The most effective way (The Way) to remove a thing (naturally or mentally) is to remove its roots (its spiritual support). We see this in the physical realm by examining the seed of a plant. First the seed is planted into the ground where it will stay static (unmoved, not alive) until moisture is found in the spoil. Once the water moistens the ground it (the ground) will open up to the seed so the seed can produce it’s roots. These roots will be produced first, then the roots will extract the nutrients from the ground (your heart, your spirit) that it needs to grow. The roots will not extract all the nutrients from the ground, or else nothing else could grow. It will only extract (take) the amount of nutrients needed for it to sustain life at that moment right now (now faith is) and then it will take enough for itself to grow (produce, increase for the future). The increase and growth of the roots are directly proportional to the increase and growth of the plant. The smaller the roots the less water and nutrients are needed because the plant is small. Likewise the larger the plant the more water and nutrients are needed and the bigger and deeper its roots are. The natural order of the plant is to first be deposited into a area of darkness (the earth, the ground), then water (The Word of God) is placed into the ground (the spirit of man) so that the seed will have its needs met. Once the seed has its needs met then the roots will come, once the roots have their need met after that growth of the plant (the physical evidence) will occur. Once the tree is strong and has its needs met then the tree will carry the fruit. Finally once the fruit is matured it will bless others. The purpose is fulfilled and the cycle continues. Over watering can kill the seed because the seed needs the proper mixture of the nutrients in the earth along with water, not water only (not the God’s Word only) but rather ground (The Holy Spirit) with the water (The Word). If to much emphasis is placed on the Word of God without any ground work being done flooding can occur. We saw that with the Jewish religious leaders in the days of Jesus on the earth. If out of balance over dampness can occur which is good only for a certain season (starting growth, rebuilding, new season, spring, new direction, some guidance from God or after a long time without deep moisture when restoration is needed). This will help boost growth in the initial stages. However, the proper balance or proportion of water and earth will be properly moistened which will produce a steady continuous growth of the roots which will influence the seen part of the plant which produces fruit. Notice the fruit is developed in the later stages of the plant’s development. Once the fruit is fully developed (mature, or of a ripe age) then the new seed will be in the fruit. Thus the cycle of God’s excellence continues. His wisdom abides forever. We see this type of wisdom displayed by Jesus, God’s Anointed, in Mark 11:12-24

And on the next day, when they were come from Bethany, he (Jesus, the man) was hungry. And seeing a fig tree afar off, having leaves, he came, if perhaps he might find anything on it; and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet (the plant had not completed its full cycle yet, it was going toward the time of fruition but had not yet arrived, for the time of fruit was not yet). And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter forever. And His disciples heard it (He said it out loud). And on the next morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots (outward evidence of what the Word of God spoken in faith produced). And Peter, calling to (or on) remembrance (Our pure and good Remembrance is the Holy Spirit – John 14:26), saith unto Him, Master, look (notice the natural manifestation of your spiritually powerful words), the fig tree which thou cursed is withered away. And Jesus (The Voice of Wisdom), answering, saith unto them, Have faith in God (Believe in what God has told you concerning the power of spoken words). For truly I say unto you, Whosoever shall say (out loud as Jesus demonstrated) unto this mountain (object in your good and right path), and be thou removed (it has to be removed so you can go forward on your right path), and be thou cast into the sea (where it will not take up space on the earth, no weight in your spirit); and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass, he shall have whatever he saith. (Notice the emphasis thus far is on speaking certain words). Therefore, I say unto you, Whatever things ye desire (these certain words that you desire), when ye pray, believe that ye receive your desire, and ye shall have your desire.

