Non-Providing Men

We (ihlcc) have heard about many couples where the man didn’t provide for his household. We have also counseled some people who were faced with this situation. Like all things that the children of God deal with while they are on the earth it is wise to search the scriptures to see what the Lord Jesus and our Father God said about this issue. We will start with the foundation of 1 Timothy 5:8 in several different versions because we want to be sure every man knows he should provide for his family and being more specific those of his household. What this means is that the man was chosen by God to start a family. Thus, the man who started the family should do right to take his family unto maturity in Christ Jesus. Remember in Philippians 1:6 KJV it states

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

Since we have confidence in God that the Good Lord will finish whatever He starts why should man be any different. Of course we are speaking of Godly men, not unsaved men who are left to their own devices. The man should be willing and ready to work not just for the betterment of his family but to be pleasing to God. Now we will go back to 1 Timothy 5:8 to closely examine the scriptures. We posted several versions to make the point that solid biblical scholars all came to the same conclusion of the Holy Scripture that man must work to provide for his household.

1 Timothy 5:8 KJV (King James Version)
But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

Notice the word “if” is used because non-providing men who have a family is the minority not the majority in society. Yes, this scripture points out with certainty that providing for your own family is a basic necessity for the Christian Father or Head of Household. However, in context this scripture clearly points out if someone does not provide for his family he has also at the very same time denied the Word of God. Thus, no truly saved child of God would openly disregard God’s Word but those who are prideful and very ignorant just might. The reason the Apostle Paul said they are worse than an infidel is because even the unsaved know it is right to work to provide for your love ones.

1 Timothy 5:8 Darby (1889 Darby Bible)
But if any one does not provide for his own, and specially for those of his house, he has denied the faith, and is worse than the unbeliever.

In this version the word unbeliever is substituted for infidel to let all the readers understand that non-providing Christians should be non-existent. We admit this is a hard swallow but let this truth sink in that those who don’t provide for their own household are not just outside of God’s Will according to His Holy Word but they are also fighting against God by the lifestyle they demonstrate to others. How can one be a true witness for God when their actions are of the devil. This is not to condemn those who have temporarily lost their job but rather this word is specifically written to those who don’t have a desire to work simply because not working is easier. There are many jobs in the world so the diligent seeker will find a job when they are a faithful man in the earth and the Lord will personally get involved with them to help them find a good job. For we (ihlcc) have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging for bread.-Psalm 37:25 If God can’t find you a job it is only because you are not really looking for one or you are simply not listening to God.

1 Timothy 5:8 ESV (English Standard Version)
But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

This version of scripture goes a little further by placing relatives into the equation with special emphasis on members of your house. These are two separate issues so we will address each one separately. First of all, we cannot provide for all our relatives because that would mean letting one man do what many husbands should do. We (ihlcc) do not believe it is the Christian man’s obligation before God to provide for all aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. What we do believe is that if any of those individuals live with you and have no income you, as a Christian (being Christ like) should provide for them when you allow for them to live with you. However on a side note be very cautions and prayerful about who you (and your spouse) allow to live with you. Allowing a rebellious ungodly person to stay with you who has no respect for God and other people could tear your whole household apart. So never make a rash decision when it comes to someone living with you be sure it is OK with all family members in the house and be sure it is ordained by God. Yes, we have let some people stay with us for a short season or two and all we can say is if God’s in it, it will work and if He is not, it will not work. Amen! The thought is only provide for individuals you can influence and guide. If some people love your money (provision) but hate your counsel there is no unity or harmony in that arrangement, thus it is not God ordained so it is doomed for problems ultimately ending in the destruction of the arrangement. We have only seen those people who are too weak to control the situation fall prey to Satan’s trap of paying into something or someone who you don’t have any influence upon. Yes, even God doesn’t do that because it is foolish and in violation of (disobedient to) God’s Holy Word. Secondly, if you can provide for your own household with a little to spare you are in no position at all to provide for others outside of your household. Remember the burden of the Lord is light and easy Jesus would not give you a task that is too heavy and drain all your resources. Yes, keep this simple provide for your own household and if your money can do it sufficiently then be content and sufficient in Christ Jesus your Lord and Savior.

1 Timothy 5:8 Murdock (James Murdock New Testament)
But if any one careth not for them who are his own, and especially for them who are of the household of faith, he hath rejected the faith, and is worse than the unbelievers.

According to James Murdock those who don’t provide for their household really don’t care for them. We (ihlcc) have heard many women that are confused on this matter so we will discuss this a little. The part of confusion comes to some women who think that their husbands love them even though they won’t work. We have often heard he is trying to find the right job but it is hard. Well, we do agree that sometimes life can be hard but what we consider being harder is watching your immediate family struggle and suffer while you, as the head/leader, sit by a do nothing. Any good leader will accept full responsibility for the outcome of the team. A lesser leader will use excuses for their voice and strategy. However, looking for work is not mentioned in the Holy Bible simply because looking for work is the same as not having a job. In the Holy Word of God the man, the head of the household is commanded to work. Looking and hoping and wanting a certain job in a certain profession gets you no credit with God. The quote, “I am only interested in what your hands are saying not so much your mouth” comes to mind. We (ihlcc) can recall on one occasion the engineer who took a job at Wal-Mart to feed his family and got the engineering job later because we were impressed with his work ethic, and just to mention this man was a Muslim. We thought we would throw that in there for good measure because thinking that you are representing Jesus Christ by being lazy and a sluggard is false thinking. If a non-providing husband thinks for one second that his actions are justified he is guilty of at least three sins. 1) Pride – because he will not humble himself to the Word of God and work. 2) Lying – because he is choosing to speak against God’s Word by trying to establish another truth known as the “I can’t find a good job” 3) Forsaking his calling – because this man has decided to choose another occupation outside of being a good worker unto God. The Lord uses workers for His Work and the Lord ordains good workers to bless others and yes, all who refuse to work are rejecting God’s Calling upon their life. Perhaps a merciful wife would say he is just deceived please pray for him and me but ihlcc would respond that, “That prayer was never intended to cover disobedience to God’s Holy Written Word”. Yes, we are supposed to take the Word of God into prayer not use prayer as an excuse to tolerate ungodliness. No, our faith friend, don’t use prayer or your good intensions as a way of justifying your mercy because sometimes justice (doing justly) is the right (correct) solution. No, dear reader, we would all do better to see things clearly and use God’s Word to make the decision for righteousness. So if the faithful spouse and non-providing man both believe that this is love they are both deceived because we can assure you non-working is not God’s Love because God works continuously for us simply because He Loves us so much. The truth of the matter is the non-providing mate loves himself and his flesh more than he loves anyone else because if he loved God more and his family more he would be in line with God’s Word not fighting against it. We shouldn’t pray for God to have mercy on these types of people all we can do is encourage them to awake out of their sleepy/sluggard state and come back to God and if they refuse, the scripture tells us to avoid these individuals so that hopefully they become ashamed.-Refer to 2 Thessalonians 3:6-14 Amen.

1 Timothy 5:8 WNT (1912 Weymouth New Testament)
But if a man makes no provision for those dependent on him, and especially for his own family, he has disowned the faith and is behaving worse than an unbeliever.

In this version Weymouth points out that people are depending upon the good leader to provide for them. We often hear the phrase, “That children didn’t ask to come into this world” so it is up to the leader/guardian to provide for them. Can a baby suffer from lack? Of course. Is it the child’s fault when a parent or ordained provider is disobedient to God? Of course not. So why should the child be punished for the sins of the leader? The correct answer is they should not. Just like when a good leader is faithful to God and his family (yes, all his family members) are blessed. When a non-provider male leader does not support his family (yes, all his family members) are cursed. Whether the spouse or the non-working mate realizes it or not sometimes their position to do nothing can often encourage the slothful non-provider to continue in their ways simply because they see no negative consequences for their ungodly actions. Likewise, the wife of her non-providing husband maybe unaware of the negative testimony of her husband because the non-providing man is teaching confusion and laziness to the children, whether they (the non-producing man) realizes it or not. We (ihlcc) are speaking from experience if the children see their father as a lazy and lying person it would be better for them not to see their father at all. Yes, we know this sounds harsh but to accept the ungodly ways of a person living with you and confess before all those around you that you wholeheartedly stand for Christ is a contradiction because we can tell you, yes God loves all but God will not over look sin just because He loves you. Yes, your agape love should discern between right and wrong and choose right every time over wrong. This is a serious problem in the earth today and a godly wife should get counsel from their pastor then couple her counsel from man with the counsel of God (His Word) and be willing to follow God no matter what the cost. We (ihlcc) would not recommend a wife staying in an abusive situation. Likewise, lazy men are giving out financial abuse that would qualify for separation if the bad (ungodly) behavior turned into a prolonged habit. Bad behavior can be overlooked for a temporary season but continuously performing in an ungodly manner is sin, make no mistake about it. Ungodly behavior on earth will be judged in the earth and after we leave this earth all the obedient children of God will be together in Heaven while the ungodly will have their place in hell. So it is better to judge it now to leave some place for repentance because if it is not judged on earth it will certainly be too late to repent after you leave this earth. Again the reason it is stated that they are worst that an unbeliever is because even non-Christians know it is right to provide for your family, if you are posing as the head of the household. In a non-Christian movie that never even mentioned the Name of Jesus or anything about the church we observed a wife sheltering her child from a father that didn’t have a job. This principle is to be commended because the child thought of her dad as a hero, not a lazy bum. So the motivation from the child’s mother spoken to the child’s father was get a job and be a hero so the daughter’s dream would be a reality, not fiction. We too as Christians should have standards according to God’s Word. We ought to stand for what is right in the sight of God and equally stand against all that is wrong (contrary) to God’s Word. Since Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth and Our Life which is the Light of men anything outside of God’s Word (Jesus Christ) is death both naturally, mentally and spiritually.

Now we will review the context of a scripture mentioned a few paragraphs ago.

2 Thessalonians 3:6-16 KJV
6 Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.
7 For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you;
8 Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you:
9 Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us.
10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
11 For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.
12 Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.
13 But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.
14 And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.
15 Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.
16 Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.

