
Scripture Reading - Ephesians 4:23,24 The Amplified Bible

23 And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude].
24 And put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God’s image. [Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness.

We all know how important it is to have (possess) a good “attitude” but do we all know just how much it affects our success? It is said in an old proverb, “One man says I can do it and for the same task another man of equal size, intellect, skill and strength says I cannot, and both are right!” Why is it that one man could finish a task that his co-worker could not? “Attitude!” Yes, your “attitude” is critical for your success in this life. Some have said, “Your attitude will determine your altitude with God!” We (ihlcc) have found that statement to be true because without thinking like God you will never be intimate with God. Have you ever noticed that people who think similarly have certain things in common? It should be easy to talk with your spouse simply because you two share many things in common. Like a wise spouse once said, “If you and your spouse don’t have a lot of things you share in common your uncommon ground will have an earthquake separating you one from another.” This basically means if you want to be close to someone you must work at finding the other person’s interest to make them your own. Of course we are discussing a couple in marriage but the principles are the same for any person you would desire to be close to. This is especially true with God because if you desire to have a “healthy attitude” before God you must first receive “God’s Attitude” into your heart. We can hear some people wondering, “Interesting, What kind of “Attitude” does God Have?” We can assure you that God has a “good attitude”, God has a can do all things that are according to His Will “attitude”, God has a very “positive attitude” because The Lord doesn’t practice being negative when He has all power, all resources and all wisdom to overcome all negative (bad) things. In Philippians 2:5 in the King James Version it states, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:” what God is desiring is that we develop the same “attitude” of Christ. Notice this same verse in The Amplified Bible, “Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility:] This means we must first seek to know “God’s attitude” in order to develop our “attitude” in all godliness and righteousness. For years we have heard many motivation speakers and even some doctors and psychiatrist recommend having a “positive attitude” that thinks good no matter what. This is because even those people in the world do realize that the things that God recommends (teaches and commands) to better our life do actually work, even if they fail to recognize God as their source for information. One large problem with those who don’t know God is when they encourage others to keep a “positive attitude” without training them on how to develop it. The scriptures states in 1 Corinthians 15:19 KJV, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.” This means if you have no eternal hope to addresses (anchor) a positive future you will not be happy. Therefore any person without God will not be totally happy because they will know in their heart that they are not totally fulfilled and that knowing will definitely affect their “attitude”. There is always a void in the soul of man (and woman) that desires to live forever. However this void (unknown state about the future) is removed in Christ Jesus because He Is our blessed assurance, confidence and eternal life. All Christians can develop a positive healthy “attitude” in the knowledge that God will be there for them and with them for all eternity. Yes, we can develop a “healthy attitude” knowing that God’s Will speaks to us about His desire for us to have good health. Yes, we can develop a “good attitude” about life simply because He came to give us abundant life right now that will last forever. Yes, we can have a “can do attitude” because the scripture tells us in Philippians 4:13 KJV, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” The point we are making is that you must purpose to understand God through the study of His Holy Word to get the tools necessary to develop a “godly attitude”. All the tools we are referring to are found in God, not psychology or the traditions of men. Our Good and Gracious Loving Father is our “positive attitude” whether we realize it or not. Our (ihlcc) desire is that you do realize this truth and began the life changing process to renew your mind with the Word of God from your Holy Bible then you will have a foundation for a “godly attitude” in Christ because you are thinking as Christ Jesus. This is not just a matter of positive thinking by believing in self and the mental power of the mind but what we are proclaiming is the transferal of God’s Awesome Power to you because you are thinking, speaking and acting like God. When you think like God you demonstrate to others the “attitude” of God which empowers you to speak and act like God not just in Heaven but rather today right here on earth. Possessing this “victory only attitude” before you face the crisis of life will give you the edge in the battle and it will convince you to dominate your circumstance as opposed to your situation dominating you. Yes, dear faith friend, “attitude” is the key, so if you desire the keys to success just know that your “attitude” will unlock the door to limitless success in Christ Jesus but you must decide if you are willing to do the spiritual work of learning God to get it? We pray that you are up for the task because hopefully you already started developing a “can-do-it attitude” in God to overcome the things of this earth. Just remember greater is He that is in you then those who are in the world. If you can keep your mind on Christ Jesus and how He obtained success we are sure you will be strengthen to the place of claiming complete victory over anything you face, knowing that the “attitude of world overcoming faith” will always get the job done when consistence and patience are applied with it. The same God that allows you to feel good (positively persuaded) about your future is the same God who will help you overcome all negative things in your presence. Yes, we must always remember we have an awesome God on our side as our foundation for keeping a “good attitude” in this life. Know that your “attitude” is contagious because it not only affects you but the many people around you also. So let your “attitude” be to glorify God the Father and your Lord Jesus Christ in all you think, speak and do in Awesome Name of Jesus. Let our “godly attitude” take flight and climb higher and higher (altitude) to a successful life on earth on our way to Heaven. Amen!