Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 11:1 Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)

Follow my example, just as I follow the example of Christ.

It is funny how much man likes to speak, listen and learn about leadership but few people realize the full potential in effective “Followship”. When we speak of “followship” we (ihlcc) are speaking about how a person (whether saint or sinner) “follows” someone or something. We will explain, the typical thought when following states that “all good leaders needed to be good followers first”. There is some truth to that because understanding authority demands that we submit to those in authority over us which is basically “following” someone with a good attitude. We (ihlcc) will take this one step further by explaining “following” does not just involve people but it also includes following orders, principles, instructions, precepts and concepts. Yes, the good “follower” pays attention to written instructions just as much as listening intently to those over him/her. Yes, many people raise their hands to be the leader of the group but how many people do you hear speaking about outstanding “followship”. The truth is Jesus speaks about “following” him to be a true disciple in St. John 12:26 with the words, “If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.” Jesus said that all His servants will “follow” Him this means Jesus needs more “followers” than leaders. Yes, we should do whatsoever the Lord tells us to do by following His specific instructions for our life. However, just as important, we should be “following” God’s Word for the Lord’s general instructions for all mankind. It is funny to listen to so many leaders (both Christian and non-Christian) quote certain fancy slogans that favor their cause but we have seen many of those same leaders tell others to do what they are not willing to do. Whether it is politics in government or top executives for large companies or certain ministers of the church we find that most leaders like the title of leader over the humbling reality of “chief follower”. This is why the Apostle’s Paul statement is so accurate for our situation (inheritance) in Christ. Jesus Christ and our loving Heavenly Father are the Leaders period and all men are “followers” whether they are “following” God, the flesh or the devil. The truth that God is The Leader for all good things is scriptural, although it may appear to mere man that men are running their show. Truthfully, God created the show and the world that witnesses the show, make no mistake about it. We (ihlcc) are basically saying God is the fullness of our all-in-all so let us give honor unto The Faithful Creator whom all praises are due. We believe all people should “follow” God’s Word first and learn to “follow” His Voice for the instructions that are specific to your need in life because by doing that well you would have graduated to the honorable place of understanding “Followship”, which precedes the Honor of God. Amen.