
Scripture Reading - Numbers 13:23 KJV

And they came unto the brook of Eshcol, and cut down from thence a branch with one cluster of grapes, and they bare it between two upon a staff; and they brought of the pomegranates, and of the figs.

One day we (ihlcc) were discussing an invitation to a specific event. The invitation came not from a very close friend but rather an acquaintance from the distance past. While pondering the invitation the thought arose in our heart of “Clusters”. In this article we will attempt to explain what was meant by the term “cluster” and how do “clusters” fit into the plan of God for your life. Naturally speaking when we think of a “cluster” one could think of fruit as mentioned in the verse above. If we take what God has done in the natural to relate a spiritual principle we know that a “cluster” of grapes are individual grapes grouped together of the same type. Yes, some maybe a little bit different in size but they typically all taste the same. “Clusters” in the natural are all partakers of the same environment and they all serve the same purpose. Although God could have done His awesome work without the “cluster” we all know that “clusters” make our use of The Lord’s blessing easier to handle and digest because the Lord has already done some of the division for us. If a “cluster” is thought of as a small bunch we can see that many small “clusters” all together will make a large bunch of grapes. Spiritually speaking we see a lot of people trying to form their own “clusters” independently of the larger plan of God. Yes, the “cluster” of grapes is good because they always belong to the same vine and their purpose never changes in their heart to be used as a nutritional source of food for both man and beast. However, some of the spiritual “clusters” don’t always tie back to the source of all life, which is Jesus Christ as laid out in the Holy Bible. In an ideal situation every work of the children of God would be God ordained and validated by the Holy Scriptures but quite often we hear of small groups (clusters) that focus on a certain issue common among men instead of focusing on the Word of God to help all men. Yes, some people are moved by the circumstances and situations in life and they firmly believe that is their ministry to the Body of Christ and even the world in some cases. Their heartfelt mission in is to focus on a specific topic or problem area they observed in their life or in the lives of others around them. This many sound noble but if they are not submitted to an ordained office of the fivefold ministry they could be teaching or preaching their derivation (interpretation) of the Gospel of Christ. This is not to put anyone under condemnation but it is to highlight that the Lord Jesus and our Heavenly Father have a certain way things ought to be done. For example, the apostle establishes churches, the prophet sees into the future via a spiritual gift to warn the church of coming danger and/or edify the church about good things to come. The pastor leads the church he/she is over into all the counsel of God for everyday living. The teacher of God teaches primary on the subject God puts on their heart at that time. Some teachers have a specialty they focus more on while other teachers are very random because they study all subjects equally. The evangelist focuses on saving souls and adding more people to the Body of Christ because they know and understand that God loves all people equally. The cry of the evangelist is to get people into the Body of Christ so that the Kingdom of God can grow and prosper. Now what if each of the fivefold ministry offices/gifts worked independently from each other, would that be good? This would be problematic for new believers because they would not understand why Christian’s preaching the love of God cannot work together as God does for the common good of the Kingdom of God. Not only would new believers be confused but also many others such as ihlcc and other disciples who firmly believe we should be all working together to bring in the harvest of the Lord. We should be doing all things in the love of God for others as written in the plan of God, known as the Holy Bible. Yes, some “clusters” have a good idea to share but they must also put that idea in the context of the bigger picture to have everlasting results. What we (ihlcc) mean is that unless your ministry is in line with the offices specified by God in the Holy Bible it will not have reproducing fruit because the Lord is obligated to bless His Plan not necessary man’s passion and plan. If the “cluster” is part of a local church it is probably a good (God ordained) “cluster” properly submitted to the overall plan of God. If the “cluster” is part of a ministry that is already spelled out in the Holy Word of God so be it, and we (ihlcc) pray that the Lord establish it in all grace, peace and faith. However, if the “cluster” is a group of people meeting to serve a single purpose of man, it may eventually wither away. This is not to say all “clusters” are bad because many are not. For example; are not all churches a “cluster” of people and even within the church there are “clusters” of groups, such as, children ministry, youth ministry, single groups and married couples. Yes, all godly “clusters” work harmoniously within a larger “cluster” of people that all flow and work together in unison because it is God ordained. However, we have seen certain “clusters” preach and teach in the Name of the Lord Jesus that say we are not a church because we are only looking at helping certain people. They claim they don’t need to be submitted to a church because this is their ministry unto God. The problem is if you are only focusing on a certain segment of people what about the rest of the people outside of your focus? Shouldn’t those individual be part of a church and if you answer yes, should your people be part of a church? If you still answer yes, then without the blessing of the pastor or elder/deacon is it possible that some words you are saying could conflict with the church leadership? The correct answer is yes, therefore dear child of God for Christ sake submit your “cluster” to the big picture of God by being in submission to a local church and the international church of God overall by always having a place you belong to (as a member) available to help those outside your expertise. Hopefully, all “clusters” we are a part of, are part of the larger “cluster” of the church, which is part of the larger “cluster” of the whole Kingdom of God in righteousness, peace and love in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen!