Scripture Reading - Mark 9:23-24

23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
24 And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. KJV

We (ihlcc) would like to point out that our precious Lord Jesus in the context of the above verse 23 asks the father of a child with a dumb spirit, “If he could believe?” This foul, deaf and dumb spirit was a dangerous spirit that attempted to kill the child on several occasions according to Mark 9 verses 17 – 27. Notice that even though Jesus was standing in front of the man physically it did not mean that the man automatically “believed” in God’s Power which is His Word. The key is we must be willing to “believe” in God’s Word to access His awesome power. The Power of God starts with “believing” that God will do (or better yet God has already done) what He said. To “believe” in the Power of God you must first “believe” in the Words of God coming from others. Yes, everyday people will testify to the goodness of God by the deeds done unto them. Just like people “believe” in God they must also “believe” that God is faithful and strong enough to do the impossible. Yes, whether it is “believing” in the testimony of someone else or simply “believing” the words of a preacher, minister, family member or friend the true believer will “believe” God is willing and able to do exactly what He promised all His children in His Word. We serve an awesome God but even better than that we belong to an awesome God as born-again family members. Yes, our Loving Heavenly Father completely “believes” in us and that is why He sent Jesus Christ His Son to save our souls. Our Heavenly Father totally “believed” that we would accept Jesus as the Son of God if given an open sincere opportunity. Basically, when the Gospel of Jesus is presented in Love and demonstrated by people who are pure in heart the door is wide open for their salvation through “believing”. “Believing” in God is directly proportional to knowing God and loving Him. The more you know about God the easier it is to “believe” in Him because you will experience His Love on various (different) levels. So start quoting what the child’s father said, “Lord, I believe” because that will establish your God given “belief” system on the foundation of God. It is a basic thing to “believe” in God for even the demons “believe” in God and tremble. However, you dear child of God are called to a much deeper level of “belief” by “believing” in God’s Love, God’s Word and God’s Awesome Power. Remember, “When you “believe” in God all things are possible to be done by God for you”. Yes, it is said, “the only thing that limits God’s unlimited power is man’s unbelief”. So be a strong “believing” Christian that knows God is all good and all powerful and all loving because that will keep the door open for you to receive your full blessing from God in Jesus Name. Amen.