The Secret to Life, the Secret to Christ

In the spring time flowers are blooming and certain seeds need to be planted. Spring is typically referred to as “renewal” because many trees and plants are showing their true form and colors, it’s a beautiful time of the year. The question we (ihlcc) are asking is, “What kind of seeds have you been sowing in your garden? Yes, specifically the garden of your life and the lives of those you communicate with?”. We are to take heed (pay attention) to what we are speaking. What you are speaking is what you are planting and that in turn is what is orchestrating your life. So what you plant today, is going to be a future harvest in your life if you truly believe it in your heart. This is why we must take heed to the seeds we are sowing (planting). You might ask, “What is the meaning of these three terms – seed, sowing and harvesting?” Spiritually speaking, seeds are words, sowing is you speaking what you believe in your heart and harvesting is the fruit (manifestation, reality, results) of those words. Just like in the natural if you wanted a tomato garden you would plant tomato seeds, not cabbage seeds, not radishes seeds, and not cucumbers seeds. This same strategy must be applied to the spiritual (living) garden of your heart. Spiritually speaking, we should plant God’s Word and all good seeds of positive reproduction all day and all night. The reason we included night is because not just spoken words but also thoughts are seeds that can be planted or rejected. When thoughts come to us in the middle of the night we should meditate and rest in the good words of God while we reject (don’t except as truth) all words of evilness, righteousness and torment. We receive God’s Words and good words of knowledge by believing they are true in our heart (pondering, cogitating, imagining) and speaking them as truth out loud. When these godly seeds are planted patiently and faithfully into the good ground of love, joy, peace, goodness, longsuffering, meekness, faith and temperance (discipline in self-control or restrained from selfishness) they will blossom wonderfully in our garden. The Born-Again Christian has these nutrients within their heart if cultivated and developed in the light (love) of God. Likewise (in that same regard) the unrighteous will plant evil words in a heart of anger, impatience, unthankfulness, bitterness and hate giving place to those poisonous pollutants that destroy their life and the lives of those around them. Dear Believer you choose your crop with your words and thoughts, not God. Yes, you choose the results (fruit) you receive in life, not God. The Lord has given you His Word to produce the good and healthy life but you must believe in His Word and speak His Words as your own (sowing). Life and death is in the Power of the tongue according to Proverbs 18:21a, therefore you must choose today what harvest you desire and plan accordingly. We must realize when we speak whether inwardly silently, what we write down or speak out loud you are “sowing seeds”. “Seeds” are coming to us in various forms like thoughts, hearing spoken words from others and what we read and see with our eyes. We must filter out the evil, false and ungodly seeds to allow (put through) what is good and wholesome and right (proper) into our heart (and soul). Whether we are speaking loud enough for our own ears to hear or to another person we are planting (sowing) seeds. Yes, even when you speak under your breath to yourself, muttering, mumbling and mediating you are sowing spiritual “seeds”. Dear faithful believer, we are going to reap a harvest on the seeds that have been sown (planted) in our lives. Our harvest is not determined by God, He has provided everything we need down here on earth to sustain life and create brand new life. You might be saying, I don’t believe God did this evil deed (action, tragedy, misfortune, etc…) to me or my love one but He allowed this or that to happen. Yes, dear saint, your loving Father allowed you to have your own voice which means you have every right (the authority) to create (shape, construct) your future. The Lord trusted you so much that He gave you the potential to determine your own destiny. Your ultimate position in life is a direct reflection of the seeds you have sown (planted). The Lord is obligated to bring to pass His promises to you when you speak His Word with the pure (child-like) belief of God’s Word in your heart. So yes, the Lord will allow tragedy but it is not His Will. Yes, the Gracious Lord will also allow others to have the fruit of their own words because He is not a dictator but rather a Loving Father. If you are smart enough to allow your children the freedom to be themselves, even when you disagree with their decisions and words, you are acting just like God. If you force your children to be exactly like you then you have chosen to act outside of love because Love puts others ahead of Himself. The Lord has displayed love by allowing people the freedom to love Him or hate Him, either way He (our Gracious God) loves us all equal whether we do what He says or not. This, my faith friend, is what love is all about we (ihlcc) hope you are mature enough to see (understand) it. The statement that, “A loving God would never allow any wrong doing” is a lie from hell because God can’t force people to do His Will