Greetings fellow believer, today we will explore a few truths of Job. Job is one of the oldest books of the Holy Bible. It really has no parallel book in the Holy Bible for cross-reference comparison nor does the author reveal certain secrets about himself that would help us to understand his style of writing or his interpretation of life’s events. Many speculate that the author of Job was Moses, but we all know that who ever the natural author is, he was not present at the counsel of Job during his most dire time. I prefer to acknowledge the Holy Spirit as the author because I know He was there and the writing style seems to fit Him the best. The Holy Spirit as an author will often write truth and mingle statements that were uttered by mankind without explaining all the meanings in between. His knowledge is so high that without further study of the subject the topic could leave you asking specific questions that go unanswered. All-in-all reading Job as a person seems to be straight forward, however understanding why is the book of Job in the Holy Bible is a little more complicated. Knowing exactly what was Job’s sin that happened between Chapter 1 verse 22 and Chapter 2 verse 10 through Chapter 42 verse 6 is a topic of much debate. We will examine a few theories first to start the discussion. Some have said that you can find your way into truth by looking at the whole picture and identifying some things that are not quite the truth to avoid going in previously traveled directions that seem to come up short of the truth. We know as Christians there are many truths but only one truth is the central theme, which in this study we are calling “thee truth” of Job. “Thee Truth” simply means the central theme, revelation, and principle of Job. Now since the introduction is concluded let us dive into previously traveled waters.

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