1 Corinthians 13:11-12 1965 Bible in Basic English (BBE)
11 When I was a child, I made use of a child's language, I had a child's feelings and a child's thoughts: now that I am a man, I have put away the things of a child.
12 For now we see things in a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now my knowledge is in part; then it will be complete, even as God's knowledge of me.

The phrase “Maturity of Message” stems from the thought that the Lord showed us (ihlcc) one Sunday morning while preparing for church. On this particular morning we were discussing different topics we needed to share with God’s people. We had noticed before that a lot of the things that came to our heart were new revelations that seemed uncommon for the typical Sunday message. In all honesty we feel that some topics we teach on today are different then how we taught them years ago. This is because the Lord will often times wait until you are mature enough to bring forth His Message that is specifically for you (or others) at that time. The greater the Light you have on a subject the more (deeper) you can share with others in that subject. This means if you are called to bring deeper truths to the Body of Christ you must be a person of deep convictions. Every believer is called to share the testimony of Jesus Christ in their own unique way. However, not every believer knows the intimate truths of God unless they are intimate with God. This explains why some pastors, preachers and teachers only share certain truths while others seem to flow in a different vain. We are all one Body of Christ but by being members in particular we all have different truths that register strong in our heart. Take for example, In His Love Christian Center (ihlcc), we are generally biased toward love so a lot of our messages seem to speak of love in one form or fashion. This is because over 25 years ago we (ihlcc) received a vision from God showing the writing of 1 Corinthians 13 starting with verse 4. The vision lasted long enough for us to see a pen writing on lined paper, “Love is …., Love is ….., Love is ….., etc…” then the vision faded away. All we knew at that time was that God desired us to study love. We were thinking as very young Christians maybe we need to learn more about love. This study of Love has lasted over 25 years and we are still eagerly learning more about love as we develop more of a heart to love others as God loves them. Yes, learning to love like God loves is exactly how we enhance our heart to be just like God. Now, we understand more about that vision in the sense of God giving us a writing ministry in which we teach and preach through paper and through the spoken Word of God. We also know with all confidence that Love is the foundation of this ministry. We will go so far as to say we believe many (most, the majority of) problems in the Body of Christ can be cured with the proper channeling of Love. Love like the Blood of Jesus needs to flow freely to any wounded area to minister healing physically, emotionally and spiritually. When it is not allowed to flow freely and continuously to the organ in need that organ will suffer, thus we suffer many hurtful aliments in the Body of Christ. Yes, each member, depending on the specific problem they are dealing with needs more of God’s Love in that area to remedy the cause. Knowing that God is Love and God is all curing would lead you to believe the more of God I have the less ungodliness sickness can exist in my life, thus love is the cure-all just like God is thee Cure, not just a possible solution. So remember, dear Child of God, your message will be a direct reflection of your maturity in Christ. Yes, the more mature you are the more you will realize the few you can openly (publically) share your message (your heart) with. It is like a pyramid the higher you rise in Christ the more widely you can see the base but the lessor the people that are around you to support you. Jesus, our Lord and Savior, has a very deep understanding of our Father God but His message could only be heard by certain people at certain times. Even today we (ihlcc) know that God is waiting on our maturity to grow before He can share some deeper truths for our lives. So don’t be discouraged (down casted, troubled) when people can’t receive your message but simply realize they might not be mature enough to understand what you are thinking (and saying). The truth be told, we (ihlcc) could not understand some things our spiritual elders said until in some cases years later. So be sure your maturity matches your message or you will risk missing God and confusing people. It is permissible to speak at lower levels of maturity to reach other people but speaking beyond your level of maturity causes an over-estimation of one’s self. The truth is if your maturity of heart is greater than your message all is well (for who would notice any hypocrisy) but if your message is repeated from a mature man or woman of God by an immature believer God will know it and others who know God will know it also. Without even realizing it you will lose some credibility with those who are listening to you and know your character. Be holy and pure by staying true to God by staying true to your message, thus showing your true maturity in Christ. Your message, motive and maturity is all wrapped up in Christ so do all that you do unto the Glory of God in Jesus Name. Purpose to never lack the maturity your message requires to withstand the persecution that comes against it or the questions it draws to it. This is why, the Apostle Paul was able to withstand all the attacks against him because his maturity was deep in Christ Jesus and some of his messages are deep also. Simply remember as your maturity develops (increases) your messages of Christ will develop (increase) too, in direct proportion to your current understanding of God. This is not by chance or accident but rather a reflection of the Kingdom of God. Just know that all people in the Body of Christ are not growing at the same level so the timing of maturity varies with each person. The sad news is not every Christian grows unto maturity, for many, yeah, I say many, remain carnal Christians or even babies in Christ for their full term on the earth. However, we are not to look at them for our source of inspiration but rather looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith we will grow unto perfection in the Body of Christ. Keep wisdom and discretion at hand when sharing your message because unless the audience is mature enough to receive it you may do more damage than good. Be led by the Spirit of God which is your spirit under of the influence of God’s Holy Spirit because that will lead you into all truth. There is always a time to speak and a time to be silence. There is always a time to meditate and a time to mutter. There is always a time to listen and absorb the message just like there is a time to listen and reject the message. There is always a time to write down your thoughts when they are good and truthful and a time to cast down thoughts when they are ungodly and false. We have the wisdom of God at our constant disposal so be discreet by choosing your words wisely. Knowledge is only beneficial when it edifies the listener. So pray, ponder and propose what you should share before God in your private time before you share publically with man. Maturity in God not only involves the type of message you will share but it also includes within it the wisdom to know “if” any message should be given (shared) with the people (or person) before you. Speaking only a few words is typically not a sin when the words are right (correct, truthful, accurate) but speaking an abundance of words typically leads to sin because any untruthful words poison the whole batch. Maturity also knows that certain spiritual messages (deeper words of truth) should never be shared with specific people who are of a more carnal persuasion because the confusion or stumbling block it can (or will) create in their mind. Maturity of Message knows that even when people may want you to speak (share your thoughts) it may not be the right thing to do. For example, a funeral where someone died from a sickness or disease is not a good time to expound on your knowledge of using your personal faith for healing when the family is still trying to find comfort in their time of need. Although what you could say could be true maturity would only answer the questions asked by a family member purposing only to help them because we are there for them, not ourselves. Wisdom knows that at a later date God will help them with answers to their questions when their heart is ready and sincere and open to receive the correct answer (the truth). If one of the family members is upset with God about the death of their family member to open up the door about healing may cause more damage than good. In all situations we should be led by the Spirit of God which means we stay sensitive (humble) to His leadings by speaking only that which He prompts us to say. If we are unsure what to say the simple solution to that problem is to be quiet. We don’t need to practice guess work with God we simply purpose to be silent to be sure that we don’t speak a lot of idle words or unprofitable words to others. If not knowing the precise correct answer to a problem only confuses and frustrates you, think of what it (uncertainty) does to others. The love scripture of Mark 12:29-31 encourages us to love others as we love ourselves. We know when we need peace and quiet and our natural defense mechanism within us will seek out a place of refuge (a place of silence and solitude), how much more should we love others enough to grant them that same freedom when desired. “Maturity of Message” is not intended to be all about a sermon, no only one word is just as important as a complete three hour teaching. Just do it right the first time so you don’t have to repent for an inappropriate message (or phrase, or sentence, or comment, or response, or word) that came from your lips. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever according to Hebrews 13:8 so we should purpose to have “Maturity of Message” both today and tomorrow to accurately represent Christ until He comes back to represent God, our Loving Heavenly Father. Amen.

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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