Looking first at verse 6 we notice that the Apostle Paul said, “We command you, brethren, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourself from every brother that walks disorderly”. When the Apostle Paul said we it is understood that it is more than just him who thinks this way but the elders of the Body of Christ who were instrumental in writing the Holy Bible with God’s Holy Spirit. Also, when the Apostle Paul states, “in the Name of Jesus” he is openly stating that this commandment is coming from Thee Head of the Church, yes Jesus Christ Himself and that would include the Will of God our Father. This basically means that it must be done, it is not optional. Oh we (ihlcc) know that some would say but that doesn’t say husband and we would agree it does not. However, the word does mention brother in verse 6 and in the following verse the Apostle Paul expands on what disorderly conduct looks like. Specifically in verses 8, 10, 11 the apostle mentions work or labor this means the context is working for all brethren (all Christians). So our (ihlcc) interpretation of these scriptures is that brothers include all Christian men whether married or unmarried, so if a person calls himself a Christian and they refuse to work they are not obeying God’s Word in verse 12. Verse 12 clearly states by commandment in the Name of the Lord Jesus (which you can’t get any more higher authority than Him) that they should work in quietness (non-complaining) and with no begging, thus eating your own bread. Therefore the man must work period and we (ihlcc and including the Word of God) don’t really think they get a pass if they are married. Principle wise it would be better for a non-family man to not work and live as a beggar then a married man with children because at least in the first example (non-family man) his sin hurts his parents, himself and God but the second example it hurts, his parents, her parents, all the children, himself and God and we didn’t even include the friends, neighbors and relatives you automatically gain once you become married. If all these people will suffer from the pain caused by one man is this God’s will? We think not! Where is the Love in hurting others simply because the non-providing man refuses to work for the betterment of his very own family given to him by God. No this is a serious offense and not a sin to be overlooked or forgiven, there is but one answer to remedy this situation and that sole remedy is called “work” which is the godly fruit to obeying God’s Word. This comment must be said, “The Apostle Paul himself worked and preached and did God’s Perfect Will to be an example to the Body of Christ”. The reason we stated this must be said is because there are too many married men Christian men who are nothing more than lazy sluggers and they have the nerve to tell their wife they are studying God’s Word and praying so they are justified in staying home. Baloney! This is a lie right from the pit of hell real men are called to lead by example which means get your hands dirty and work then maybe you can speak as a leader. I am so thankful that Angela can stay home and pray and study specifically the Word of God while I go out to work. Remember according to King David he who goes out to war (work) and he who stays home to guard the stuff get the same reward.-Refer to 1 Samuel 30:22-25 You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand that women are perfectly made to govern the home and the family members in that home (most good women are naturally care takers) while in the same respect men are built for work and yes even hard work and good men think about not just working but also how can I provide more for my family. Amen! Men should go out to war together, in other words men should work, and a good blessing from God is attached to the work of the man as a team member of those who are united to do God’s Will by working with their hands while living in this earth. We (ihlcc) have heard of cases where the woman makes more money so the man stays at home. We suppose that this logically makes sense to all the money lovers but it surely does not line up with the Holy Word of God. Just because a woman makes a good wage it does not give that family the right or authority to alter God’s Word concerning the will of God being performed on this earth for men. So if that couple thinks God’s Word really doesn’t matter on this subject they are deceived and their deception is causing much confusion with those around them whether they will admit this or not. We would only hope that they repent and come back into God’s more perfect will in Jesus Name. It would be better for the man to continue working unto God and the wife continue too if that is her preference, so be it. However, all women who think that making more money is a good reason for them to be the head of the house are wrong because the calling for men to lead their household is not based on income but rather God’s word in Genesis 3:16 and if the foolish man wants to listen to this carnal thinking and forsake his personal calling from God he too is under a curse for disobedience to God. In verse 13 the scripture states that working is well doing so we should not faint (in other words we should not stop working just because it is tiring at times). Yes, work can be hard and of course work can be time consuming but we should not grow faint or weary in working simply because when we are weak then (in that precise moment) God’s grace will make us strong according to 2 Corinthians 12:9 and 10. If it was the man’s idea for his wife to work while he stays at home he is motivated by the devil, not God. Changing roles for the sake of money is not acceptable to God, now if the man is handicapped that is another subject entirely that is not being addressed in this write-up because we are specifically discussing those who can work but choose not to. There are three things that really stand out in these verses so much so that they are said at least twice 2 Thessalonians 3:6-14. The first thing walking disorderly which an old English way of saying being out-of-line. Certain people would rather use the term, “Now you know you ain’t (aren’t, are not) right” because each one of those terms would correctly describe the disobedient one. The term “disorderly is used three times (verses 6, 7 and 11) and being disorderly is understood to mean “not working” in this context. Why, because there is no new thing under the sun, some people were lazy back then just like some people are still lazy today. Notice second thing mentioned is the word “work”. The word “work” is mentioned three times (10, 11 and 12) to confirm that there is no chance to misunderstand these verses in their context. Yes, even the word labor is used in verse 8 because the Apostle Paul said we labored to set the right example before you (and all Christians). The Apostle Paul thought that if he and his team did not work they would be dependent upon the hand-outs of others and he, the man of God, the Apostle did not want to set a bad example. Yes, people who claim to be super spiritual often don’t even realize they are being a burden to someone else close to them. Notice that in verse 9 the man of God said we could of taken freely because we are preaching the gospel to you and the Lord ordained for ministers to receive from those they minister to but the Apostle chose to go a step further by not taking advantage of that principle simply because he wanted to preach “working” to all men over receiving from all men. The wise Apostle said I (and my team) will lead by example to stop any ungodly men from accusing us of being lazy. Yes, if you don’t work because you will not to work laziness and deception are lording over you. The Apostle Paul went on to say in verse 10 that if any man would not work neither should he eat. Now we know that those who don’t eat can be in danger of death but that is just how serious an issue this is. We (ihlcc), the Apostle Paul and the Holy Spirit wrote this to all the churches clearly teaching the Body of Christ not to support laziness. Yes, we know there are feeding programs all over the world to help beggars and homeless people but just because there are social programs developed to help certain people doesn’t mean it is in line with (or according to) God’s Perfect Will. If the Lord had His Way all people would call upon His Name and be saved and the local church would help all those new converts to know the right ways of God, if clothing was needed until they earned wages from a job, the church would cloth them, and feed them temporarily and provide some shelter from the weather while they are growing up in the Lord. Then they could work and be a part of the solution as opposed to being part of a large problem in the world. The sad news is there are so many people who don’t want to work in the earth or learn about the right ways of God that non-providing men is a growing epidemic in the earth today. Surely we are in the Last Days. We see many people in the world today who want all the blessing of God like shelter, food and clothing but don’t want to work to achieve these blessings. Just look at Heaven and you will see God, Angels and Saints all working and laboring unto the Lord. If you compare that to Hell where people are held captive so they can do no work at all just suffer the consequences of their horrible decision on earth to personally reject Jesus Christ as the Savior of the World. We (ihlcc) are not trying to scare anyone into working but rather we are pointing out that those who refuse to work are in danger of feeling Hell’s fire. Yes, it is very possible that those who choose to be lazy (baring no handicap condition) are also choosing to reject God’s Word which is equivalent to rejecting Jesus Christ, the Holy One of Israel. When the Apostle Paul said we command you to work in verse 12 it is no small matter. The Apostle said this to the whole church to be sure everyone understood how to properly handle those who refused to work. Working for the healthy Christian man is not optional but rather commanded. Not only did the Apostle Paul command men to work but he added in quietness to secure favor with those around them including their boss. Yes, some people (Christians) think that their job is the ministry pulpit; we (ihlcc) do not endorse such thinking. Instead we believe your job to be a blessing from God so we glorify God by our faithful service unto our boss and only mention our Christian beliefs when called upon to do so. Someone might wonder, “What if no one ever mentions something spiritual to you?” then we faithfully shut up about your beliefs while we display our faith by our work ethic. Yes, people notice when you don’t order beer or wine and people still notice when you don’t use filthy language but better still God notices too and our reward comes from God not man. We would much rather please God than men any day and every day. Amen! Never let the devil beat you over the head about you not witnessing enough on your job because if your boss doesn’t want to hear it your witnessing could be a reason for dismissal by that same boss. We are talking from experience because we have seen some Christians cause big problems in a secular job attempting to get people saved when they were being paid to produce for a company, not God’s Kingdom. Most jobs offer freedom of religion they just don’t want people to take that freedom to imposing their own personal religion upon others because it can (and it will) cause fiction at the work place. We still see yet other word known as “withdraw or no company” used in verses 6 and 14 to instruct all believers to remove themselves from those men who refuse to work. These words of withdraw and no company (basically separate) are the third witnesses of scriptures we want to discuss. The Apostle Paul knew that there will always be freeloaders who will openly come to church looking for a free hand out. Why is this? This is because many people think that the church is generous so of course they will give freely to anyone who ask. This is not God’s Will because the Lord ordained work and our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ are both just, so trying to reap fruit where you have planted no seeds is ungodly. We should not give (money, food, etc….) based upon the needs of a non-worker but rather follow God’s Word on this subject which commands no giving to lazy people. No, not even a meal because we are hoping that not eating will be one sign to the non-providing man to show him the error of his ways. Remember in Luke 15:11-23 the prodigal son returned home when he thought he might starve to death. If the way to a man’s heart is through his belly this would make a strong case for no work - no food, no food – no satisfaction, no satisfaction – no peace, no peace – no God, no God – no salvation. If the non-provider can put two and two together to make four they will realize that they need to repent and not only choose life but rather live for God and all those people who love him. Amen!

Be sure to catch the fact that there are two separate commandments going on in these verses. The first commandment in verses 6, 10 and 14 is to the faithful church, the people of God, one could say the righteous and that commandment is to withdraw from the ungodly non-providing man. The second commandment that is mentioned in verse 12 is to the ungodly, or unrighteous, or non-providers and that commandment is you should work. Period! Not let us discuss the subject, not let’s vote on it, not let’s think about, not let’s wait until the right job comes along but rather “work”. Simple and clear, let us not remove the simplicity of scripture but rather simply follow Him at all cost. The church, a spouse, a mother or a father should not support a grown man who can work for themselves but refuses to work. It is not right and it never will be right in the sight of God simply because God has ordained men to work. The only time we see biblically men stop work inside of God’s Will is when they retire at an older age with support coming to meet their daily needs. This was the case for priest over 50 and aged men who left a good inheritance for their family and the children took it over with the understanding that mom and dad will always be taken care of by their own offspring. Is this not the truth? It is only right if parents have taken care of their beloved children for possibly 18 to 22 years when they had no income or provision to return the favor as the parents get ready to leave this earth in their last earthly 15 to 20 years. If a man retires at age 60 there is no shame but if he thinks at age 30 I am worthy of retirement because work is too hard and demanding that mindset will bring shame to his name. That is why in certain cases one must separate because coddling a non-provider only encourages bad behavior. No, a good firm rebuke is much better than secret love that can’t make the hard decision. Of course it hurts to have to separate from a love one but it is always better to leave them with a testimony of godliness than to ignore the whole problem hoping one day that it will all go away.

Proverbs 27:5-6 KJV
5 Open rebuke is better than secret love.
6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

If it means separation from a close loved one for a season to avoid Hell forever, so be it. Amen! Please don’t miss the importance of verse 15 which basically states not to be upset with these individuals. Why? Simply because we don’t hate anyone and we do love all, so be firm but moderate in your tone and mannerisms because the goodness of God leads us to repentance. Yes, their non-working behavior is unacceptable but the person is always acceptable if they choose to do right. Always remember that God loves them and so do we and it is God’s Will and our will that they repent by starting to work so that they can enjoy the full blessings of God. If you are faithful to do your part in love God is faithful to do His part of dealing with them on the inside to do what is right. We (ihlcc) cannot tell if those who refuse to work are Christians all we can discern is that their fruit is contrary to Christ. However, we (ihlcc) do believe in mercy so we leave the foundation of their salvation in God’s Hand because sometimes we just don’t know but dear faith friend God most definitely knows all that are His. The Lord is not slack concerning His Promise so rest assured that all those who have a sincere heart will be saved and taken care of; just understand that there are still many who will not be saved simply because they refuse to be godly according to God’s Holy Truthful Word (The Awesome Holy Bible). Amen! In verse 16 we basically hear the Apostle Paul encourage all doers of God’s Word to take heart and not be discouraged in following God’s Word. The Lord knows it is a tough decision to choose His Word over the feelings of people close to you, possibly love ones and even over your own feelings, but He (The Lord Jesus Christ) will strengthen you and uphold you during your stand for righteousness. We must all realize that there is a war going on so we must fight the good fight of faith because we are either going forward with God or we are descending downward with the devil. Please dear faith friend don’t let anyone pull you into the wrong direction because Jesus Christ our only Way into Heaven to have an eternity of love and happiness. If we allow people in our close company (proximity) to do wrong (sin) we also will be in danger of their judgment because we are partaking with. This is why the scripture tells us in 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 KJV to come out from among the ungodly.

17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

Yes, we know some would say this is only talking about unbelievers but yet many others who venture to say this includes unbelieving Christians who choose to follow God’s Word only when it is convenient for them. Sure there are halfhearted Believers in the world today but to assume that everyone who mentions the Name of Jesus is automatically saved simply because they can quote a scripture is foolish. Remember what the Lord told his disciples when He walked the earth.

Matthew 7:21 KJV
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

This verse clearly points out that it is not enough to know or confess the Name of the Lord but we must be doers of God’s Word not hearers only. Now we will read this verse in its full context to accurately interpret what the Lord was telling His disciples.

Matthew 7:16-27 KJV
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

We highlighted some key points in these verses to emphasize that “You should know the Christian by his fruit, not just his (or her) confession.” Many people can talk a good game but we must be spiritual enough to look at their heart and see the works of their hands to know who they belong to and what they are all about. Jesus clearly said there will be some who even did prophesy in His Name and cast out devils and even did wonderful works in the Awesome Name of Jesus that will not make Heaven. Why? Two reasons primarily, for one healings, signs, wonders, miracles and other gifts of the Holy Spirit like prophecy are based on the Name of Jesus not the holiness of the man or woman. This is why people who are sincere can still receive from the minister, independently of the righteousness of the preacher or the minister. Reason number two is because some people are doing their will not God’s Will. Yes, if a believer practices their own will for too long God never gets to be intimate with them to know them better because they won’t approach God softly to know Him better. This is a personal matter between each person and God but rest assured not everyone who knows about God and the Power of His Word is in right standing with God. We have heard stories of preachers who chose to turn away from God’s Word to promote their own ministry on a separate revelation they believe God had shown them in a dream. Worse than that, we know ministers who used to demonstrate the more powerful works of God in the Name of Jesus change their position after God had shown them honor and financial blessing only because they changed their mind. Remember even in the ministry of the Apostle Paul he said one of his own ministers had forsaken him to follow the ways of this present world.-Refer to 2 Timothy 4:10 Also, remember our Precious Lord Jesus speaking to the multitudes and some of His previous disciples stopped following Him when His message seemed too hard for them to understand in John 6:64-71. It troubles us (ihlcc) much to hear some preach a God loves you gospel without articulating the punishments for sin. Some think it is OK to live however you want without regard for completing God’s Will while on God’s Earth. This is not the full gospel of Jesus Christ which openly teaches the wages of sin is death.-Refer to Romans 6:23a Yes, God does love everyone but the way into Heaven is still narrow and straight while broad and wide is the pathway to Hell. This is not a parable but rather a sobering truth.

Matthew 7:12-17 KJV
12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

Although this was mentioned a long time ago it is still truth for today, it is only because some ministers don’t like to think about the harsh realities of hell that they avoid the subject. It is sad that some ministers are so worried about losing people that they water down the Gospel of Jesus Christ to solely a Love and Acceptance Gospel. Although Love is the foundation for all that God does it certainly does not stop God from being just. Since God’s Word said all that love God will love others one can only conclude that those who don’t practice love on this earth will be judged into hell simply because they refuse to follow Jesus. Yes, they followed their own selfish will unto death and that lifestyle of disobedience can cause them to reap an eternality of damnation in hell. We may all think (agree) that going to hell sounds harsh but we all know in the core of our being (our heart) that this is true so we must live a lifestyle that is pleasing to Christ Jesus our Lord, Savoir and Friend unto The End. Amen! This knowledge is being presented repeated in this article because having a solid foundation in God’s Word will give you the strength to make the tough decision to move on. Yes, as Pastors we sometimes have to deny people money or food because they are not working. It is tough but we know in our heart what God’s Word says about this subject. If someone is only going through a tough time for a short season we openly and honestly work with them but if a short season has stretched into years and years had turned into an accepted way of life they are living a lie which is just as bad as living in sin. We must move on without such a one (a non-provider) to go forward on with God. Remember the Holy Bible states if we are to come after Jesus and we are to deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow Jesus (Matthew 16:24). It does not state that He (The Lord Jesus) will carry us wherever we want to go simply because He Loves Us. Remember God always loves us but He will not treat you as if you really love Him unless you do the works that show your true love for God, like working faithfully unto Him in agreement with His Holy Written Word known as the Holy Bible. He (God) leads and we as true disciples are to follow so if we are unwilling to follow the Holy Word of God we are not true Disciples of Christ Jesus. Amen! We can remember volunteering to work free for a month because the Lord directed us that way and after a month the boss judged me faithful and hired me which was a true blessing for us. Please notice I said “us” because we are one spirit in Christ Jesus so we are one team. The man should work and the woman will work too in a different role because we both have a part to play in the plan of God for our life. After a year that same boss had to let me go and I knew it was going to be alright because the Lord always (yes, we said always) takes care of His Own. After sending out resumes and going on a few interviews we had a job within two months. Some could say, “Oh you just got lucky” but we would venture to say, “The Lord Jesus and Father God blessed us with a new good job”. The funny thing is the new job was better than the previous job to God be the glory. Amen! This is why we firmly believe God can find anyone a job if their heart is open and they are sincerely looking to work to provide for their family. Yes, some income can always go a much longer way than no income. Therefore be bold and be strong when you follow God by resisting non-providers because even when some men refuse to work God Almighty is still working on your behalf when you follow Him. Someone must rise up to lead the family or household into Godliness and if the man won’t do it (fulfill this calling to work before God and his fellowman) it is perfectly acceptable with God for the woman to exercise her spiritual rights and authority before God in the Name of Jesus. On the practical side if the President can’t fulfill their duties due to sickness or death the vice-president immediately takes over. Likewise if the first officer is killed or found to be unfit for duty does not the second in command immediately take over? Yes, of course, and that is exactly why we (ihlcc) praise God for strong women of God who exercise their right of choice to choose righteously according to God’s Word. Yes, we encourage all female saints who choose God over a non-providing man by standing strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might. No man on earth is able to do for you what Jesus Christ has already done for you. No one can save you other than Jesus, no one can comfort you like Jesus your friend, no one can provide for you like Jesus your provider, so let God be God and truly let Jesus be Lord over your life in tough times and during times of great joy and happiness. Obviously if the man is choosing not to work he is only taking from the family pot instead of contributing to it. Takers are not givers and there are many takers in the world today but God’s Will is for men to be generous givers just like Him. Amen! Just to be sure we are clear we (ihlcc) are not endorsing divorcement, although the words we are speaking are harsh. We are rather fully endorsing separation with a good space given for fasting (extra study of God’s Word) and prayer (find out directly from God) to know what needs to be done next. This separation maybe for weeks or years we honestly do not know because that is between your heart and God’s Will. We only mention this because we don’t want any Believers thinking that we said immediately divorce your husband if he is a non-provider. We (ihlcc) do firmly believe in working with your pastor at your church receiving good counsel from him or her and/or the elders of the church. Compare their counsel to the Word of God and what you believe the Lord is speaking to your heart which is in line with God’s Word and go forward from there. We can only mention possible ways of escape but the details and final decision is all yours and God’s for sure. We have even heard of some people planning on departure on a certain day in the future while others leave immediately the key is just remember separation first and that automatically does not mean divorce later. We know some will say but couldn’t separation lead to divorce and the correct answer is “yes”. However, in certain cases a fruitful separation where both parties cleansed themselves from past sins and mistakes in judgment turned into reconciliation for each other and God. Yes, totally depending on the forgiveness of a good woman once the man has truly repented with the outward evidence as proof for a good season (at least several months or a year of faithfully working) they could have a happy and wholesome reunion. However, if the man becomes bitter and stubborn without signs of remorse or repentance the obedient wife may truly be better off without him. I know a Christian son who’s mother left her husband because of his disobedience to God’s Will and his open display of worldly living and that mother only gained more respect from the son, so in that specific case it was far better for the mother to separate and let her children see more godliness than ungodliness because that is how the Lord directed her. Remember according to James 3:16 where there is envy and strife (fussing and fighting) there is confusion and every evil work. To allow your own children, who are God’s children too, to remain in a contentious situation for years can cause your children to turn away from God simply because they only see the works of the devil in their house. What you say only matters to people when they can see what you normally do and the two agree (both your words and actions should be consistence with each other). Yes, each person and circumstance might be slightly different but the principle is the same, which is Love God more than anyone else and be open to whatsoever He directs you to do that is in line with His Holy Written Word. We can remember on one occasion praying for a dear sister of God caught in this type of situation and the Lord told us Himself, “I (The Lord) cannot bless disobedience”. Therefore until that wife decides to follow God (The Lord) wholeheartedly The Lord is very limited on what He can do for her to help remedy that situation. There are always some Christians who dream of a storybook ending where they pray for their husband to be saved and to do right but they are not open to listen to (hear from) God if He were to tell them, “You need to depart from that man!” Please, dear faith friend who is beloved of God, choose God by choosing His Word because only then are you choosing life over death. Amen! Likewise we are very limited in Christ Jesus when it comes to imposing our will over another person’s will. At best you can only guarantee positive results when you follow God but you cannot accurately predict the fate of another who follows their own will over God’s Word. Remember each one of us must individually decide to live unto God forever or else we will die apart from God for eternity. For sure each man must pick up their own cross to follow Jesus unto selfish death while living the new life of love. In 1 Peter 3:1-18 KJV we read

