
Scripture Reading - 1 John 1:3 KJV

That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.

In today’s teaching we will discuss “Fellowship” with God. The “fellowship” of a relationship is even more important than the relationship itself. We (ihlcc) say this because we have family relationships established at birth or through marriage but what good is the relationship if there is no good “fellowship”? We know of people who think that a relationship alone will solve their hunger for understanding another person or their personal quest for attention, but it won’t. No, our faith friend, God created us for “fellowship” with one another and especially with Him. The simple definition of “Fellowship” means common communication around a mutual point of interest. It is said the word “fellowship” was derived from fellows (comrades, companions) being together in a ship. As this picture of some people in a boat depicts it would be multiple conversions around a common interest shared on a mutual journey while passing the time away. Yes, there will be some relationships in your life that you will enjoy “good fellowship” because you enjoy talking with certain people. This is typically those people close to you, that you know in your heart you are free to share important information. Couples that have a good marriage usually enjoy each other’s company because they have grown in their time of “good fellowship”. “Fellowship” is more than just words spoken because “fellowship” includes the tone of voice, your heart’s passion, eye contact and touch. Yes, even silence while being with someone can be considered “fellowship” when listening softly to your companion with the ears of your heart. Yes, social media does not portray good “fellowship” because they focus on parts and pieces of information. Conversations over the internet can never replace the tone of voice when hearing some ones else’s voice. Nor can texting look into the other person’s eyes to see inside their soul. This brings us (ihlcc) to the most important “fellowship” of all which is our intimacy with God. Yes, the verse we read early said we (all Christians) should have “fellowship” one with another, speaking of common conversation of thanksgiving and praise for being washed by the Blood of Jesus and sound bible doctrines of truth. However the verse also mentioned that we do have “fellowship” with our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Just because we belong to the family of God through a relationship that is covered by the shed Blood of Jesus does not mean that our “fellowship’ with God is rock solid. Rock solid (good) “fellowship” with God means your communion with The Rock is your foundation. We (ihlcc) know this because quite often we ask people a question about what is the Lord speaking to them in their moment of need (specific to their personal situation) to hear the very common phrase, “Well I have prayed to God and I know He hears me so He will work it out.” Although this is partially true it is not the correct answer and that is a primary reason so many believers struggle with gaining the wisdom of God. Yes, we know God hears them the problem is why aren’t you hearing directly from God. Once you have your specific answer directly from God you have all the answer you need to overcome any and all trails of this life. Period! There is always a problem when you can’t hear directly from God. Why, because if they can’t hear specific information directly from God how will they ever hear God talking to them through another man. Yes, when we are babies in Christ we esteem the voice of certain spiritual elders as God talking to us. Yes, this is only for a season but that usually wears off in situations of conflict when you disagree with the other persons (elders) counsel for you or you inwardly think if God wants to speak to me He will do it directly. Yes, my faith friend, God will speak to you directly when you have “good fellowship” with Him and you are open to His Voice. Yes, this kind of “fellowship” requires a sacrifice of your time. You must be humble enough to hear correction from God because the Lord will sometimes disagree with your motive (purpose, intention) or your plan (your way, your works). The “fellowship” of God is primarily two fold. One fold is spending time in His Presence by walking in love, joy and peace. This is what some refer to as walking in the Spirit (Holy Spirit) by being in communion with God. Another fold is fellowshipping with God’s Holy Word. This is what we refer to as reading, studying, meditating and speaking forth God’s Word. The people who do both, not one or the other, but rather one and the other typically enjoy a greater level of “fellowship” with God. We emphasize this because many Christians are struggling with difficult circumstances without clear direction from God. After we prayed (sought) the Lord for reasons why they are struggling (frustrated) with not hearing clearly and correctly from God. The answer came back to us as a “fellowship” problem. So, remember God’s beloved child the Lord wants your “fellowship” He died to gain a direct line to your heart and soul just for more “good fellowship”. You however must decide to spend adequate time with His Word and Spirit of Love to ascertain His Ways, His Thoughts and His Principles to understand His Voice because once you understand (know) God’s Voice there is no mistake about it. Yes, through “intimate fellowship” you understand God’s Word because you know His Voice, then and only then can you confidently ask God for solutions to your problems and always (yes, we said always) receive thee correct answer. It is not just a matter of what you know but rather whom you know and how well do you know Him (His Voice). Amen!