Scripture Reading - John 8:31-32

31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. KJV

Notice the sequence Jesus presented to those Jews which believed on Him, those Jews that believed on Him are under the same spiritual laws that govern us today as Christians. The order is first - believing on Him, then - continuing in God’s Word, after that - according to the Word of God you qualify as being a disciple of Jesus. In today’s world many Christians that were truly dedicated disciples are falling back into sin and sadly enough many carnal Christians are content to practice the common sins on TV. Some believers feel that fornication and speaking evil of others are both socially accepted behavior. It may be accepted publicly here in American but it is never accepted privately with Jesus in the Kingdom of God. This is a quick reference for all Christians to be wise concerning the things of God. Once you understand this simple process you will not be alarmed to see people fall prey to the enemy of our souls. You see dear believers we must encourage people to believe on Jesus and stay focused on God’s Word to be a true disciple of Christ. Some teach that if you believe on Jesus you will go to Heaven but that is not the full picture. The truth of these verses states that you should believe on Jesus and you must “continue” on by following God’s Word. Not just a believer on Jesus but rather a believer in Jesus who consistently reads their Holy Bible. The time spent reading God’s Word will enlighten your understanding of God and with that deeper understanding comes additional Power to withstand and avoid the traps of the enemy. That is how verse 32 is fulfilled which should be the deliverance we all desire, “to know God’s truth and those truths we know keeping us free while living in this world”. This is the only way to stay free from the traps of the devil while in the earth. I implore you, Child of God, show yourself strong for God by staying (continuing) in the Word of God to live in complete freedom in Christ, thus making all to see that you are a disciple of Jesus in deed and in truth. Amen!