1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;
2 While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.
3 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
5 For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:
6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
8 Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous:
9 Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.
10 For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:
11 Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it.
12 For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.
13 And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?
14 But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;
15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:
16 Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.
17 For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.
18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:

This whole chapter deals with woman leading by example, not so much her words because words are so powerful that if you share too much of your vision (as a woman) with an immature or ungodly man he will feel uncomfortable and reject the godly ideas you present. Why, simply because that insecurity of the ungodly man (yes, there are even some Christian men who act ungodly, sad but true) will sometimes think that they are the head of the house so the woman should not tell him how to lead the family because that is his job. Besides that when some disobedient men hear godly correction from the woman they quickly lash out at the messenger because they dare not lash out at God. Some ungodly men may be foolish and quickly angered but they are usually not dumb enough to openly fight against God because they know fighting against God generally has a terrible result in which they lose. The ungodly man doesn’t understand that his lack of vision to work and lead his family leaves a spiritual vacuum that must be filled with something and that something shall be God’s Will if the woman is totally submitted to Christ Jesus. Amen! However, on the contrary, if some women choose to fill that vacuum with their own vision of what they think a real man should look like (what a man ought to be in their own opinion) this conflict of wills will cause more friction in the house because both adults are selfish (and foolish) as opposed to more freedom in Christ when at least one Saint is understanding God’s Word and correspondingly doing God’s Will from the heart. Remember let love lead in all humility and meekness and quietness because you don’t need a lot of words (talking) when you consistently demonstrate strong actions. Yes, less talk about being godly and more actions (demonstrations) of godliness establish a better testimony for Jesus Christ every time. Amen!

Since this such an important message for the woman of God who is a wife to a non-provider let us take an even closer look at what these verses of 1 Peter 3:1-18 are saying. We will attempt to bring out the context of certain key verses to offer a little more definition to help better understand the Lord’s heart. Notice in verse 1 the first word used is “Likewise” so we can easily discern that a principle or doctrine has already been established. What is that previously discussed doctrine? In 1 Peter 2:13 we see the word “Submit” in the context of all Christians submitting themselves to the laws of the land. Basically saying if the law doesn’t require that you sin against God you should follow the laws on record for the nation you are a citizen of. If you are a citizen of the United States you should submit unto the Federal, state and local Government and if you can’t you should be a citizen of a nation you can submit to. Yes, we as Born-Again Christians will not probably agree with everything that the government endorses and it is for that reason the Lord chose the word “Submit” because you and other Christians may not agree with it. We should not protest everything the government does that is against our will when the Lord clearly told us to submit. In 1 Peter 2 verses 15 and 16 the Apostle Peter told us why we should submit in quietness without protest. We can not improve upon the simplicity of scripture so we will quote it to you directly from the Holy Bible (KJV), “For so is the will of God, that with well doing you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: As free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as servants of God.” This basically states what we said earlier less talking and more doing. Just be a good solid witness before all men by doing right publically and not complaining about all the evilness going on in the government or state officials or community leaders. The scripture basically said they are foolish which means unlearned so they might not necessarily be evil they could just be ignorant of God’s Truth. We know a young man who was out of Christ (unsaved) who boasted of many ungodly things but once he became saved his whole way of thinking was converted into an image and likeness more similar to God. At one time certain Christians thought him evil while he thought them to be phony so the Precious Lord Jesus Christ was not glorified in any of that behavior or attitudes but thanks be to God when a young Christian girl found favor in his eyes and she did exactly what the Holy Bible said, “she lived godly before him and never preached to him or worked against him”, then he too was able to find God through her consistent Christian lifestyle. In that particular case she was led of God to bring about his leading to God. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for his mercy unto men. This happened to her just for that specific case but as we stated earlier in many cases the Lord instructed others to move away from the bad situation because the Lord knew the disobedient man was in no condition to lead his family. If the man won’t listen to God (and the Lord knows those who are open to His Voice) for sure he (the lazy non-provider) won’t listen to anyone else either.

We will give you a hint; if one seeks God prayerfully with corresponding action than one can employ God’s work on that situation to bring about real positive godly change in the other person through deeds and example as opposed to preaching at that disobedient or uneducated (in a godly sense) person. However, the Lord knows those that are His and there are many cases where prayer will not work simply because God’s Will is for you to leave that person alone. Remember only the Lord knows who is chosen and willing to come to Him so don’t foolishly assume everyone you know will be obedient to God if enough prayer is made on their behalf because the Holy Bible doesn’t teach that. The word of God clearly states if you have an unbelieving husband you don’t completely know if your husband will be saved according to 1 Corinthians 7:15-16 Contemporary English Version

15 If your husband or wife isn't a follower of the Lord and decides to divorce you, then you should agree to it. You are no longer bound to that person. After all, God chose you and wants you to live at peace.
16 And besides, how do you know if you will be able to save your husband or wife who isn't a follower?

Yes, we (ihlcc) know people like to hear about all the stories where everything turned out great and the cold couple turned into a hot fire for God but that is not guaranteed according to God’s Word. Therefore, every Christian woman who is open to God’s Heart Felt truth must be willing to separate from an ungodly situation if necessary and how necessary it is depends upon exactly what the Lord Jesus and Father God and your spiritual people who are close to you (sometimes, church elders, sometimes other family members, sometimes very close friends) are speaking to your heart. We can remember several cases where all the close people were warning them not to marry an ungodly man but the woman’s feelings took over and after the wedding when the marriage was struggling they regretted the previous decision to marry the ungodly man. Yes, and we are including ungodly Christians in this category too, simply because you can be a selfish, prideful spoiled brat and still get into Heaven but by no means would those who practice sin be considered a true disciple of Jesus because they don’t understand love. If someone doesn’t know how to love God they will never know how to properly love other people. Amen! To truly follow the Lord Jesus Christ unto death we must be willing to suffer not having our own way all the time. We must be willing to deny the flesh certain gratifications that prove harmful to our fellowship with God. No one can hurt you more than those closes to you so be on guard to guard your heart because that is where God Is and you are. Amen!

Now back to 1 Peter 2:16 KJV

As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.

And 1 Peter 2:16 International Standard Version

Live like free people, and do not use your freedom as an excuse for doing evil. Instead, be God's servants.

Where the scripture admits we do have liberty in Christ but it should not be used in an evil manner referring to the International Standard Version. In the KJV the word “maliciousness” is quoted, which is a desire to see people suffer the punishments of sin just because they are speaking and doing the wrong thing before God that qualifies for sin. However please understand dear saint what could be sin to you might not always register as sin to someone else. This is because all Christians are at different levels with God. Sin in its most basic meaning is when you know to do something right in God’s sight and you choose not to do it. This is why we said we must be merciful because if a person really doesn’t know God they probably will not know sin either. Going back to our example of that young man he didn’t have a clue that he was a sinner even though he practiced sin regularly he only believed that there was a righteous God in Heaven. This young man was more ignorant than rebellious against God. However, there are many other cases where the individual is not ignorant of God’s Ways (God’s Words) but purposefully rebellious against God. This is exactly why we must pray for our situation specifically before God and choose His Word as our guide. Only the Lord knows those who are His, so if you are in a relationship with a person who is ungodly only the Lord knows if they will change but if they will not the sooner you get out of that situation the better but we warn as always follow the Word of God, the witness of God in the core of your heart and the confirmation of your spiritual elders in the Church. Going back to the scripture in 1 Peter 2:16 concerning “maliciousness” we should never want to see someone suffer for their sins because we love them, we would much rather see them repent and come into full obedience with God’s Word and God’s Love. However, for some suffering and punishment is inevitable because they are stubborn, selfish and prideful so the Lord and the spouse have no other choice but to leave them to the error of their ways. The attitude of the godly woman (or man) is echoed in the next verse (1 Peter 2:17) with the words, “Honor all men: Love the brotherhood (over the ungodly). Fear God (Respect and obey the Lord Jesus Christ) and Honor the King (submit in quietness and humbleness to the laws of the land that are not asking you to sin against your God). Now in the next verse (1 Peter 3:18) the Apostle Peter gives a second example of submission by using the term, “Servants be subject to your masters with all fear (respect); not only to the good and gentle, but also to the forward (mean and angry). Verses 19 and 20 of 1 Peter 2 explain to us that when we have nice bosses we submit to their leadership even when we don’t agree with them and we also act the very same way when we have froward (contrary or mean) bosses. This means when you have a boss that is typically in opposition to your thinking yes you should submit to them because for one it will keep you in your job because the boss typically has the power to fire you and secondly it leaves a better testimony (fragrance) of God. If you can just be quiet and do your work maybe, just maybe you can make a positive impression on the boss such that you and God are able to influence this thinking into a more godly perspective. Amen! Remember through God all things are possible to those who believe. In verses 21 through 24 of 1 Peter 2 the suffering of Jesus Christ is mentioned reminding us that The Lord didn’t threaten or revolt against His accuser but simply committed Himself to the judgment of God, Our Father. Jesus led by example and chose to trust God in all His affliction. Now you can clearly understand what the writer, Apostle Paul, meant when he said “Likewise, you wives (plural)”. Paul is just saying all wives should be in subjection to their own husband even when you don’t agree with something they are doing. Here is a nice balance to keep in mind. If you do have a husband who has ungodly thoughts and actions but he is not personally attacking (threatening and/or abusing) you or the children you can afford to be more patient with Him. Remember, even the scripture stated in 1 Corinthians 7:13 if you choose to dwell with him you may. In this context if the husband is not being mean and tormenting but rather nice and loving and you choose to remain with him you may but know he should be a blessing to you and your family not a burden to carry for all family members. However, if he is acting in such an ungodly way that his influence is having a negative effect on the children you should seriously consider moving on without him or at least moving out until he has proven he is a good worker and a nicer person who is more worthy of you and your children’s company. Just remember separation for a season first to see if true repentance can come forth but never-the-less if no repentance can be found no relationship between the godly and good wife and the ungodly and bad husband can fruitfully exist. Remember the scripture in 2 Corinthians 6:15b states, “what part has a believer with an unbeliever which means the two don’t mix. Then verse 17 of that same chapter counsels the believing Christian, “to come out from among ungodly (him or her) and touch not the unclean thing so God, our Heavenly Father can fully receive us” unto His Glory and Honor in Jesus Name. Amen! You can choose to play with sin but you are playing with death and the penalties (consequences) of sin will surely come back to you if you decide to continue in the error of your ways. As we mentioned earlier we should never allow another person to take us to hell and don’t be deceived evil communications (which is lifestyles) corrupt good manners.

