
Scripture Reading - Philippians 4:11-13 English Standard Version (ESV)

11 Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.
12 I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.
13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Today’s lesson will speak on “contentment”. Yes, not just “contentment” in the general sense but true “Godly contentment”. Generally speaking there are at least three different types of “contentment”. First there is a “satisfactory contentment” which is happy to be in the position they are in. For example one could easily say after winning the million dollar lottery that they are “content” financially. Meaning that they don’t need any more money because they are satisfied with what they already have. Some find “contentment” in relationships meaning that they aren’t looking to start dating another person because they are “content” in the relationship they are already in. Of course another type of “contentment” is when the person has just learned to live with the situation they are involved with. These individuals have told themselves to simply block out the negative by ignoring the problem. They are “content” to let the unpleasant situation linger because when they ponder their options there is no easy way out. Therefore, they force their mind to be “content” with no changes because that response is safe, making it seem to be their best option. These are people who are unhappy with their marriage but at the same time “content” to remain in it because at least they are not alone. These are people who are not happy in their job but “content” to remain in it simply because they believe they have too much time invested in the situation (the company) to start all over by looking for a new job. Those are two different types of “contentment” in mind that many people operate in all the time. However, today we (ihlcc) are referring to “Godly Contentment” which is a whole other situation all together. “Godly Contentment” is learned by the believer and it is not automatic for each Christian. We notice in today’s reference verses 11 and 12 the term, “I have learned” is used. This generally means when life hits you with ups and downs you have learned just how to be “content”. Of course it goes without saying but we will say it anyway this type of thinking is uncommon. Yes, uncommon to those in the world without Christ Jesus but very common to us as faithful believers in the Body of Christ. The Apostle Paul is teaching us that he has experienced both sides of favorable conditions and unfavorable situations. Yes, the Apostle Paul knew very well that there would be times he experienced God’s blessings compared to other times when he did not have God’s best in his life. The Apostle did not say I always strive for the best of God only, no the scripture reads two fold. First, we must understand that we will experience some tough times in our life that the current circumstances are contrary to God’s Perfect Will for us. Hence, we walk by faith and not by sight. Secondarily, we must learn through God’s Word about God being your “contentment” when nothing else encourages you to be happy. Is not learning preceded by knowledge? So the knowledge we are directed to study is God’s Word concerning “contentment”, such that when we know God’s Word we also learn what God has stated about the situation. For knowing God’s Word on any particular subjects is knowing how God looks at those subjects. Someone might say, “Does God’s Word cover everything I would encounter in this world?” We (ihlcc) would answer; “Yes” the key is some things God answers specifically while other things He answers generally (indirectly). For example, if you are sick God’s Word specifically states in 1 Peter 2:24 that you were healed. However, if you were wondering about purchasing a particular house God’s Word specially states in Proverbs 3:6, “In all thy ways acknowledge him (The Lord), and He shall direct thy paths.” And God’s Word specifically states in Colossians 3:15, “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.” So there are at least two specific scriptures that speak generally on which house I should buy that can be used in your specific life situation. If you have acknowledged God in the pursuit of the house and have the peace of God bearing witness with your spirit that in this specific case the house is OK, then it is OK for you to purchase that new house. However, if you are experiencing hesitancy and a lack of peace (anxiety) in your heart that is probably a warning not to buy that house. If the house we liked proves not to be the right house for us we must learn to be “content” without it. Amen! Yes, God’s Word is our answer to all life’s problem and this is the primary reason we must learn to be “content” through holding fast to God’s Word. Why? Simply because you will never be “content” in Christ when you don’t know what Christ is saying to you about a problem or temptation you are facing in your life right then. Yes, as we learn about God’s Word and demonstrate our trust in God we can be “content” because we believe God’s Word and we know God’s character. God is not a man that He should lie, nor is the Holy One of Israel changeable (double-minded). We must learn God’s Word first, then we learn to be “content” because we have a firm foundation in Jesus Christ – Thee Word of God, after that we continue with today’s reference verses by purposing to be “content” through Christ Jesus who strengthens us. Yes, “contentment in Christ Jesus” is a spiritual decision to follow God and adhere to His Promises while learning to stand in faith through Jesus Christ as our strength is the Way God operates. So let us (ihlcc) conclude by saying “contentment” in life is a good thing but “contentment in Christ Jesus” learned through the knowledge of God’s Word is even better and being “content” through the Power of God which strengthens us is the best way yet. Amen! Please remember dear faith friend “Godly Contentment” doesn’t come to you automatically, nor does it come easily but time, knowledge, learning and purpose of heart (conviction) must precede this “spiritual contentment” when you are whole-heartedly seeking complete “Contentment in Christ” in Jesus Name. Amen!