Scripture Reading - 1 John 1:9 KJV

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Anyone who knows anything about Christianity knows that God “forgave” us. The “forgiving” nature of God is to be emulated by His Beloved Children upon this earth. It is generally accepted in the world’s system to hold a grudge against other people if you have a good reason. The reasons for being upset with someone else range from little to large but “unforgiveness” should not be an option when it comes to the plan of God. Every believer is commissioned by the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to love others openly and unconditionally. This unconditional love of God includes the acts of “forgiveness” because all people have suffered a wrong by someone else in this world. Just like we freely love people even when they don’t deserve it, we also must be willing to freely “forgive” others who have offended us. Health studies have proven the fact that holding on to offenses (bitterness, anger, etc…) is stressful (harmful) for the physical body. Yes, even the Holy Bible teaches that any root of bitterness found in the heart of a person will defile that person and others under their influence according to Hebrews 12:15. Knowing that “forgiveness” is divine and “unforgiveness” is selfish we should always purpose to be like God. A soft “forgiving” heart will understand that some people will do things that are contrary to God’s Word without proper consideration for others. This is where this scripture works perfectly well when it comes to the subject of someone else apologizing for their wrong done unto you, those people are easy to “forgive”. However, in today’s society people have found it very difficult to admit they were wrong, so confessing their sin seems almost a lost art (if not impossible). Oh how we (ihlcc) look forward to someone who knows they have sinned, confessing that sin unto God to gain the cleansing of their conscience by the Blood of the Lamb. Since we have read that God is willing and ready to “forgive” our sins whenever we confess them it is easy to believe that God is a “Forgiving Father”. As a Loving Father He can (and does) cleanse us from all unrighteousness and we must think along those same lines. “Forgiveness” of others is just as important as your “forgiveness” toward yourself because God loves and “forgives” all. It is never a good idea to doubt God’s Eternal “Forgiveness” because that would be the same as doubting His Great Love for you. Yes, just as Our Heavenly Father freely “forgives” us we must always be ready to freely “forgive” ourselves and others. Since the “forgiveness” of God is tide unto the Precious Shed Blood of Jesus Christ we must understand that “forgiveness” is sacred (precious) unto God. The application of “forgiving” someone else solely by the grace of God is commanded by God as part of your calling as a Christian. As sinners saved by grace we started with a huge mountain of sin and since God’s “forgiveness” is deeper than the oceans we were made new creatures in Christ. So we, as children of God, must do our part to preach the “forgiveness” of sin through the shed Blood of Jesus Christ so others can be saved. Now after obtaining that great plan of salvation the “forgiveness” of God doesn’t stop, anytime and anyplace we need to receive the cleansing power of that Blood of Jesus all we need to do is remember to “forgive” others and our self as God “forgave” us in the Person of Jesus. Amen!