1 Corinthians 15:33 KJV
Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

Yes it is very possible to get offended by the behavior of a non-provider if it is like most couples who are in this unhealthy situation. There will be some good days and there will be equally as many bad days but without both doing their part it will be hard to overlook their disobedience to God, his family and our fellowman. So dear wife of a non-providing man do not submit unto the man in ungodliness but rather holdfast your obedience to God to lead by example rather than commandment. That is what 1 Peter 3:1-7 is all about. If the man can sense a holiness in you that is beyond reproach he will have to deal with God’s overwhelming conviction. However, if you nag him all day or whenever you feel frustrated he will not see God at all but rather a grumpy woman that is getting on his nerves. This ungodly type of approach does no good for anyone and that is why we strongly encourage that the godly woman act more like God. We know you will have to suffer some persecution possibly from him and other family members but please don’t let their issues corrupt your heart into bitterness. Please be honest with yourself, if you can’t handle the situation you should strongly consider separating for a season until you know with all your heart exactly what you need to do. Also, remember the children are called children for reason and that reason is they may not be capable of making adult decision. Yes, your dear children should even be in the position where they have to make the hard decision to leave a love one. That decision should be first made by the godly wife, then inform the children of what you are doing and why. Surely you can be honest with children and look for God to help them understand because the Lord Jesus can certainly come down to their level of understanding to help them and comfort them. Remember to keep the children lifted up in your prayers because they need God too, especially to make it through a very difficult situation. It is better to live in a house of righteousness, peace and liberty than to abide in the dwelling place of strife, laziness and sin. The scripture tells those godly women that are dealing with a disobedient man to not dress up in costly apparel or very fancy jewelry but rather live modestly (within budget and non-expense clothing). Remember, God will help supply all your needs but you should be a good steward to keep those needs to a basic minimum until you can get all your finances in order with abundance. If you have more than enough money to easily take care of you and the children it makes the decision a little easier to swallow. However, if you don’t make a lot of money don’t let that stop you from following God wholeheartedly because the less you make financially the less you have to spend on food, shelter and clothing for the non-provider. 1 Peter 3:4 declares have a soft heart before God and your fellowman by being meek and quiet and thankful that God saved you and gave you a clear understanding of what is right and what is wrong. When you have more conversations with God about understanding Him and worshipping Him than you do with carnal conversations about your marital problems and woes it is pleasing to God. The Lord Jesus knows very well all your pain and suffering but it is always better to glorify God over the situation and/or circumstances you are facing by constantly thanking Him for the victory over that situation when you have done your part to obey God’s Word. The scripture states in Isaiah 30:15 in quietness and confidence shall be your strength because there is a rest in God when you commune with Him. Yes, be filled with the Holy Ghost and pray in tongues until you are refreshed and strengthen. God is not trying to make your life hard, certainly not, for He came to give you life more abundantly according to St. John 10:10b. We notice in verses 5 and 6 of 1 Peter 3 the Lord uses Sarah’s submission to Abraham as an example of godly submission. We will openly point out that Abraham was a good faithful worker all the days of his life. When the man submits to God it is much easier for the woman to submit to the man. However, if the man is ungodly the woman must know that she can only submit to the things that are in line with God’s Word. Yes, this is what God intended so don’t think for one moment that God told you to submit to a non-providing man who is fighting against God. Will you fight against God too in submission to your ungodly husband? We think not! All women should submit to God first then submit to their husband secondly as unto the Lord. Jesus is your Lord for a good reason and that reason is He knows you better than you know yourself. So take refuge in the fact that God will never leave you or forsake you. Therefore, when you have God’s Word on a specific situation or topic you are studying you have God’s counsel on it and you should obey God because the Good Lord always blesses obedience to His Word because God’s Word is His Law to live by, in Heaven and upon this earth and His Holy Word is man’s law to live by too. Amen! In the following verse 7 of 1 Peter 3 the Apostle Paul reminds the men that they should treat their beloved wife according to the Word of God. See that is our point both parties should be doing God’s Word to have complete harmony in the house but if one chooses to go against God they are also saying they are going against you as long as you are on God’s side. The Apostle mentions through the Spirit of God that godly men should give honor unto his wife and that you two are heirs together of the Grace of Life. Thus, how is a non-providing man honoring his wife at all by not working? Better yet, how is he honoring anyone other than himself? The correct answer is, “he is not”. So don’t make excuses for him but rather let him stand on his own two feet and be a strong child of God. However, if he confesses to be an unbeliever who doesn’t want to work you must be willing and ready to walk away from that situation. If a person is bold enough to openly reject Jesus how can the Lord deal with him? Yes, we (ihlcc) know God can and does perform miracles but in these types of cases the Lord clearly tells you to separate because sometimes people prefer evil over good. These several witness ought to be a sign enough for you, oh godly woman, to know exactly what you must do in Jesus Name. Start with separation and counseling but if no change comes you must make your own changes to choose a new way of life that honors God by doing what is right and pleasing in His Sight (not what is convenient for man). In the next following verses of 1 Peter 3:8-13 the Word of God encourages us to keep the fruit of the spirit working in our lives while we are setting a godly example before other people. Yes, we should always be compassionate by being sensitive to the spiritual state of another and eager to show them love when we can. The Good Lord knows that when you are living with someone who doesn’t practice the Word of God or simply doesn’t understand the Holy Scriptures life will be more challenging but in spite of that He (our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ) still expects you to be loving, peaceful, polite and courteous. The scripture warns us from going tick for tact because if they are upset and lash out against you and then you lash back how is God glorified in arguing? He (God and the Lord Jesus) is not. However, if they act mean and ugly and you respond in calmness and kindness everyone will know that God is in you for sure. The natural man cannot glorify God properly unless he/she is submitted to the reborn spirit of God inside the Believer. The scripture reminds us that when we do things God’s Way there is a blessing of God attached to it. In verse 10 the apostle is continuing with that thought with the words, “For he (or she) that will love life (living the abundant life), and see good days, let him (or her) refrain his (or her) tongue from evil (no arguing or complaining), and his (or her) lips that they speak no guile (craftily moving a person into the place you want them to be by subtle deceit). The next verse confirms that we should eschew (keep away from, avoid) all evil and do good. It is not enough to just ignore it, no our dear faith friend we must go a step further by removing ourselves from the presence of evil and that removal is doing good and continuing to show good (God) in everything we do. This is seeking peace and ensuing (pursuing) peace both inwardly and outwardly. Yes, those types of actions will bring God’s peace inwardly first and also at the same time it will be a more peaceful atmosphere for the believer because they will have control over their situation instead of the circumstances controlling them. Amen! We know according to verse 12 The Eyes of the Lord are over the righteousness (yes, angelic protection included), and His Ears (through the Holy Spirit) are open unto their prayers (in the Name of Jesus): but the whole face of the Lord is against those that do evil. Yes, no working for a man who can work is evil and the Lord won’t even look upon this sin. Therefore this man is against God and mutually agreed the Lord is against this man, so you oh woman of God should know which side you ought to be on. We (ihlcc) definitely stand on the Lord’s side so we are against all those men who can provide for their family but choose not to. In verse 13 the Lord shows his support for all those who choose to do right by reminding them that they have divine protection in Christ. For who will harm you if (and this is a big if because it requires your commitment to wholly follow God’s Word and God’s Love) you are followers of Jesus (Him which is good)? The obvious response is “no one” because who is greater than God? In verses 14-18 the Apostle Peter mentions again that we must be willing to suffer for righteousness sake. Yes, having to resist the will and purposes of another may require some suffering because they will not like your resistance. However, the scriptures tell us “don’t be afraid of their terror nor should you be troubled in verse 14. We must not be afraid of people because fear gives the other ungodly person the advantage and it will keep the one who fears in bondage. Jesus came to set us free just so we wouldn’t be in bondage to any man through fear. Therefore, live out your freedom in Christ by following the peaceful and prosperous will of God which includes walking away from those who practice evil. Thus, when others ask how do you do it you are ready and humble enough to say, “I am able to live right by the grace of God and thank God that He gives me the grace to do it in comfort and peace”. Amen! Be aware of the fact that when you choose to live right (according to God’s Word) there will be false accusers that will speak evil of you and yes that evil speaker might turn out to be the one you are separating from. The key is the righteous one must keep a clear conscience before God to have peace in their heart and God’s grace in their life. According to verse 17 it is better to suffer for righteousness (doing God’s Will) than to suffer from your own bad decisions and even worse when you suffer from the bad decisions of another ungodly person. Verse 18 is our reminder that Jesus Christ has already travelled the road of suffering for us so don’t think for one moment that He (The Lord, God) doesn’t understand what you are going through. Yes, the Lord has suffered for the sake of righteousness in the eyes of our Father God and He is still suffering the hurts and burdens of all those He loves that are in bondage, which is a lot of saints and sinners. Amen! The good news is that when you suffer in the flesh God’s grace will quicken (made alive) your spirit so that you will be stronger to endure all hardships as a good soldier of Jesus. 1 Peter 3:1-6 speaks to us about what a godly woman should do in the midst of contrary circumstance. We have read that preaching to the husband is not God’s Way but rather through meekness and quietness be a godly example. Yes, dealing with the situation spiritually rather than physically is always better because it is always better to kill the plant at the roots as opposed to addressing each fruit individually one at a time. Yes if you, as a godly wife, have a non-providing husband you must ask the question is this a temporary condition (say 1 day to 1 year) that I can endure for a short season or is this a constant reoccurrence that is developing into a lifestyle or problem (sin, in some cases) that is prolonged as our way of life? If it is a temporary condition we would encourage all wives to stand by their man by believing God for a new job and praying privately for your husband to be sensitive to God and successful with men. However, if this non-providing husband is comfortable with not working or is always losing a job without ever being settled into a good job the spiritual wife will need to go before God’s Word with a humble heart seeking God’s direction for their life and the life of their children. When you are sincere with God and faithful to commune with God’s Word on a regular basis you will hear from God clearly and you will know what to do. Maybe you just need to stand for a short season or maybe you need to separate for a season to understand God’s Will better and to give the non-providing spouse a span of time to repent and get a job. Please don’t be like some foolish woman who confess I just left everything in God’s Hands because I know He will work it out. That is a copout excuse for doing nothing. No, you should know what God is doing and you must fully understand exactly what you should be doing. Doing nothing but trying to ignore all your problems is not God’s Will because the Lord clearly explains in His Word how to handle difficulties, but not handling them is generally not an option. If God gave you children you won’t be foolish enough to leave them in God’s Hands without any supervision because God told you to look out for their welfare until they are fully mature and able to take care of themselves. Remember the Lord works with us, He does not do all our work for us! We say this because we have heard some women say, “The Lord will take care of this or He will work something out” and yet they are clueless about what they should be doing to stand with the Lord. For example, if you give your non-working husband a weekly check to live on (which all women who have a non-providing husband do whether they realize it or not) you are not working with God’s Word but rather against God. Then if you go on to say, “The Lord will take care of this in due season” you are wrong because you are already taking care of the situation in your own strength and foolishness which means you are propagating a work of the flesh, not the divine intervention of God. If you can’t get the job done through much prayer, confession and faith of converting your non-providing husband into a productive producer for the family with God’s Help what makes you think God is going to get the job done of making your husband a productive worker without (or apart from) you. No, our faith friend, God works with us, the Lord speaks and we value His Words enough to obey them. The Lord helps us to do His Will but since all men have their own free will they can choose to disobey God at any time in their life. The Father God and the Lord Jesus Christ have given talents to produce (work, provide, labor) to every man. All men are empowered to work with their God given talent but if they choose to waste that talent they will give an account to God on the day of reconciliation. We see an example of this in Matthew 25:14-30 KJV

