
Scripture Reading - Philippians 2:1-4

1 If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies,
2 Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

While ihlcc was pondering a very sensitive situation we noticed the lack "empathy" present in the world today. We know many believers are eager to pray for you but typically their prayers will be based upon their own assessment of your situation. If their assessment is accurate their prayers have a better chance of being effective. However if their assessment is wrong there is an almost certain result of ineffective prayers by those individuals who think they helping. This is where "empathy" comes into play. We (ihlcc) have commonly heard people say with a sincere heart, "We need to pray." This sometimes means, "I have heard enough it is time for me to pray, why wait any longer I (although sometimes mentioned as we) need to do something right now." Thinking that prayer will always yield a good result no matter what exactly is prayed. Some think that, "If my prayers aren't one-hundred percent (100%) accurate God's grace will make-up the difference. This sounds good and it contains a certain percentage of truth and that is why it is such a popular belief. However, let us be clear that random praying only yields random results. As believers and priest unto The Lord we should strive for accuracy and compassion over expediency and pretense. As we grow in Christ Jesus we learn to be patient which translates into being willing to wait to pray or counsel someone until we better understand the person and/or we better understand the situation they are facing. We will tell you flat out if you lack the ability to be "empathic" toward the person you are praying for or giving some counsel to you should probably wait to pray for them until you are (empathic). Why? Some may ask, it is because once you have walked in someone else's shoes you know the path they have traveled making you better able to relate to them. This generally means you will be more accurate in your request for God's help and you will be more satisfied with your results and we (ihlcc) are sure the individual you are praying for or counseling will be more happy (satisfied) too. How pleasant it is to have a word fitly spoken in due season like apples of silver in a pitcher (container) of gold. "Empathy" generally speaking is the ability to recognize another person's state of mind or heart and adjust yourself to their level. Some would call it having a deeper understanding while yet others might refer to it as possessing God's spiritual compassion because you identify with the suffering of another. This doesn't mean you have personally experienced everything the other person has been through but it does mean that you are sensitive enough before the other person to not treat their concerns as minimal or negligible. Since all true believers are new creatures in Christ we have inherent within us the capacity to be "empathic". Yes many people don't walk in "empathy" on a daily basis so they don't show "empathy" when called upon. It is not something you turn on and off, it should be a way of life. Jesus had (and is) compassionate toward us according to Hebrews 4:15. On the practical side being "empathetic" is never done by accident but only (solely) with purpose of heart. So first plan on listening well to the person in need, then taking what you physically heard from the individual back to The Lord for His spiritual take on the matter. Of course this will take extra time waiting upon The Lord but the results of helping another is too great a part (step) to just ignore. Next spend some time asking The Lord for some scriptures to support the answers they need. You may even find out from God that certain situations don't required your help because He has already spoken to that person and personally told them what to do. Prayer and/or counseling will never take the place of simple obedience to God in your heart and deed. Amen! Therefore, be sensitive to those around you and if a family member, friend, love one, neighbor or even a stranger is hurting change your attitude into one of "empathy" rather than detachment or insensitivity. You have the Greater One on the inside of you and He knows exactly what they need and He knows exactly how to minister to them if you will allow him to work through you in Jesus Name. Remember people will not typically receive your works unless they believe you sincerely care for them, that is showing "empathy" and people in need can easily discern a phony once they have experienced for real. Jesus is The Real and He Is fill of "empathy" for others because His compassion fails not. Therefore we must strive to be like Him by displaying "empathy" through sensitivity of heart, knowing it is their heart first we adjust to until we have it our heart to show them both love and soft spoken truth to break all the chains of darkness. Amen!