
Scripture Reading - Hebrews 4:14 Revised Version

Having then a great high priest, who hath passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.

In our last lesson we taught on speaking forth “The Good Confession” which is speaking God’s Word. This is one of the highest forms of confession because we are echoing the Will of God upon the earth. As it was said, “We are ambassadors for Christ Jesus according to 2 Corinthians 5:20.” Heaven is our home but while we are present on this earth we shall speak as God’s representatives. Thus, we shall speak forth His (God, our Heavenly Father’s) Words while visiting the earth to establish His Will upon this earth. Also, in a previous lesson we spoke about making the “Godly Confession” unto Salvation because that is the first necessary “confession” we must do to be a part of the family of God. Once you are in the Family of God, as a Christian, you automatically are a member in good standing of the Kingdom of God. In today's lesson we will discuss the subject of “Confession” in reference to your lifestyle. What we (ihlcc) mean by that is your “confession” is much more than a solution to a current problem you are facing in life. Indeed, your “confession” is exactly who you are. The general thought we are trying to convey to you and all Believers is not to limit yourself to only a “confession of faith” when trouble is at your door but rather daily confess words of life so God’s Life is always present in your door. Your “confession of faith” during test and trails is good and the power of the Word of God can certainly overcome all obstacles. However, the Overcoming Believer should not be spending all their day in battle by speaking against everything. No, we firmly believe that the woman of God, the man of God and all the children of God should be constantly making “good confessions” that are in line with God’s Way of thinking. This allows time for praising God because that is a “confession”. Likewise, singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs are all examples of your “confession”, when you “confess” right the right atmosphere of God is present to bless you and draw more godliness in while pushing all ungodliness out. Whether singing or speaking whatever you say consistently will, for sure, determine your company both inwardly (spiritually) and outwardly (physically). For example, your Heavenly Father created you fearfully and wonderfully according to Psalms 139:14a. Therefore, since this is truth according to God’s Word it should be common for us to think well of ourselves because we are specially made by God. We should be able to “confess” on a regular basis that we are wonderfully created and smile about it, not because you are fighting thoughts that you are a misfit but rather you simply “confess” that I am fearfully (awesomely, amazingly) made as a true statement in your life which creates more of His Life for you and in you. You see Saint, the more you speak forth the principles and concepts of God’s Word you are creating a better, sharper and sounder you. Yes, speaking (confessing) what you are in Christ is all powerful and illuminating because what you say about yourself convinces you and others that you are who God said you are. Likewise, when you neglect to “confess” good things over yourself a vacuum develops and often some negative images (thoughts, words, pictures, etc…. ) are drawn in instead of expelled out. This could be avoided if we dare speak forth (“confess”) exactly who we are in Christ Jesus. Quite often the Saint of God sees a wonderful statement in the Holy Bible that describes in great detail exactly who they are in Christ Jesus. They read the Holy Bible as a good story book for Heaven without realizing the Holy Bible is our Guiding Light for today. We don’t need to only find out what we might need for today but rather we need God’s Word to show us exactly who we are “in Christ, in Him and in Whom” today, tomorrow and forever. These three “in’s” are all pointing to the description of every believers position in Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father God. Verses like, “You are complete in Him” found in Colossians 2:10a are not meant for just Sunday morning sermons but rather truths for the child of God to embrace as a regular part of their vocabulary. We believe that knowing you are complete in Christ will keep you focused on God without feeling insufficient in yourself. “Confessing” that I am Complete in Christ will keep you informed and strong instead of trying to find a good scripture during a storm. We (ihlcc) see far too many Christians that talk like the world all the week long but on Sunday they magically transform into super saint that boldly speaks God’s Words only. Well we both know it just does not work that way. Many believers speak forth (“confess”) idle and non-profitable words in their everyday life and then when the test and trials of life come to them (on their personal doorstep) they then decide to start speaking God’s Word more faithfully. This too is erroneous and counterproductive. Why? History has warned us that it is very hard to build a house in a rain storm. Waiting for the storms of life to confront you before you start faithfully speaking God’s Word is foolishness and often leads to defeat instead of victory. This is why we (ihlcc) are pleading with all Believers to “confess” the thoughts of God right now and every day of their life. Since God said, “He Loves you” in St. John 3:16 wake up with that thought in your mind, ponder it, “confess it” out loud that it may permeate the atmosphere. “Confess” with your mouth that, “I am strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might” in line with Ephesians 6:10. Speak forth (yes “confess”), “I have the Mind of Christ” in agreement with 1 Corinthians 2:16. Don’t wait until you need to hear a word from God, be aggressive and take God’s Word to the next level of life by speaking it (Him) forth. Thus, “confession” is not only for challenging circumstances but rather your “confession” is your world. We just pray that your world includes Christ Jesus instead of excluding Him and we will know the difference solely by your “Confession”. Amen! So we ask the question, “What’s coming out of your mouth?