Scripture Reading - Psalm 84:9-10

9 Behold, O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine anointed.
10 For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. KJV

It is amazing to think that God Almighty is our Heavenly Father. In the Old Testament the servants of the Lord reverenced God in an awe that separated God’s Holiness from man’s unworthiness. The Law of Moses highlighted a lot of requirements for man’s obedience to gain Heaven but spoke very little about the coming “Door” of Christ. The doorway to Heaven was always by faith but the Law of Moses made it (faith) hard to see and understand, obscuring man’s vision. Remember only the priest could enter the inner court (the first door) and only the high priest could enter into the Holy of Holies (the second door). As Believers in Christ Jesus we are in a position of honor. We are “doorkeepers” for people to come into the knowledge of Christ. Since “The Door” is Jesus according to John chapter 10 we must keep “The Way” to “The Door” clear from obstructions and darkness. Since every true Christian knows Jesus Christ is the answer we keep all false religions away which keeps “the way” clear. We also keep the message simple by telling all that Jesus died for the sins of the world, then the Father God raised Jesus from the dead to sit Him at His own right hand in heavenly places to justify all mankind. Preaching to all that; ”If you believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, and confess Him as your Lord, you shall be saved”. This simple message keeps darkness (confusion) away from the true path of “The Light”. As “doorkeepers” we must let people know “Salvation” is not based upon their good works or opinions but solely upon believing in the atoning work of Jesus. To all that believe upon the cleansing Blood of Jesus for their justification (right standing with God) they have come through “The Door” of Jesus. This is really amazing because coming through the crimson Blood of Christ washes you completely clean and then you instantly become a “doorkeeper” too. Every saint is a “doorkeeper” because of God’s great grace and mercy. The Lord entrusted us with the message of truth that speaks of righteousness, peace and love. So being a “doorkeeper” is a blessed profession for every son and daughter of God. Remember we don’t just go through the first door of the inner court as entering into the Temple of God but we continue our journey inward right through the second door into the Most Holy Place of the Presence of God. In the New Testament we know “The Door” personally so we speak of His goodness to all that will hear. So realize dear Saint of God you are a fellow “doorkeeper” keeping the Word of God in your heart, so when called upon to speak this Holy Word you lead people to “The Only Door” for their Salvation, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!