14 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.
15 And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.
16 Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.
17 And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.
18 But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.
19 After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.
20 And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.
21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
22 He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.
23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
24 Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:
25 And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.
26 His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:
27 Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.
28 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.
29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.
30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

We highlighted a few verses just to make a point. First we (ihlcc) do realize that this parable is specifically speaking about money, the talent was a weighed unit of currency and depending upon the substance (silver or gold) it could represent a different amount of cash. For example a talent typically represented around 75 pounds or 35 kilograms. It is known as the large unit of measurement for that time needless to say. The amount entrusted to the servant was no small change but rather a valuable sum of money. It is for this reason so many tie the analogy to a person’s ability or the literal meaning of possessing a talent, which simply means a skill or trade or occupation. Generally, speaking even if the parable is specifically speaking about money let us learn from the principles displayed in this story because we must first notice the Lord Jesus said in Matthew 25:14, “For the kingdom of Heaven is as . . .”. Most born-again Christians agree that God puts special gifts and talents into people for the glorification of God’s Kingdom first (to accomplish God’s Will) and to bless mankind secondly. We (ihlcc) do share this view and personally know it to be a fact. So the Lord tells us in this parable that He does give more talents, skills, abilities to certain people and it is sometimes a matter of His Grace and His Plan for that specific individual. The thing we want to bring out is that the reward for the servant who got five and gained five more was the same as the servant who had two and gained two more. That reward was basically more responsibility which in return brings more income (money). Have you ever noticed those who are super talented can generally bring in large sums of money whether a politician, a musician, an entertainer or a business person or yes even one of God’s anointed ministers? This is not by accident but rather by the Word of God for man upon the earth. However, before you start thinking that all rich people are blessed and to be envied let us (ihlcc) point out that to whom much is given that same much will be required according to Luke 12:46-48 KJV

46 The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.
47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.
48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

In essence The Lord is looking for the tithe on income they received and The Lord Jesus is also weighing if the servant properly used the money (talent) given him/her for its intended use. If yes, all is well. However, if the answer is no that servant may end his/her career in Hell instead of in Heaven. We, as believers, do know that some gifts were specifically intended for God’s people by glorifying God before people as a minister of Grace. However, many take their God given talent and use it for the world once they recognize how much money it will bring into their possession. Shall the Head of the Church, our Precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bless this? We think not! So notice the very real fact that it really doesn’t matter as much as to how much talent you have, the key is do you properly use what you were given to glorify God, the Father and His Son Jesus Christ? We (ihlcc) are sure that if the servant with the one talent had of used his talent properly to gain one more talent that servant would have received the same result, “Well done thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord”. The greater reward is entering into the Joy of the Lord (God’s Holy Presence) whether you realize it or not, simply because the Presence of God (or we could say being closer to God) is the height of all our existence in Christ Jesus. Amen! Sadly, we must look at the consequences of a disobedient servant because the Wise Lord knows that not everyone will obey Him, nor will every person always submit to His Word (which is His Will). First let us recognize that the lord of that servant called the servant “wicked and slothful”. The lord pointed out that the servant was presumptuous by thinking that, “thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed.” In other words the servant thought evil of his lord, simply put, he did not respect his boss so he disobeyed his boss by not doing his will. Yes, we will say it slowly again, the servant of this lord stopped working. Did you catch that, “Yes the servant stopped working”. The stoppage in work was after the evil thinking and so it is today. Most people who don’t want to work think evil of doing God’s Will. Now they will probably not claim that but the outward fruit will always identify the inward root. Therefore the servant or steward whichever you prefer had a job but he quit on the inside first to be fired outwardly by his lord (his boss, his manager, his supervisor) on the day of reckoning. Yes, dear faith friend, the day of reckoning will always come we just hope and pray that you will be ready by using the talents God gave you for good unto God’s Glory. We wish it just stopped there with the servant being fired but the indication is that the disobedient servant was thrown into Hell for eternal torment (spiritually, mentally and physically). This is why we firmly believe this parable is talking about more than just physical money. The intention of the parable is to stir-up all servants, children and stewards of the Lord to be about the Father’s business by not wasting their talent or their money entrusted to them by God. Yes, this has significant modern day application when it comes to working unto the Lord or simply not working at all for the Lord. Assuredly speaking if you don’t work as a man you are not working for the Lord. If you do start by at least working then at least you have the possibility of working unto Jesus and our Heavenly Father but if you don’t even want to work you have nothing to present to God as an offering of sacrifice. We will gloss over the fact that what you did have as a steward of God will be (shall be) given to another because you are measured as unworthy (unfit) by God when you refuse to work (share your God given talent with others). The term, “If you don’t use it you lose it” comes to mind. This is God’s Principle it shall operate this way no matter what you believe or think about it. We are talking about God’s Word (His Will), not the opinions of men. Yes, this parable ends on a sad note by someone losing their job and ultimately losing their life but it is for that reason that we (ihlcc) would much rather be brutally honest with people while on the earth in an effort to save their soul in preparation for life after this earth. Amen! So don’t be faint hearted but rather bold to live life according to God’s Word so you can set the right example before non-providers. We do not want to hear a non-provider man ever say, “I simply never knew not working was wrong (a sin)”. Yes, not only is not-working wrong but it is definitely a sin before God Almighty and mankind as a whole for a fully capable man created in the image and likeness of God. We learned from this parable that the Lord when reckoning with his servants expects obedience and we also learned that all people that the Lord gave a talent (or talents) to that God Almighty expects a return on His investment. Therefore when the Lord gives a person the ability and talent to work He (The Lord) expects for that person to work and by working he will be able to help other people as a whole, he will be able to support his family and he will also be in a position to further God’s Kingdom via tithes and offerings. Some people don’t realize that everyone should tithe and today under this dispensation they should be tithing toward The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember the full-time servants of God have jobs too. Yes, ministers of the Gospel work but there work should be dedicated fully to the services of God. Yes, they should do what God would have them to do and they should have enough provision to do right without distraction. The Lord ordained for those who preach the gospel to be provided for by those working in the earth who are benefitting from the gospel they are hearing preached to them.

1 Corinthians 9:14 Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
It is the same with those who have the work of telling the Good News. The Lord has commanded that those who tell the Good News should get their living from this work.

Most Christians would agree that telling others about the plan of salvation through God’s grace by the sin paid sacrifice of Jesus Christ is probably the most important information a person on earth at this time needs to hear. If we can agree on that it is easy to see that supporting God’s Ministers is critical to God’s Operation. The ministry of God is centered around using mere men to help other mortal men with divine assistance through God’s spiritual intervention. Historically whenever God’s Vision was lost it was partly due to men who stopped preaching the truth of God’s Word. Yes, God can do miraculous things but if no one knows (hears) about the power of God and exactly how to access Him through Jesus Christ they are lost without The Good Shepherd. This is why God ordained the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to save the lost souls of men. However, God’s servants must have proper provision to promptly do God’s Will with joy and all peace. Yes, the Lord must show Himself faithful by meeting the needs of His Servants because He (The Lord) promised He would. Remember 1 Timothy 5:17-18 Contemporary English Version (CEV)

17 Church leaders who do their job well deserve to be paid twice as much, especially if they work hard at preaching and teaching.
18 It is just as the Scriptures say, "Don't muzzle an ox when you are using it to grind grain." You also know the saying, "Workers are worth their pay."

It is God’s Will for people receiving from certain ministers to help those ministers financially so that they can continue to preach, teach and heal those who are lost and hurting. The good thing about supporting God’s Servants is that all three will be blessed. First obedience to God’s Word blesses God and secondly the minister will be blessed because he/she has enough resources to continue doing what God called him/her to do and thirdly you will be blessed because when you are obedient to God the Lord protects and provides for you personally (which includes blessings for your family). It all starts with tithing on a regular basis because you are working on a regular basis. The point of this part of the write-up is to highlight those who refuse to work don’t contribute any finances to God’s Work. Yes, we know some will say, “Even though I don’t support the church financially I pray for the well being of the church and the pastor. However, we could easily respond with the statement that, “faith without works is dead”.

James 2:15-17 KJV
15 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,
16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?
17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

Please understand dear faith friend that prayer is good and prayer is right but prayer is not supposed to provide for God’s Servants. No, giving of your tithes to support God’s Work is just as important as praying for that same work and one does not replace the other. Yes, both prayer (spiritual work) and giving (financial work) should be done in unison to completely obey God. The Pharisees prayed to God in the days when Jesus walked the earth but their prayers didn’t cover up all the things they were supposed to be doing other than praying. People are supposed to confess Jesus as Lord and start practicing what Jesus preached about the Love of God and submitting to our Heavenly Father but many don’t, so prayer without obedience to God’s Word in everyday life is very, very limited. We are supposed to do both which means we pray God’s Word while we are doing (practicing, living) God’s Word.

Romans 2:13 Easy-to Read Version (ERV)
Hearing the law does not make people right with God. They will be right before him only if they always do what the law says.

And James 1:21-22 Easy-to Read Version (ERV)
21 So get rid of everything evil in your lives--every kind of wrong you do. Be humble and accept God's teaching that is planted in your hearts. This teaching can save you.
22 Do what God's teaching says; don't just listen and do nothing. When you only sit and listen, you are fooling yourselves.

This means praying or even reading God’s Word is good and right but it will never substitute for being a doer of God’s Word. In summary all those who refuse to work are forsaking the plan of God for their life and yes, they are hurting possibly countless others and they don’t even realize it.

Malachi 3:8-11 KJV
8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.
9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.

So these non-providing men need to be held accountable while on earth so hopefully they will repent (turn around) by being a good worker and support the Kingdom of God and gain Heaven in that last day. Amen! Our Lord Jesus is very gracious and our Heavenly Father is full-to-overflowing with mercy so all the non-provider male needs to do is call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and they shall be saved in their obedient to God’s Word (God’s Will) which includes working faithfully unto the Lord. Yes, the Lord Jesus Himself will then lead him (the non-providing man) and guide him into all truth, which includes a good job. Amen!

