Attend to God's Word

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 4:20 KJV

My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.

Today’s lesson will discuss the word “Attend”. It is important to know what “attend” means because we are instructed by the Holy Bible to “attend to God’s Word”. In general the word “attend” means to “listen to” and this word also means to “pay attention to”. The reason we make the distinction is because one can listen to another person but disagree with what they are hearing. However, in our reference scripture for today this word “attend” does mean to “listen to” but it is also implies that the listener should “pay close attention” to exactly what is being said and agree with it. Have you ever noticed that some people will listen to you half-heartedly while others will give you their full-attention. Those who listen half-heartedly will never get the full measure of your words because their heart isn’t wide open to hear. Doesn’t scripture teach to what measure you meet it shall be measured back unto you. Mark 4:24 MKJV proclaims, “And He said to them, Take heed what you hear. With that measure which you measure, it shall be measured to you. And to you who hear, more shall be given.” This is why your attitude when “listening” is so important. Yes, we (ihlcc) are saying unless you purpose to “listen well” you will not pick up on everything that is being said. That is why the word “attend” used in the context of today’s scripture means much more than just going to church one day a week to listen for an hour or two. There are a lot of people who only listen to sermons about God instead of “listening” specifically to God’s Word speak directly to them! The difference is paramount because only God Himself knows all about you and only God Himself knows all about His Holy Written Word. Therefore who is better equipped to reveal to each person exactly how they fit into Christ Jesus and how Thee Awesome Word of God can be engrafted into their very being. Remember James 1:21 YLT (1898 Young’s Literal Translation) which states, “wherefore having put aside all filthiness and superabundance of evil, in meekness be receiving the engrafted word, that is able to save your souls” We do notice that the word meekness was used in conjunction with receiving the grafted word of God. We also have seen the word “humility” used in connection with receiving God’s Holy Word. Therefore we can only conclude that the believer must “attend to God’s Word” with a humble (meek, soft) heart to receive it. The title “Child of God” is conferred to each Christian for a reason. Why, are we known as children of God? The answer is simple it is primarily because a child is always refer to (or looked upon) as one who is still learning and growing and developing. Yes, children are not even considered young adults, nor are they considered mature in wisdom or stature. God Himself knows all and is all, while we on the other hand know very little and are very little in comparison to God. Should not the child listen intently while his/her Father speaks softly directly to them? It is one thing to achieve straight “A’s” on your report card but it is something entirely different to be able to create the world in six days. Hopefully, every child of God understands they are but a little, young child in the presence of our Maker, Creator, Jehovah, God Almighty. This is the reason we must “listen to” God’s Word with a humble heart (a good attitude) knowing that an open mind when reading God’s Word is necessary to see what the Lord Jesus is showing us in His Holy Word. “Attending to God’s Word” means more than only in church or a bible study but every day we should be talking with our Heavenly Father (prayer, meditation, reading God’s Word and singing praises to His Holy Name). Yes, for sure “listening to” God’s Word means “listening to” exactly what the Holy Bible is speaking to the Child of God and taking God’s Word into your heart by believing it and repeating it (confession). We (ihlcc) cannot stress enough that the believer must purpose in heart and mind to spend adequate time with God to benefit from His Word because the parable of Mark 4 teaches us that although the seed was sown profusely only twenty-five percent of the people who heard God’s Word brought forth fruit. Yes, we are taught only those people who had a good heart that received God’s Word were able to produce fruit with patience. This means only twenty-five percent of the people who heard God’s Word “attended” to God’s Word. We (ihlcc) are not trying to burden you down with a bunch of do’s and don’ts but we do want to make it abundantly clear that only those people who practice “attending to God’s Word” on a consistent basis will see the fruit of God’s Word manifested in their personal situations of life. Therefore, by all means “attend to God’s Word”. Yes, “listen closely” to the whole counsel of God’s Word and then give “close attention to” following Him, Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior by doing the Word of God faithfully day-in and day-out. Yes, it is very obvious to us (ihlcc) that God thinks it is important to “attend” unto His Word but ask yourself the question, “Why is it so important to “attend” to God’s Word?” The answer we (ihlcc) find is God knows the only way for you to have mastery (victory) over sin, sickness, disease and the whole kingdom of darkness is for you to use His Word correctly because only the truth of God’s Word can set you free permanently. You see, Dear Faith Friend, God’s Word has already defeated the Devil in open combat during spiritual warfare with Jesus (The Word of God) so we (all believers) have this same conquering weapon of war at our beckoning and call. For Jesus sake please use it. God’s wants you to defeat the devil just as He defeated the devil centuries ago. This can only happen if you will “listen to” (attend to, pay attention to) to God’s Word and use the Word of God to overcome the enemy in every battle we face on this earth, for in Heaven we will be living inside of God’s Word in the Presence of God that will not allow any works of the devil to manifest where Jesus lives as King of kings and Lord of lords. So “attend to God’s Word” every day and in every way. Remember to put God’s Word first all during the day so that God can “attend” to you by meeting you at your point of need every day that you live upon this earth on your way to Heaven in Christ Jesus our Lord, Leader and Provider. Amen!