or unorganized. Spiritually speaking one could refer to worry as an over abundance of random thoughts with various conclusions creating “clutter”. However, the believer has a God given remedy in the Word of God according to Hebrews 12:1 where we are instructed, “to lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily entangles (surrounds, fall upon, press upon to perplex, enclose, entrap, besets) us”. Clutter is a weight that drags us down to open us up for sin as a result. That is why we are to lay all “clutter” aside because it is a heavy weight that is costing us in a negative way (draining our time, energy and resources). We know some people’s mind went to that closet, cabinet or drawer that needs organizing and cleaning out, for others it could be your car, or a room in your house. The point is “clutter” is costing you something simply because it is outside of God’s design. We really don’t know just how much “clutter” effects peace but we do know it works against organization of thought. How many times have we seen “clutter” in a room and get instantly convicted that we need to clean the room immediately. We can not ignore that conviction and keep a clear conscious before God. Violating your conscious creates dullness toward God’s voice because your conscience generally is the voice of your born-again spirit so to ignore this prompting to remove the “clutter” will weaken the will of your spirit simply because you are ignoring it’s (your spirit’s) voice. Clutter takes on various forms, what is taking place on the outside is a reflection of what is taking place on the inside. Amen! Clutter effects every realm of our being spiritually, soulishly, emotionally, physically, and financially. The reality of “clutter” is that it affects your will and your ways and also impacts the will and ways of those you deal with on a regular basis.

Some examples of "mental clutter” are listed below:

  1. Unresolved Issues - the longer they go unresolved it continues to add another block to following God’s Prefect Will for our life. This also works against having the right information to properly layer our foundation of establishing our future by the things (including decisions) we do today. When we leave an issue unresolved we are telling our self and others we don’t know to do or we don’t care about the situation. The first problem is if we don’t know we should not be lazy but pray to the God who knows everything to get our answer. The right answer will help you and others who are suffering from the same problem. The second issue of not caring sends the wrong message to everyone involved because God cares for you and He certainly cares about things going on in your life. A non-caring attitude shows a non-loving heart either way they are both false witnesses of God.

  2. Indecision - is a form of clutter because the more decisions preciseness in your thoughts the freer your mind and heart become. Remember James 1:8 states, “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways”. Your lack of decision making is forming unnecessary “clutter” in your soul by dividing your heart. James 1:6 and 7 inform us that the wavering (double minded) man will not receive any thing from the Lord. This basically means you will not receive the blessing of God upon your actions and words but rather the curse of unanswered prayers which leads to unhappiness and frustration.

  3. Confusion - When confusion is present it could mean your heart and mind are jumbled with the affairs of this world’s in-line with Mark 4:19. This juggling of thoughts originated from not managing the thoughts that should not be present in our mind causing mental “clutter”. If we have allowed erroneous thoughts to hang around us those negative forces will frustrate the Peace of God. The result is the Peace of God (the Presence of God) will not permeate our being to help us see and know the wisdom of God necessary for the situation at hand. It could also mean you are hearing two different messages and you don’t want to choose a side because both have some advantages. The disadvantage is no choice means no action and no peace to keep a clear conscious before God and man. According to 1 Corinthians 14:33 God has nothing to do with confusion, but rather He is the God of perfect peace, so made the decision of Peace to have God’s Peace in your heart.

  4. Non Communication – What we (ihlcc) mean by non-communication is when you know someone wants to talk to you about a specific situation and/or issue but you refuse to discuss it. This lack of verbal communication hinders the flow of God because you are purposely keeping someone else in the dark. Although you may think you are not communicating you are wrong, you have communicated to the other person that you prefer your will and ways over their will and knowledge. This is not God’s plan of love because we are to prefer others over ourselves. We are always communicating something even if it’s nonverbal because you are still sending a message of “I don’t want to be bothered with you”. Whether knowingly or unknowingly the wrong message is being sent to the other person.

Some examples of "emotional clutter” are listed below:

  1. Too sensitive – People who hang-on to every word said or every negative action displayed by another person are acting as carnal Christians. This leads to frustration and a “clutter” of opinions from man. Although some of this may happen do not esteem the opinions of man as the thoughts of God. This is your area of growth and development because the Lord told us all to think on Him because He is our peace.- Philippians 4:4-9 and Ephesians 2:13,14

  2. Feeling Controlled – Some people follow their feelings each day, which causes “clutter” of heart. If something is controlling you instead of you controlling it, it is defined as “clutter”. When your feelings dictate your mood on a consistent basis you will confuse your body. This clutter of emotion will always send mixed signs to other people causing them to be confused on how to deal with you, thus they will prefer to avoid you rather than try to figure you out.

  3. Depression – This state of being whether in a large degree or small is ungodly. Yes, some people believe they have the right to be depressed due to certain circumstances they are dealing with but in the Kingdom of God there is no such reason. Depression is a spirit that stems from “clutter” of selfishness. If life is all about you and your circumstances where does Christ fit in? Moreover, how could one say they love God and their fellow man but refuse to demonstrate that love by blessing others? This clutter of an over indulgence of self enhances sadness (depression) by placing negative circumstance in one’s life on a higher level than God Himself. This must be judged by all Christians as ungodly (unacceptable) and cast out (firmly resisted) in the Name of Jesus to release the true heart of joy and peace for the individual and our fellowman.