While we have looked at several problems caused by the sin of being a non-provider as the head of a household (a man) we thought it good to examine what the Holy Bible calls those who don’t want to work. Let us start at Proverbs 6:6-11 KJV

6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:
7 Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler,
8 Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.
9 How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep?
10 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep:
11 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.

When we examine the scripture we can see both what the Lord is thinking about this activity and we are also to glean some suggestions from the Holy Word of God to point people into the right direction. In this verse the sluggard (non-worker) is advised to consider the ant. The irony of the word “her ways” is quite humorous because in this parable the female seems to be a harder worker than the male. Ok why did the Word endorse the ant? There are several reasons for 1) the ant does need a supervisor or boss to work hard. 2) the ant is a good saver (gatherer) so that she has extra. 3) The ant has a plan she knows winter is coming so she prepares for that. Notice that the work comes first and then the enjoyment of the fruits of her labor. Yes, this is a biblical principle to work first and enjoy the fruits of your labor later. The fruit of a tree is usually good to eat but the fruit is not first but rather planting the seed first and then working the ground for the tree to grow brings about the harvest in due season. So expect to work first and yes maybe work for a long time before you can start really enjoying the full fruits of your labor. The scripture also refers to the sluggard as a sleeper which we (ihlcc) believe is a physical and spiritual trait because some people refuse to go to work early simply because they love to sleep while some people are doing nothing about following God’s Word and they can be considered a sleep spiritually. Typically, when you are a sleep you are relaxed and doing no work nor are you thinking about how to improve in your efforts to be a better worker. Notice verse 10 states that it only takes a little sleep and a little slumber (doing nothing while you are awake, idle, inactive) and a little folding of the hands to sleep which is basically a sign of rebellion. Sometimes when people fold their hands together that is one way of saying, “No, I am not budging, even though I understand what you are saying about work I choose not to work and my mind is already made up”. So leave me alone or please leave my presence I really don’t want to hear about working anymore. Finally the scripture gives those sluggards a prophecy about what will come to them next and what will run away from them. Of course poverty (a curse of the Law of God) will come to the sluggard as a permanent visitor who nobody wants and the dreams of wealth and prosperity will seems harder to obtain than breaking into an armed bank to steal money. Don’t kid yourself being a sluggard is a hard life even though some people choose it. In Proverbs 10:26 KJV we notice the sluggard cannot be trusted.

As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him.

If you send out a sluggard to do a day’s work they will leave you with a bitter or sour taste in your mouth at the end of the day. Yes, trusting in a sluggard is like trying to see clearly through a smoke screen. Yes, the smoke will cloud your vision to the place where you cannot move forward until all the smoke clears which is exactly what a sluggard wants no moving forward, no work. Yes, no progress because to move forward takes work (effort and vision) which they simply are not up for. What about Proverbs 13:4 KJV

The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.

Three things we see from this verse 1) all sluggards have a desire 2) but that desire (dream, hope, image/imagination) is left unfulfilled because they don’t want to work hard for it. 3) the sluggard lacks diligence in his soul. So yes, there is a spiritual connection between lack and mental fortitude. Physically lazy people (the sluggard) are mentally lazy also. In Proverbs 20:4 KJV it states:

The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.

This verse basically point out the fact that lazy people (sluggards) have an excuse for everything. Yes, everyone in that local region (city, county, village, etc…) can all feel the same weather and go to work anyway but the sluggard feels the weather justifies his reason for not working. Basically it shows that the sluggard is very circumstantial instead of being a person of principle. We should work because it is right no matter what the weather is doing. We are not talking about staying home for a day because the roads are covered with snow and driving is dangerous but rather a person who looks at the whole season and determines not to work. This would be like taking-off the whole winter season of planting (working the farm) to have seed in the ground to be prepared for a fruitful summer when the harvest is due. If you never put any seed (work) in you will never get any fruit (reward, income) out. Just remember the slothful man only mentally works to find a satisfactory excuse in his own mind so don’t try to reason with a sluggard because they have already replaced godly righteousness (doing what is right) with fleshly reason (which does whatever it feels like doing at that moment). We see in Proverbs 26:13-16 KJV that the word “slothful” is also used to describe the non-provider.

13 The slothful man saith, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets.
14 As the door turneth upon his hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed.
15 The slothful hideth his hand in his bosom; it grieveth him to bring it again to his mouth.
16 The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason.

We notice in verse 13 that the slothful man speaks and thinks but is too quick to avoid opposition. Yes, there will be lions in our way to do something good. This only means that there are real live obstacles that stand before us when we are going to do God’s Will but never fear Jesus is here. He is The Ultimate All Powerful Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The New Testament scripture in 1 Peter 5:8,9 teaches that our adversary (the enemy, the devil) walks about as a roaring lion seek who he can devour but we are called to resist him (in opposition) steadfast in the faith because we know our brethren face these same afflictions also. We don’t need to be afraid of a lion in the street we just need to be on our way without fear and if necessary kill the lion while we are at work like David did as a young shepherd. – Refer to 1 Samuel 17:34-37 We should always remember ungodly opposition is no match for our victorious champion God and the Name of Jesus. We see in the next verse (verse 14) that a slothful man does not have sweet sleep (a good night’s rest) because that (a good nights rest) is reserved for the laboring man. Verse 15 is somewhat sarcastic by implying that a slothful hides his hands so that no one will ask him to do something. Yes, asking him to cook and cleanup is too much work for him and that is why he is grieved to have to fix his own plate or bring his food from his plate to his mouth. Yes, this is an extremely lazy man but according to God’s Word there are cases like this out there because once Satan has you mentally and physically trapped in this stronghold any work for the lazy man is too much work for him. Again as we mentioned earlier the sluggard is beyond sound godly reasoning because he knows more about what is right in his own mind than a whole council of elders. This is why talking and talking and talking and talking to a lazy sluggard (non-provider) is a huge waste of time. It would be better for the wise one who is following God to move on by setting the right (righteous) example and if the non-provider wants to follow you as you follow God so be it, but if not, be separated from him and then at that point you need to continue going forward with God. It is not for us (a true Christian) to lord over another man’s will but rather believe that each person must follow God on their own, at best we can only live godly in our own lives but we cannot get credit for living godly for someone else. Amen! In Proverbs 15:19 KJV we see that a slothful man (not woman) has a hard life.

The way of the slothful man is as an hedge of thorns: but the way of the righteous is made plain.

This reveals that all those who unwisely think that not-working is the easy life are strongly deluded (deceived). Not working produces a hard life for that individual and all those who are depending upon him for income, now contrast that with a clear and bright path way for the righteous. Why? Because the righteous follow God and God (specifically Jesus Christ) is the Way, The Truth and The Light so there is no darkness (confusion, misunderstanding, deception, laziness, etc…) in Him. In Proverbs 18:9 KJV we see that there is a connection (association) between slothfulness and wasting.

He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster.

Now we (ihlcc) are sure that if you told a Christian brother who is a non-provider that he is wasting his life he (the slothful one) would disagree. However, to those on the outside of this non-provider darkness we can clearly see at least three areas of waste. First they are wasting the talents and skills freely given to him by God. This is one waste and the second is just as grievous because he is wasting the time necessary to get God’s Will done in the earth. Every steward has a clock running in the background. This clock is often referred to as your life upon the earth. Since everything upon the earth has a specific time attached to it we can be sure that the time you are allowed to complete God’s Will while on the earth must be used to His Glory. If you waste too much of this time you are given it can backfire on you to the point where you will never complete God’s Will because your time has run out, for your departure from this earth is soon at hand. The third waste is the time of others, this is one thing we are sure the non-provider has no concept of. Those who have close relationships with a non-provider man will completely understand because it takes much talking and much prayer and much pondering just what to do with a slothful person. It is in our godly nature not to want to give-up on a person so we spend countless hours hoping and praying for change. This is huge demand physically and mentally frustrating at times and we are sad to say it but sometimes we are wasting precious time and energy on trying to minister to this specific individual when we should be ministering unto The Lord and other people who are more worthy of our time and attention because they truly do serve (obey) God. Yes, we (ihlcc) did say that because as we mentioned earlier the slothful man doesn’t need counseling but rather they just need to obey God. All the talking in the world will never replace obedience to God’s Will because the scripture states that you must be willing and obedient to enjoy the good fruits of the place you live. Amen!

Isaiah 1:19-20 KJV
19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

We like verse 19 but often never quote the next verse which clearly states if you refuse and rebel you shall be severely punished. Notice that the scripture states refuse and rebel to show us that the sluggard is doing both. He is refusing to listen to God’s Word on the subject of being a faithful worker, which means he is refusing to listen to people telling him that working faithful is right and he is rebelling against God’s Word by stating I will not follow your will God. Now we can be sure that the non-provider will not say that himself (out of his own mouth) but it is important for the reader (the true Christian) to fully understand this is what God states about the sluggard or we could say the slothful man. Let’s look at Proverbs 24:30-34 KJV

30 I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding;
31 And, lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down.
32 Then I saw, and considered it well: I looked upon it, and received instruction.
33 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep:
34 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth; and thy want as an armed man.

First notice in verse 30 that the slothful man had a field to take care of but he refused to do so. This confirms the very real fact that God will always have some work for you to do if you desire to work. Remember you may not get a job the first try (interview) but be patient and trust in God and a job will come if you are patience and continue to walk in faith. Remember the 11th hour workers who were patient and remained in faith got a job at the last minute but that last minute was enough to meet their needs for that time such that no time was wasted while they were waiting on God. We will take a look at Matthew 20:1-10 for reference.

1 For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard.
2 And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard.
3 And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace,
4 And said unto them; Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give you. And they went their way.
5 Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise.
6 And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?
7 They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive.
8 So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first.
9 And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny.
10 But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise received every man a penny.

