
Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 11:1 CEV (Contemporary English Version)

You must follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

We (ihlcc) ask you the “following” questions, “Who should you follow?” If you are a parent, “Should you follow your children? Or should your children follow you as a parent as you follow Christ? What about if you don’t know who is leading something should you blindly follow them? Or should you follow someone who you question their leadership skills? Should you follow just anyone because others are following them? Or should you be very specific on whom you follow? The answer is already known that you should be “following” God’s Word and serving your Lord Jesus Christ faithfully. Undoubtedly, you would never “follow” anyone outside of Christ Jesus your personal Lord and Leader at the disapproval of God. A problem that many of the Children of God are dealing with is a divided heart because they are tied to other things involving other people. Although, it is their heart’s desire to make other people happy some do so at the cost of God’s Peace (a clear conscience). The problem stems from people wanting you to think like they think and behave (act) like them too. When your children, parents, supervisor, friends and even certain notable figures in the public start “following” others they prefer for you to be just like them and “follow” happily along with them as they “follow” others. The Lord Jesus doesn’t endorse such activities that encourage others to “follow” others aside from “following” their own heart. No quite the contrary, the Holy Bible actually speaks against such behaviors because in Christ Jesus there is total freedom (liberty) to be yourself. Plus, many Christians are called to be leaders in the world as they lead people unto God. Every saint is not called to be a “follower” of men but rather a Leader in Christ Jesus. Did not the Lord Jesus ordain you to lead others, how much more should you lead your own children, parents, neighbors, supervisor, and others unto righteousness and peace when they desire to “follow” you. The Lord knows that many Christians don’t see themselves as leaders in the earth but our day is here and more and more you are called upon to lead, so thou shall lead. Be a Leader, we (ihlcc) know some people defer to someone else because they trust their counsel but good counsel is always from one (the same) source. Your counsel is coming directly from the Holy Spirit and your Savoir, Thee Counselor, Jesus Christ. This means that you can lead others because you understand that you are led forth of God’s peace. When called upon to lead another simply “follow” God’s Peace and then lead in strength and confidence because God has ordained you to do so. Peace is the great Persuader (He is Holy and Pure) when you have it you always go forth with Him, when you don’t sense God’s Peace you should pause and wait or “follow” peace in not doing something others are doing based on the fact that it doesn’t feel right in your spirit (and soul). God could have called us to just “follow” the crowd like many others we know in the world but that is not our purpose in life. You are called to be a Leader in the Body of Christ yes even starting from the throne room of your closet in your own home (your place of prayer and communion with God). This is foolishness unto men but supernatural and very holy unto God. The Lord says, “You are My beloved children and I love you dearly just keep your heart (thoughts) away from “following” mere men so that you can appreciate the Presence of God surrounding you and your household”. Be at Peace with yourself and God, and find your contentment in Christ for (because) He is your true liberty. Remember above all things to seek Peace (God’s Witness) and pursue Him (God’s Will) so that you won’t be lead astray by “following” men as opposed to “following” Christ, your Lord and Leader. Amen.