Let us look closely at the Lord’s example of working the power of faith by using the word spoken unto a thing. First the tree was calling attention to itself, this is why Jesus saw it afar off. Secondly the tree had to be a good size for Jesus to even see it. The problem was not that the tree didn’t produce fruit as we commonly heard because the Narrator, The Holy Spirit states the time of figs was not yet. What brought a curse upon this tree, and not upon other trees of its likeness, was that this particular tree was in the way. If the tree would not of have crossed the path of Jesus it would of never been cursed. Since it was in His perfect pathway the tree called attention to itself, the tree said, “Look at me I am pretty and big. I demand some of your time so that you can give me some attention.” Once Jesus saw that this tree had leaves for itself and no fruit for the others in which it was calling to. He cursed it using His Words for being a distraction in their path way and also to give us an example to follow how the faith of God works. Isn’t that just like our Lord to take an unfruitful situation and make something good and fruitful come out of it. The sin of the tree was pride. Pride will put you in the wrong place at the wrong time. The tree had his needs met but Mr. Tree could not meet the needs of others when called upon to serve. The tree was an obstacle in the way instead of a blessing along the way. What the Lord is saying is this, “Anything that gets in your way of peace and rightness and does not do anything to help you on your way by bringing you peace should be removed”. Notice Jesus shows us that words deal with desires (the roots, the motive, the main part of the plant) while thoughts deal with the nutrients of the desire (the ground, your spirit). Jesus spoke words and those words attacked the roots of the tree, the Word of God spoken (your good desire) will remove the undesired natural thing in the earth. Once the tree had no roots the tree had no voice, with no voice the tree had no power, with no power the tree could not call attention to itself anymore. The problem was solved from the roots. Thoughts come into focus by Proverb 23:7 which states – As a man thinks in his heart so is he. As you think (your thought life) in your heart (your spirit, the ground that produces the nutrients) so you will be. When you think wrong you feed wrong roots and produce the wrong plant which produces the wrong fruit. Likewise when you think right (the mind of Christ, the thoughts of God) then you will germinate (quicken, give life to) the seeds of God which is the Word of God. Remember Matthew 13:22,23 which states – He also that received seed among the thorns (wrong thoughts) is he that heareth the Word; and the care of this world (one thorn of seeking natural goods, physically minded), and the deceitfulness of riches (another thorn of believing money is the answer to your problems, money minded), choke the word, and He (not the word but the person) becometh unfruitful. (The thinking could not change the immutability of the word but it can stop the understanding and quickening of the word in your life. Notice how the thoughts of the individual’s mind affected the production of God’s Word taking root in their heart). But he that received seed in the good ground (The heart of Love) is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it (His thinking is in line with God, thinking on the spiritual Word of God not on things in the natural), who also beareth fruit (the physical manifestation of the Word of God), and bringeth forth (continues to produce fruit), some hundredfold (optimal yield, the perfect will of God), some sixty (majority yield, the pleasing or acceptable will of God), some thirty (yield above the worlds system, the good will of God). The heart of love is the good (or Godly) ground that will produce the necessary nutrients. Thinking (meditating, pondering) on the Word of God keeps the soil (the earth, the spirit of man) moist which will bring understanding, revelation and reality (realness) to the written and preached Word of God (the Incorruptible Seed). These are needed to produce growth of the seed in the earth. This is called the root system! The deeper and stronger your roots growth in the earth (the inner man) the more you will grow and produce on the outside (more visible fruit for others). The Lord can and will enlarge your heart so that you can deepen and widen your roots to form the tree which will carry as much fruit as is needed to bless others in your life. Simply purpose to fulfill your ministry in the earth. Notice the tree’s source of life is not the fruit but rather the water (The Word) and the nutrients in the earth (the spirit) mixed by love (The Blood of Christ). 1John 5:7,8 – There are three that bear record in heaven, The Father, The Word, and The Holy Spirit: and these three Are One. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood; and these three agree in One. These three ways agree inside the One mentioned earlier which is the One of Heaven (The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit) for we are in Christ Jesus and His Word, His Love and His Holy Spirit abides in us while we abide in Him. Having this knowledge we can understand that the working in our life is an inner work. It is the labor of Love with the work of faith that brings about the rest of God in believing that those words which you speak shall come to pass. Love cultivates – while the water activates and at the same time the Spirit of God generates increase in you. Once you get new rich ground (being Born Again) by experiencing the Love of God now you can receive applicable understanding of the Word of God (revelation) by consistently watering your ground by speaking the Word, then your life will produce the reality of God’s Word! Why? Because each seed produces after its own kind! The process starts with the Word and the completion is done by the Word and the thing is identified (or known) by The Word of God! For He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end, the first and the last, author and finisher of our faith which hearkens unto the voice of His Word. The Spirit of God confirms the Word with signs following, following the Word of God, not the words of evil. The Father started with a thought of His desire (He is a Spirit) then pondered (considered well, meditated peacefully), after that He spoke – the thought became The Word and The Word by the Spirit became flesh (natural physical material). This is what the Christian, the Word One, the Person of Faith, the Child of God, the Believing One is supposed to do – Find the purpose of thing not desired (soulish or natural) then remove it (the roots) by calling those things which be not as those they were.-Romans 4:17


If something is upsetting your peace, speak I have great peace today.
If trouble is trying to get you upset, speak I am relaxed and joyful.
If sickness tries to invade your body, speak I am healed in the Name of Christ Jesus.
If lack becomes boisterous, then speak I Am Rich and have abundance!

Wrong plants have to be dried up at the roots or else they will grow back! The Word starts the process, the thinking (believing, pondering, understanding) and speaking of the Word maintains the process. Application of the Word (doing the Word) during the process will keep the process going and in due season the Word will be reality in your life to complete the process. There is a time to plant and a time a pluck up that which was planted.-Ecclesiastes 3:2 We saw Jesus display this principal very clearly in the scripture discussed early with the fig tree. Remember the fig tree was calling attention to its self and the tree did not have anything on it to bless other’s (that were in need) and the tree was in the way as an obstacle. Therefore, Jesus cursed it. How did He curse it? He (Jesus) removed its purpose for existence. The whole purpose of the tree was to produce fruit! Why? Because each seed produces after its own kind! Did you get that? The tree didn’t have any power but rather the roots did, the tree didn’t bring forth the roots but the roots did bring forth the tree. And where did the roots come from? The Seed! The Seed (The Word) started the whole process and The Word can change, maintain, developed and end the whole process too. By our words we shall either be justified or condemned! We shall either produce the good fruit of God or the bad fruit of the enemy! This is why Jesus said in Matthew 12:33-37 Either make the tree good, and its fruit good, or else make the tree corrupt, and its fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by its fruit (its purpose). God said you make the tree, not God, not the preacher or teacher but rather the speaker of God’s Word (The sower soweth The Word)! O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil (carnal minded, natural thinkers), speak good things (The Word of God)? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things (Grows and nourishes the seed of God), and an evil man (unbelieving natural speaker) out of the evil treasure (heart of fear) bringeth forth evil things (poverty, sickness, troubles, strife, perverse words of the enemy). But I say unto you that every idle (nonproductive, vain, unfruitful, negative) word that men (and women) shall speak, they (the speaker) shall give account of it in the day of judgement. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words, thou shalt be condemned. Same system but two different results, IT ALL DEPENDS ON WHICH WORDS YOU USE. What seeds are you sowing, watering, feeding and developing in your life? No good tree can produce bad fruit and likewise no bad tree can produce good fruit. No, the tree is upheld by the roots and the roots come from the seed. Death and Life are in the power of the tongue.-Proverb 18:21 The purpose of the tree was to produce fruit for others, when Jesus said, “NO MAN EAT FRUIT OF THEE HEREAFTER, FOREVER” He removed the tree’s purpose, since the tree had no purpose (no good desire, no hope) the roots said I have no need of the tree and since the roots had nothing to produce there was no need for the roots! For without vision the people perish.-Proverbs 29:18 What was left? NOTHING! A dead work with no voice to bother you or call attention to itself. Jesus started with the desired ending of the tree (the fruit) to take away the beginning of the tree (the roots). It you do not have an ending (no fruit, no purpose, no goal), no beginning is necessary (no roots are needed). Thus, the thing that was is brought to nothing (no tree, no leaves, no voice, no power, no place in the earth) and is not by the Word of God. Defeat of the current problem by effective victory through the speaking of The Word for all Christians to see. Therefore in your every moment walk of faith, which now is and now shall be, be sure you speak the words of faith as you labor in love while you think on the Ways of Jesus! Overcome by removing all obstacles that call undue attention to themselves by CURSING THEIR FRUIT (NOT SPEAKING THE PROBLEM), speaking the good seed (The Word Of God) will dry them up from the roots. Speaking not the purpose of the obstacle but rather the desire of your heart, because that is the only way to accurately remove all weeds and thorn bushes is by removing their roots.


Always check up on your words to make sure you are not seeking natural solutions to natural problems, cause even if you cut down a tree what about the roots which are still planted in the earth (still an obstacle in your spirit). If the roots are still there, though people can not see them, you still have a problem in the earth (which effects your thinking, which shapes your attitude, which effects your life, which hinders your spiritual growth and development). There are no long lasting natural solutions to natural problems only spiritual solutions (speaking words of health, healing, the Word of God) to supernaturally influence and change your natural and soulish problems with lasting results.

Taking the situation into the spirit realm changes the problem from yours personally to God Spiritually for correction!

Those that worship God MUST worship Him in spirit and in truth! For God is a Spirit.-John 4:24

First - the earth (your spirit and God’s spiritual word),
Then - the roots (soulish realm-God’s Word as your will, God’s thoughts as your thinking),
After that - the tree with the fruit (natural evidence of The Word Of God in your life)

Therefore speak The Word consistently, continuously, faithfully and only. Amen!

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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