There is a lot we could talk about in these verses but we will just emphasize some main points that are fitting for this teaching. We start with the statement “For the kingdom of heaven is like” which basically means this is how God operates. We do understand that work needs to be done down here on earth so there are always people, churches, companies and organizations that are looking for good workers to help build their vision, remember every person has a dream to fulfill. Notice that these waves of hiring will continue because this is only speaking of one day but the next day the same things will continue. Thus work is out there if people want to work. Please, notice the very real fact that only the early hires got a chance to negotiate their pay. This means those people who are in demand will be able to negotiate their fair, full and sometimes extra pay. These would include skilled workers, professionals, certain politicians, certain athletes, certain actors and all others who are in a position of being strongly desired at that time. We could call them the grade “A” workers who are at the top of their line of work. Yes, being in demand won’t last forever so it is perfectly fine to negotiate your wage when you are in that position of leverage. However do notice that most of the workers after the first hires were not in that position. The third hour workers were (or are) the next talented workers but they had no control over their exact wage they could only take the bosses word for it that he would take care of them and give them a fair wage (after they worked we might add). We could look at these workers as being talented but lacking some skills or lacking a lot of experience perhaps they need an opportunity to prove themselves. The six and ninth hour workers were less attractive then the third hour workers so just maybe these might be workers with some blemishes on their public record like a pattern of being late to work or perhaps a reputation for not being a good worker. Yet in spite of their reputation for not being a good worker they were able to find a job by waiting on God and being patient (they continued looking in the market place without turning back home in defeat with nothing to benefit their family. Finally the last group is considered the bottom of the bunch because the lord of the vineyard really didn’t need their help for one hour, nor did he have to give them a full days labor but as it stands he had mercy on them. The lord of the vineyard basically rewarded them for their faithfulness to stay after it in the midst of contradicting evidence. Who stays looking for a job all day until one hour before quitting time? No, not most people, these people represent the very real fact that God will come through for you even if your resume doesn’t look too impressive or important (good). These would be the people with a criminal record or the housewife with no business experience but still gets the job just because the manager or owner believes they could eventually do the job with some proper training, patience and guidance. God is well able to make you impressive with the right person (boss, supervisor, manager, owner) through His Favor if you do your part to be faithful in your pursuit of a job.

We as Christians must be humble enough to hustle for a job when necessary
and wise enough to seek all possibilities when we don’t have a good job.

Again, these people, the third hour, the sixth hour, the ninth, and the eleventh hour worker didn’t have complete control over their wage but they went to work anyway believing the boss would take care of them after they worked and you know what, he did. Thus, the point is work hard independently of the wage because the boss (the Lord Jesus Christ) will pay you through men and women upon the earth in due season if you can show yourself faithful unto Him (The Father God and Jesus) and the boss and your other fellow workers on your job. So yes to put it practically it is perfectly biblical to work at a job for lesser pay until your pay increases at that job or a better job comes along later after you have been working there for a season. The only caution is be sure to check in with Jesus before changing jobs so you won’t have to pray later in desperation because you find out you are in a new horrible job. Amen! We never want to go from the frying pan into the fire because that is not God’s Will for any of His Beloved Children. Just know God will find you a job if you are willing and obedient to work faithfully unto men and faithfully unto Him, your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Now back to our conversation about the slothful man picking back up at Proverbs 24 verses 30-34.

30 I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding;
31 And, lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down.
32 Then I saw, and considered it well: I looked upon it, and received instruction.
33 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep:
34 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth; and thy want as an armed man.

We first mentioned that the slothful man had a job but refused to do it. We also see the slothful man lacked godly understanding by not being a good steward over what the Lord gave him to keep up. Yes, the Lord will always provide something for you to do but that person must be willing to do it faithfully, as unto the Lord. Since verse 31 states that the field was all grown over with thorns and nettles we can surmise that what we would call weeds covered the whole ground. This means there is no fruit in sight and the slothful man has neglected his duties for a very long time. The slothful man failed to keep out the weeds primarily because he is lazy and he just doesn’t care about providing fruit for his family or providing benefit to those around him. This for sure indicates that he is not looking to be accountable to the higher power of God. The stone wall surrounding the vineyard is typical for the body of man. If the field is our heart and lack of understanding impacts our soul (our mind) it stands to reason that the physical body cannot function properly if the spirit and soul of a man is undernourished. For as a man thinks in his heart so is he.-Proverbs 23:7 Verse 32 is the perspective of the nearby wise man, possible a neighbor, that notices the state of affairs in his neighborhood. We can conclude that the wise man is one who listens to God because he did receive some instruction once he was considering the plight of his neighbor. Verse 33 is directly from God and basically it is mentioned, “a little extra sleep with a little extra refusing to work (folding of hands) mixed together will open the door wide to poverty and close the door shut to prosperity”. We must know that you can’t play both sides either you are willing to work faithful unto man as unto the Lord or you are not willing to work at all. There is no middle ground, people who will to work will work and all those who refuse to work will not. We (ihlcc) have even seen lazy people have a job with the intent of doing as little as possible simply because they know working is necessary. Yet on the other hand we have never seen a non-provider keep a job simply because they don’t want to work. This is not hard to understand it just needs to be understood that non-providers are slothful people that can only be helped from within. The non-provider must be willing to keep their heart right with God by working and when they refuse to work we (as neighbors) surely can’t be God (The Lord) over their lives in God’s stead because even the Lord Himself will not force people to do what is right in His Sight. Amen! Let look at Romans 12:10-11 KJV where we are clearly told to put the will of others first over our own will.

10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;
11 Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;

Four things to point out in these two verses: First we are to prefer others will over our own. Yes, even when we think we know what is best for them. Secondly, we are not supposed to be slothful in business. This means we should not be lazy when it comes to work. Thirdly, we must be fervent in spirit which means keeping our heart right with God by keeping God’s Word and the fruit of the Spirit in an abundant supply within. This will help us and all those around us whether Christian or non-Christian. When you have a true passion for being godly you will do right, period. Fourthly, we must do all things unto the Lord because without God we are nothing. Yes, if your motive is off all the works you are doing are in jeopardy of perishing by fire simply because you could be serving yourself without truly serving others, in Christ the motive behind what you do is everything. We also see in Hebrews 6:12 KJV we read that slothfulness is discouraged for the Believer.

That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

We are told in the holy scriptures not to be slothful but rather follow people who are role models. Yes we should follow those who demonstrate faith in God and patience while living in this world because they (God is our Witness) shall receive the promises (plural) of God. Yes, if a man truly wants a job God will provide it (a job) for him. If that same man wants to be a good worker on that job God will help them. If that same man wants to earn a decent wage while doing that specific job God will pay him what is right in due season and finally if that same man wants to be a solid (good) Christian witness by his work ethic God will counsel him on exactly how to make his light shine bright at work while on this dark and dying earth. Amen! This write-up was primarily because so many men (we are ashamed to say it) are willing to be a non-provider (sluggard, slothful one) simply because it is easy. This is not right, nor is it Ok for the non-providing man to subject all his family to his selfish foolish pride in refusing to work. All men should work at doing something because God said He created man to work (till the garden, so to speak). The Lord created each person to perform a certain task upon the earth and that task is God’s destiny for that specific man. We notice in Genesis 2:4-8 KJV that from the beginning of man’s creation God purposed for man to work.

4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,
5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

We notice that The Creator worked first to create many things and God’s creation needs help to reach if full development because all things on this earth were created for God’s glory and man’s pleasure. In verse 5 we see that even before God created man The Lord already had in mind a job for the man to work. Now we must mention that farming is hard work so never let it be said that a man of God is afraid to get his hand dirty by working hard. We know from experience when you work outside in the yard you will get yourself dirty and you will typically make a high energy demand upon the physical body but the fruits of your labor will be worth it if you remain faithful to keep things in order. This must be understood with God because He (The Lord Jesus) is life all His creations grow so man must be ready to prune and cultivate God’s creation to keep it (the Lord’s gift to man) beautiful and fruitful (producing). Since we are always changing we must be wise enough to understand that things will change also, so we should adapt our work to needs of the field. There will always days of digging and maybe other days of planting and maybe other days of reaping the fruits. There will be days of pruning and other days of removing unwanted items (weeds) but whatever the case may be we should be working faithfully unto the Lord because working is right. We must notice in verse 8 that God placed the man into the perfect job for him. In Genesis 2:15 KJV we read again (a second witness) exact why God put the man into His (God’s) Garden.

And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

We see that God from the beginning of time had a purpose and plan for man to work and be productive. We can mention that Adam, as God’s man, was working in the garden and his help mate, Eve, was there by his side working too according to Genesis 3:6. This is God’s Will for the man to set forth a good example by working faithfully unto Him (the Lord) and woman with the man to both partake of the fruits of their labor. The man works faithful to keep things at optimal levels while the woman takes what her good man brings her and adds taste and beauty to it and then the creation of God reaches its full potential (God’s purpose). Does not a man work hard to purchase a house but the house doesn’t feel like the perfect home until the woman puts her special touch of cleanness, coordination and beauty upon it. Does not the man produce the seed into the womb of a woman so that the woman can bring forth a beautiful baby? Yes, the man (husband) and the women (wife) working together in holy matrimony is God’s Perfect Will but some men choose to ignore God’s Perfect Will simply because they are too lazy to work. The man must be willing and obedient to lead by example then the woman who is called to be a helpmate can faithful do her part. If the man does not lead by example (faithfully working) the woman feels overburdened and confused and often frustrated. Yes, the man is supposed to work and if he doesn’t the woman cannot cover for his sin but rather the woman will be forced to make a tough decision. Will I (as a godly woman) support God or support my husband in his sin. Since the woman is called to a help mate many women choose to support their husband over God’s Word which states to let him suffer for the error of his (the non-providing man) ways. The help mate woman who is a good worker will typically help build something and they can specialize in helping to build up someone. The Lord built man to build things while God built women to buildup people. The Lord called the man to build a family while our same Lord created the woman to buildup that same family. Most wives will help their own husband in a normal setting. Also many women will help another person to establish their vision whether through a company, a business, a ministry, etc… and in some cases the woman will be called upon to be the leader God created them to be to fulfill God’s Will upon the earth. There are a lot of good faithful women in the world today and the Lord blesses them to the measure He can but the virtuous woman will even forsake her man if she knows in her heart that he is constantly and willfully choosing sin over God (The Lord Jesus Christ). When the man refuses to do his part the whole plan and purpose of God is thrown off for that individual and his family. Why, because certain men, not all men, decide to openly fight against God by refusing to work. We (ihlcc) know this sounds bad for the non-provider man but it is the absolute truth so we can’t pretend it doesn’t matter. We must be willing to obey God at all cost which means men workers should work faithfully to other men as unto the Lord and likewise women should be willing to separate from a slothful non-provider man if it is truly proven that her man (her supposedly partner) desires not to work after a long history of not working. This is a harsh truth but very necessary to preach in these last days, so rather than fight against God we should partner with God as true Children of God. Yes, we shall Oh God follow Jesus unto death of our flesh (our will, our selfishness) to follow you Oh Lord unto Heaven because as many as do Your Word in Jesus Name and in God’s Sweet Love shall see Heaven with God and shall be counted faithful Children of God while upon this earth. Lord Jesus and Heavenly Father we (ihlcc) pray, “May we all do our part to work the works of God in Jesus Name”. Amen!

Ephesians 4:28 KJV
Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.

Or we could say, let him that steals the resources (time, energy and money) of others while he is not working, repent and start working to receive wages that he may give money unto his family because they will certainly need it (provision). Amen!

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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