Some examples of "physical clutter” are listed below:

  1. Disorganized Things - everything should have a home we (ihlcc) like to say. Our Lord is The Master of organization. When God created the Heavens and the Earth He had a master plan and everything had its rightful place and it was good according to Genesis 1:10 and 1:12 and 1:18 and 1:21 and 1:25. Then when the Lord looked at all His creation working together as His organized (ordained) it was very good according to Genesis 1:31. You could have a house that is clean but if you don’t know where things are it is still a problem of “clutter”. This type of “clutter” is purely disorganization that can be easily remedied by keeping a list of where things are. Of course you must be able to get organized first to even know where your things are at and if you need help in organization please seek it out because we all need one another.

  2. Unclean Environment – It used to be said, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. Although we (ihlcc) can not find this statement in the Holy Bible the thought is good. We know this because God had His ministers to be dressed in white, which means if they where dirty it would definitely stand-out; the Lord wanted them to be clean. Also the people of God were told to dispose of unclean things outside of the camp. The Lord did not even like the Temple of God to be broken down or neglected. Remember the Lord Jesus Himself first cleansed the temple before He did (performed) His ministry in the Temple of God. Yes, certain unholy things need to moved out first before the holy pure good things of God can be moved into the House of God. This is a fundamental principle of God and man that when you invite a guest to your home you clean-up your house to honor the guest. Since the Lord Jesus and Heavenly Father are continuous guest in our homes and offices shouldn’t both our homes and offices stay clean unto the Lord. We believe Yes, in Jesus Name, although there is such a thing as spiritual uncleanness there is also a physical uncleanness too. So let us be clean spiritually and physically in the Kingdom of God as dear children of God who accurately represent our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ.

  3. Too Many Things – This is when you refuse to remove unnecessary things from your living space. Many people become self absorbed with their passion (preference) or lack of discipline thereof. What we mean is some hoarders will keep an item of their hobby or something their heart desires as major items in their house or garage without realizing the house is made for others beyond them alone. The other problem is many know they should remove unnecessary items but lack the fortitude of heart to carry out a plan of discarding unused items. They know in their heart exactly what to do but lack the will (drive) to do it. This issue of “clutter” can create depression in the individual and lead to frustration on the behalf of other family members. Please, realize dear saint of God even if people don’t live with you they still may want to visit your residence in peace and openness. God created open space for everything to have its own room when you fill up a room with too many things you also suck out the oxygen of that room making it hard for others to breathe. Although you may have gotten used to it that does not mean others will be so forgiving toward this sin because even if they tolerate it for a day does that give you the right to continue in it for years. We (ihlcc) think not, you should purpose to remove the clutter for God’s sake as a witness unto Him and be open (humble enough) to ask for help when we see you need it. If you will give people authority to do it for you they will but the decision is yours not theirs. Yes, the gracious Lord loves us all but His Love alone does not relieve us of our responsibilities while here on the earth, nor in Heaven. Amen!

  4. Surfeiting – This is when you place too much food in your body which allows “clutter” in the temple of God. Yes, you are bought with a price and you are not your own but rather God’s. We understand that restricting your diet can be a challenge but greater is He that is in you then he that is in the world. Yes, you can do all things through Christ which (who) strengthens you. You can be disciplined in your selection of foods and you can be disciplined in your portions of food eaten. We have the greater one inside of us to give us our daily portion. So don’t think that you have the freedom to eat whatsoever whensoever. Be a discipline of Christ by being a discipline like Jesus by control your tongue in word and in deed (eating). Amen!

These are just a few examples of “clutter”. We are stewards over our thoughts, our possessions and the living temple of God (our body) we are to continually have regular check-ups of our stewardship and throw off those weights (layers of clutter) which repeatedly want to attach themselves to us. Clutter is serious business, therefore we are to regularly clean the clutter out of our lives and fill ourselves with the life giving Word of God commonly referred to as “Zoe” in the Greek. Dear believer please allow His Holy Spirit to teach and guide you in every area of your life. Remember Romans 1:8 admonishes us to be led by the Spirit of God. The Lord Jesus and His Holy Spirit are within our heart and mind to help us to remove the layers of “clutter” that have built up over time. The Lord’s goal and ours (ihlcc) is to dissipate and/or removed all “clutter” from our life. It’s our job to seek for the Lord’s guidance in keeping ourselves uncluttered as we are changed into His Glory and Image through the Power God being released in our life on a regular basis by constantly doing removal inventory on the unnecessary (idle) and harmful things in our life. Fill yourself with His Word and walk in the newness of life in agreement with Romans 6:4 as the Lord designed. We are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling according to Philippians 2:12 and 13 because it is God which works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure and yes, God’s good please is for you to be “clutter free”. Amen!

In His Love, Eric and Angela Foster

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