Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 14:40 KJV

Let all things be done decently and in order.

We all have had to face (think about) this issue called “clutter” sometime or another in our lifetime, the problem is some people deal with it better than others. No matter what walk of life you find yourself in, one thing is universal the managing or lack of management of “clutter” must be addressed. “Clutter” whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual does not lead to peace, but rather blocks our success with God and man. Let’s define “clutter” as: A collection of things lying about in an untidy mass or something overstocked and/or unorganized. Spiritually speaking one could refer to worry as an overabundance of random thoughts with various conclusions creating “clutter”. However, the believer has a God given remedy in the Word of God according to Hebrews 12:1 where we are instructed, “to lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily entangles (surrounds, fall upon, press upon to perplex, in close, entrap, besets) us”. “Clutter” is a weight that drags us down to open us up for sin as a result. That is why we are to lay all “clutter” aside because it is a heavy weight that is costing us in a negative way (time, energy and resources). We (ihlcc) know some people’s mind went to that closet, cabinet or drawer that needs organizing and cleaning out, for others it could be your car, or a room in your house. The point is “clutter” is costing you something simply because it is outside of God’s design. We really don’t know just how much “clutter” effects peace but we do know it works against organization of thought. How many times have we seen “clutter” in a room and get instantly convicted that we need to clean the room immediately. We cannot ignore that conviction and keep a clear conscious before God. Violating your conscious creates dullness toward God’s voice because your conscience generally is the voice of your born-again spirit so to ignore this prompting to remove the “clutter” will weaken the will of your spirit simply because you are ignoring it’s voice. “Clutter” takes on various forms, what is taking place on the outside is a reflective of what is taking place on the inside. Amen! “Clutter” affects every realm of our being spiritual, soulish, emotional, physically, and the financial realm. The reality of “clutter” is that it affects your will and your ways and also impacts the will and ways of those you deal with on a regular basis. The Lord Jesus and His Holy Spirit are within our hearts and mind to help us to remove the layers of “clutter” that have built up over time. Their goal and ours is to forever remove all “clutter” from our lives in Jesus Name. Amen!