
Scripture Reading - Psalms 138:7-8 KJV

7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.
8 The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.

Greetings fellow believer in the Mighty Name of Jesus in our previous lesson we spoke on “worry”. Highlighting that “worry”, whether individually or for the nation’s overall, is very harmful mentally and physically. “Worry” drains your energy to limit your spiritual resources from God like calmness, joy and peace. In today’s lesson we will stay on the same theme by discussing the subject of “concern”. Most people will think that “concern” is OK and most people are “concerned” about something. While we (ihlcc) do agree that most people are “concerned” about something we do not agree that “concern” is OK. We state this because there are many cases where people use the word “concern” when it comes to thinking about a specific situation and really what they are doing is “worrying”. Yes, some would call “overly-concerned” as being “worried” while just being “concerned” about the welfare of a loved one is perfectly natural. Yes, this testimony is true, it is indeed perfectly normal (natural) to be “concerned” about those close to you. However, being “concerned” about another does not set the captives free. No, we as Born-Again Children of God are commissioned to set the captives free. In fact, we are ordained to set the captives free. Therefore, being “concerned” falls more along the lines of being an idle (non-productive) work rather than a good work. “Concerns”, fear and worrying zaps our strength while speaking God’s Word infuses His strength within us. How many times have we seen a family member headed in the wrong direction and then we become “concerned” for their welfare? How often have we heard a discouraging word about someone we know and then immediately we are “concerned”? There are literally thousands of items that can cause “concern” like your future on the job, the state of your household, the condition of your body and countless other issues. However, we hope you are noticing that all of the incidents we just mentioned had to do with something negative going on instead of something positive happening. When “concern” only ponders what could go wrong or what might have a negative impact on our life, then “concern” is a negative force installed/instilled into our heart to work evil, not good. We see in today’s reference verse 7 that we will walk through trouble but God will revive (quicken, make alive, preserve, energize) us when we look for His aid (help). We also see when our enemies threaten or are angry with us the Lord will save us from their persecution and punishment. This is why verse 8 declares that, “The Lord will perfect that which concerns me: knowing that God’s mercy endures forever.” This verse is comforting because with an abundance of items and instances and issues that will attempt to “concern” us the same answer from God’s Word fits them all. Basically, what this verse 8 is specifically stating is that God will finish whatever is threatening us. Yes, the word “perfect” in this context means – complete or recompense or accomplish. Therefore, we would state it this way in the New Covenant, “The Lord will take complete care of me!” There has been many times when we (ihlcc) have confessed this during the healing of our child. This scripture has secured us when it came to circumstances beyond our control. In other words, if it was a “concern” to us we spoke outloud, “The Lord will perfect that which concerns me!” In doing this we gave place to move the “concern” from our mind to God’s Heart. It doesn’t matter how big (large) the “concern” is because the size of the “concern” only intensifies the “worry”. No, the key is not the size of the haunting thought but rather your resolve when it comes to seeking God’s best according to His Word. If you have a scripture that addresses a negative situation it is far better to quote the promise of God and then add this scripture in verse 8a which concludes that the Lord will handle those things that “concern” me. Yes, if you ponder this verse of scripture to let it get down deep into your heart and you agree with us that The Lord will accomplish His Perfect Will in the situation you are facing, you will have good reason to rejoice. “Concern” is only a problem when it resembles worry. “Concerns” can come through fear or “concerns” can come from frustration but either way “concerns” are not helping us to respond in faith, love, peace or patience. We (ihlcc) have seen certain situations grow into large problems when nothing is being done about them and that is why we mentioned some “concerns” grow out of frustrations. This is the primary reason we try to do away with all “concerns” because there is no life in “concerns” and who needs to be fearful or frustrated? Instead it is way more productive to boldly decree in faith that, “The Lord Jesus will perfect that which concerns me!” Whether the job is threatening layoffs or a fussing family member is visiting for the holidays if it “concerns” you it “concerns God” so let Him have proper place in the situation by speaking His Holy Living Word into that same situation that tries to trouble your heart. Yes, God delights in taking care of His Beloved children, so why should we “concern” ourselves with the same things He is “concerned” about for us. No, fear, worry and even “concern” is not God’s promise for our abundant life, but rather faith, hope, peace, joy and love in the Holy Ghost. It is God’s Will for our life for us to take His Will literally for our life. We must cast all of our worries, “concerns” and cares over on God because He cares for us according to 1 Peter 5:7. Therefore, if you cast all your cares upon God each and every day you will have nothing to be “concerned” about because you are doing God’s Will from the heart in all comfort, calmness and peace. This frees you up to have total liberty in Christ Jesus because whom the Son sets free is free indeed unto the glory of God, the Father. Amen!