Scripture Reading - Mark 13:5-6

5 And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you:
6 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. KJV

Notice that Jesus said, “take heed lest any man deceive you”, therefore we must stay on guard for truth. The Lord Jesus told us very plainly that men will speak lies to us. This constant voice of false information is how deception is propagated in the earth. There spokesmen not only believe many of the lies of the devil but they also spread these lies as truth. Generally speaking, “Any person in the earth has the potential to believe truth or falseness”. The key is knowing God, the author of truth, because He can lead you and guide you into all truth. The people who reject Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior are rejecting truth through “deception”. This deception can be learned from other people of influence or an individual decision made by the person in darkness. The sad part is as long as they reject God’s truth they can never be delivered from the lies of this world. Thus, they stay deceived and usually deceive others through their general conversation and everyday lifestyle. According to verse 6 they will come in the name of religion, in other words speaking as a messenger of God. This statement transcends all denominations because false teachers are not restricted to only one denomination. No they are in every type (class) of person in every type of nation capturing those who are ignorant to the message and love of Jesus. How many religions of today preach a denomination or a particular name other than Jesus. The Lord warns that many shall come spreading falseness, not a few or a couple, but rather many. The reason it is many is because Satan does care about the number (magnitude) of false teachers all he cares about is removing the attention given to the One, Jesus Christ. The very God Jesus is the sole answer for all mankind today and that is why our adversary stirs up trouble against the good news of our Lord. The evil one knows that the more false preachers and/or teachers that are out in the world the greater opportunities he has to trick innocent (unlearned) people. The more people that men can deceive the greater the dominion of ungodliness. We must point out that Satan is not the only source of “deception” but as the scripture stated man will deceive other men to gain an advantage. The Christian should only believe the Words of the Holy Bible expressed from the Spirit of God’s Love. It is easy to understand why so many people are deceived simply because a lack of knowledge of God. So when you purpose to walk upright in truth know that you will avoid “deception” because a loving humble heart will keep you full of God’s truth in the witness of God’s Word. Amen!