
Scripture Reading - Genesis 2:9a KJV

And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; . . .

We (ihlcc) decided in this lesson and the following series of lessons to approach the subject of “food”. Of course when we are mentioning “food” in general similar principles apply to “drinks” but we will address the subject of “drinking” in general to one lesson by itself. First, since we are starting wide and getting more narrow as we go we openly proclaim that the Good Lord God created “food” for man and beast. Yes, the scripture clearly states that God is the source for all good “food” in agreement with Psalms 136:25 KJV. However, because man lives upon the earth they have over the past thousands of years created a way to make a profit on “food”. Thus, what the Lord God created to be a blessing for all people many profit minded people have corrupted to limit the open accessibility of “food”. In other words “all good food was created by God and was design for public consumption”. However, since we all know that money is the root of all evil according to 1 Timothy 6:10 we must understand that money is the motive behind many “foods” available in the market today. We say this because man has put a lot of additives into the “food” to make it more profitable to sell and also sometimes to lengthen the shelf life of the product (preservatives). Just think about it, if you are a CEO of a large food manufacturing facility and your product developers told you that adding certain ingredients would lengthen the live of your “food” you would think that is a good thing. Likewise, if that same group of food developers told you we can buy certain ingredients for our product cheaper with your approval you would be compelled to say OK (and sign off on the new contract to the suppler). The reason we are setting this foundation of the development of man’s food is because the mingling of bad ingredients into good Godly created “food” does cause some problems for people. Now that you are equipped with this basic understanding it will help you to understand where the phrase, “The closer to the ground the better the “food” is for you!” comes from. This means those who look for a wholesome approach to “food” are putting themselves into a better position to keep the temple of God more nourished and in certain cases feeling healthier. Yes, we do realize looking for organic and all natural “food” is more time consuming but it does pay certain dividends. Likewise buying more organic and/or all natural food may even be more costing in the short run but it may also be less expense in the long run if more wholesome “food” can keep you and your family more healthier overall. We would never limit God by stating that He only blesses His pure food because that would not be true because the spiritual sanctification of the “food” comes from prayer over the “food” with thanksgiving. The truth is the “food” originally created by God already has a blessing upon it both naturally and spiritual. What we mean by that is “God’s Food” was created to work well with your digestive system. Yes, this is why the Lord told the Children of Israel in the Old Testament which “foods” were permitted and which “foods” were forbidden. This is because certain “foods” would digest easier than others and certain foods were better for man than others. Now that we are under the New Covenant God told the Apostle Peter that certain foods that were considered unclean and now cleansed by the Blood of Jesus.-Refer to Acts 10:9-16 and 11:4-10 This means that with the new life of Jesus Christ embedded into our spirit and permeating our body we can digest all manner of meats and other “foods” created by God. This is specifically speaking about what God has cleansed not just any “food” but as we mentioned before the “food” created by God. If the phrase, “You are what you eat.” naturally speaking holds some merit you should eat well to help you feel well which will help you be well in life. Likewise, if you want to allow your body to reach its maximum potential eat that way. So we encourage people to look up and down when considering a healthy diet because we should look up to God for proper guidance on eating and we also should look down close to the ground to find the source of the “food” we eat. Some have proven that everything that is labeled as “food” is not good for the human body. Since you are the temple of God it is imperative that you keep up God’s temple. This means that you purposely do what is necessary to keep your eating habits good and well-disciplined because if you are eating “food” that will cause some health problems it is not God’s Will for you because eating harmful “food” will hurt God’s heart because He loves you, it will hurt you both physically and mentally and it will hurt your close family and friends who desire for you to be well. Of course we are fully aware that praying over the “food” cleanses (sanctifies) “God’s food” according to 1 Timothy 4:5 but that same verse does mention that every creature of God is good and should be received with thanksgiving. This does not include the “foods” that are created at the hands of men with a lot of chemicals inside because it is hard to know if those idle and harmful profit based “foods” have any nutritional valve. So be wise, dear child of God, and eat the “healthy foods” created by God because if you do that on a consistent basis we (ihlcc) are sure your body will thank you for it, and you will keep a clear conscience before God and your family and friends. Amen!