because He is all Love (totally unselfish). The statement, “If you truly love someone you will give them the freedom to go away and if they come back because they love you too you have gained a mutual love relationship” is truth. This freedom of love and expression is what makes God so unique because He has the power to force by brute strength but He chooses not to force His Will upon mankind due to His gentleness and kindness of love. If you can’t love God and worship Him for who He Is it is not God’s Will for you to act falsely like you do love Him when you really don’t. This is why we stated earlier if you force your grown (young adult, teenage) children to do things they really don’t have a heart for they will despise you in their heart, which will conflict with any genuine love they have (or had) for you. This is risky business and very dangerous to play with people’s emotions and feelings that come from their heart, so it is far better to just love them freely (unconditionally) because that, my faith friend, is acting like God. This practice of love starts with the planting of love in their heart through telling them you love them and showing this Godly love by demonstration. You see along with the planting of specific seeds of goodness there comes the fun job of preparing the ground to receive the good seeds of God. When we speak of preparing the ground we are specifically speaking of keeping your heart right with God in humbleness (softness) and gratitude (thanksgiving). Your heart is the ground of God, it is God’s Garden if you are holy and righteous before Him. The ground must be born-again to truly produce God’s wholesome (pure) fruits because all born-again children of God have the heart of God, as their new born-gain heart. You must decide to keep the weeds (negative, ungodly words and thoughts) from your heart (your ground) so you can harvest an optimum yield on your seed sown (planted). Watering those precious seeds planted in your heart will happen every time you repeat the same positive words from your heart and mouth. Some denominations call this “confessions” we (ihlcc) simply call it speaking what you believe in your heart. Whether you prefer to call it a confession of faith or a positive affirmation it really doesn’t matter because the most important part is doing it, in Jesus Name. Amen. God said in His Word (Genesis 8:22), “That as long as the earth remains there would be seed time and harvest”. We, as a people (Christian’s included), have so many mingled seeds and expect a pure (productive, desirable) harvest and it’s just not happening. In many cases God gets the blame when really it’s not His fault at all, it’s just that many people ignore His (God’s) counsel (His Word) to do things their own way. Then when they get the fruit (bad results) of their own decision they complain that God let them down. No, the truth is your own decisions and words let you down because you choose to accept down words and decisions; God had nothing to do with your defeat. We as a people should take responsibility for our actions and our part in all in the bad crops we have reaped over the years. You may say, “I didn't know all of this!”, well from this point on ask God for mercy and forgiveness first (right now) to begin sowing (planting) the good seed found in His Word. We (ihlcc) have been there where we knew in all honesty we did not practice God’s Way, but there is no need to be condemned when we can change the wrong direction in an instant. A decisive change in words and heart (attitude) can quickly change the whole direction of your life. We just simply choose to believe and speak His Word to the best of our ability from this moment forward.

Your positive movement is in moment of your mouth.

We know God is all forgiving and all merciful so the transformation of your life is solely dependent upon your words (seeds) and actions (sowing) to reap (harvest) the good fruit of God. You do reap (harvest) the seeds you sow consistently. The way you got the crop you are living with today, whether good or bad, was done through the movement of your own mouth, acceptance of certain thoughts and actions performed by your body. We should be sowing words (seeds) of life at every turn (every time we open our mouth). Yes, every time we open our mind to think and ponder only godly wholesome thoughts should be sown. So again we (ihlcc) say take heed to what you hear, take heed to what you see, and take heed to what you think because all these affect what you say. Don't be deceived my brother or sister every seed planted (sown) will produce, whether good or bad. Each seed produces after its own kind according to Genesis 1:11,12. To be spiritually minded is life and peace to be carnally minded (flesh ruled) is death (Romans 8:5-7). We do the choosing of what seeds get sown (planted) in our garden of life, so we predetermine the harvest (not God). Therefore choose wisely because no choice is already the wrong choice because your natural mind won’t praise God on it’s own, nor will it confess the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We choose the true Lord of our life, so we must also choose His Words of Life to be victorious in this earth while we are moving toward Heaven. Amen!

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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