Scripture Reading - Acts 13:1-2 KJV

1 Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.
2 As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.

In this message we are not discussing the word “Chemistry” in the primary (first) scientific sense of combining chemicals to create an intended composition for use by mankind. We are speaking more of the second definition of “Chemistry” which is rapport. Rapport or “Chemistry” in this sense is a harmonious relationship. Sometimes when a sports game is being played with teams or partners involved we often use the term “Chemistry” when the players are on the same page. Simply put when players complement each other’s strengths (game skills) we call it “Chemistry”. We all know when certain individuals get along well we with each other sometimes the statement, “They have good Chemistry” is used in describing their relationship. The reason we (ihlcc) became one is due to “Chemistry” and that is why we thought it would be good to share this message with others. “Chemistry” is vitally important because it affects all our interactions with others. Yes, we know that in life (in this world) you will not see eye-to-eye with everyone so when should you yield to compromise and when should you hold fast to your position (inward convictions). Let us look at two examples of “Chemistry”, the first example of “Chemistry” is when you and the other person see almost eye-to-eye on a majority of topics from diet to music and from politics to religion. This type of “Chemistry” or harmony makes it very easy to get along with the other person. This type of “Chemistry” is not always present so work to keep peace for unity’s sake whenever you can. This should not be a daunting task because in general you two agree on a wide range of subjects/topics. Therefore, you should submit to love and peace for an element of disharmony when you have a proven history of “Chemistry” with the other person. The second type of “Chemistry” is described in the bible verse we are looking at today. This type of “Chemistry” is when the Lord God ordains for you and the other individual to do a work together. This “Chemistry may only be for a season but you should approach this type of union as God’s Will for you at that time. This truly brings to light the thought of working things out for Heaven’s sake. The Good Lord knows exactly what gifts and talents are in each and every one of His Children so when He brings someone to you for a relationship we need to be careful that we don’t lightly esteem (disrespect) this gift of God in our life. We (ihlcc) always look for “Chemistry” in our closer relationships because having the right “Chemistry” will prolong the relationship. Also, knowing that there is some “Chemistry” between us helps to keep us focus on the purpose of the relationship. We (ihlcc) always want to keep God’s Blessing in our life so identifying the “chemistry” created by God helps us properly allocate our personal time and resources. This rings true if this is a temporary project we need to work on together for a short season or if this is something more permanent like an addition to our family through marriage of a child or parent. The key is recognizing when there is genuine “Chemistry” and when there is not “Chemistry” because the truth is knowing the difference can bless you and all those involved with the specific relationship or it can curse those around you who have to live with a non-harmonious relationship that you refuse to break off. So be wise and select the right relationships with “Chemistry” in mind and be assured that all your relationships that are ordained by God will have the “Chemistry” of the Holy Spirit to smooth out all rough ways in Jesus Christ. Amen.