Scripture Reading - Luke 2:10-11 KJV

10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

“Christmas” is the compound word for two words “Christ” and “mass”. The word “mass” in this context means the assembly of common people. Historically the religious masses meant people of the same faith would gather together into a large group to worship their God. The word “Christ” is speaking specifically about “Jesus Christ” the celebrated Redeemer of everything godly that was taken from mankind after the fall of man through sin. He is known as the single Savoir of all men upon the earth who call upon His Name in Christianity world-wide. To the Jewish Christians the Messiah is one of His titles. However, to us (ihlcc) He is known as the merciful Word of God that became a man of flesh named “Jesus” that personally died for our sins, so that we won’t be judged for our personal sins against God’s Laws. The word “holiday” is also a compound word of the two words “Holy” and “day”. The word “day” means either the twenty-four hour cycle of time or the time of sunlight during that twenty-four hour cycle of calendar time. The word “holy” in this context means a separated time of worship and honor unto God. Just like in the Old Testament the Jewish people had certain days in which they gave homage to their God for his mighty acts of deliverance for them. Likewise, all Christians typically celebrate “Christmas” as the birthday of Jesus Christ. Although many scholars disagree on the exact date of Jesus birth we all can agree that Jesus was born over two-thousand years ago by the Immaculate Conception. This birth of Jesus was by a virgin named Mary from the spiritual seed of God in the person of the Holy Ghost. Although this was a miracle that a woman on the earth would conceive without a man many people choose to speculate how a Holy Divine God could ever live in the physical nature of sinful man. However, the fact is that Jesus was the first born among many brethren and we, as Christians, have that same chemistry of being one-hundred percent a divine child of God and also possessing a natural body as a one-hundred percent full blooded human upon the earth. The message of God’s Great Salvation asks you to believe in miracles right from the beginning, so don’t be distracted from the true meaning of “Christmas” by focusing on gifts, traveling plans and/or holiday parties. Jesus our beloved Savior is still the only reason for this “Christmas” season, not celebrating other people but worshiping God in the person of Jesus Christ and the Love of our Heavenly Father on this “Christmas” day and every day hereafter forever. Amen.