
Scripture Reading - Proverbs 18:24 KJV

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

In today’s society many people have “friends” but amazingly not all people with “friends” are “friendly”. To start our discussion we will give a basic definition of a being “friendly”. The word “friendly” concerning people means to like or be favorably disposed toward, showing kindness. Other action words are expected of a “friend” because they would also comfort and consul their “friend” if they were down. We (ihlcc) find that a “true friend” will be there for you when you need them and they have a way of looking at things from a compassionate view that favors their “friend”, therefore that “friend” knows they have my best interest in mind (or at heart). Yes, we have seen even when a “true friend” doesn’t know how to answer your questions they will still sympathize with the situation you are dealing with. This is because a “true friend” is known more by what they do than exactly what they say. “Friends” are common in the earth but “true friends” are much more rare because you will never know how true a “friend” is until you go through a tough time and see how they respond. The first part of today’s scripture states that “A man that has friends must show himself friendly:” We would like for you to notice that this is a godly statement of truth not an opinion of mere man. When the Holy Bible states that a “friend” must show themselves “friendly” there is a reason behind the statement. Think about it, “Why would you need to be friendly toward a friend?” The answer is because if you don’t that same person could cease from being your “friend”. “Friendliness” begots “friends” just like “true friends” begot “friendliness”. “Friendship” is always precious in God’s Sight and this is exactly why many people think the later part of this verse is speaking of Jesus when referring to a “friend” that sticks closer than a brother (a family member). We (ihlcc) were discussing “friendship” today and it dawned upon us that you could have “friends” that are closer to you than your own family members because “friends” typically share a lot of intimate information. They draw near to each other because they like the company from one another. Family members are given by location and blood but no “true friendship” can be forced upon someone. Yes, showing “friendliness” is a requirement for the believer simply because all Christians are to be like Christ Jesus and Jesus said in John 15:12-15 KJV, “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his “friends”. Ye are my “friends”, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you “friends”; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. Notice that the Lord Jesus tied “friendliness” to love and there is nothing any man can do to untie the two. Yes, Thee Lord Jesus also said in John 15:14 that His “friends” would follow His commandments. Why would the Lord tie friendship to obedience? It is because obedience to God’s Word keeps us all on the same pathway (going in the same direction toward Heaven). Yes, we (ihlcc) have found it is very difficult to be “friends” with those people who are selfish and content to follow an ungodly path. This is the reason the Good Lord didn’t say to be “friendly” toward everyone because there will be cases where people are not worthy of your “friendship” simply because they are contrary to God. Generally, speaking all those people who are truly “friends” of God will be “friends” with each other because Jesus is the center of their life. Therefore, showing yourself “friendly” to your own “true friends” is right and holy (special, sacred) and pleasing to God because you are following the Way of God by walking in love with your fellow “friends” which any “friend” of God is a “friend” of mine (ihlcc) for Heaven is loaded with our “friends”. Let us be very practical here by stating the showing yourself “friendly” requires a development in God’s Fruit. Yes, the specific fruits we are referring to is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance (self-restraint so that you purposely resist all selfishness to remain in love’s/God’s control). These fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22 and 23 are a constant reminder of God’s fellowship with us and our fellowship (communion) with Him. Remember Jesus is our “friend” just as much as He is our Savior. One thing that makes Jesus so special to us is not just that He saved us from our sins but His immeasurable kindness and gentleness He shows us everyday of our life. The gracious Lord Jesus doesn’t just call us His family members but He treats us as “true friends”. Praise the Lord! We too must be willing to demonstrate “friendliness” to all our “friends” whether we feel like it or not. “True friends” don’t act like they want to see you one day and then change their mind to not wanting to be bothered with you the next day. People like that are considered fair weather “friends” because they change with the temperature of their mood. These people are not “true friends” and they should not be classified as “friends” at all. One great thing about showing yourself “friendly” to a “true friend” is that you don’t even need to know all the Holy Scriptures, you don’t have to know the correct answer to every question they might have, you only need to walk in love by displaying the fruit of the Spirit we just mentioned in Galatians 5:22 & 23. Yes, to be “friendly” is not a suggestion for “friendship” but it is rather the chief component of “friendship”. So being “friendly” toward your “friends” is our heritage in Christ Jesus and who do we have as our chief example, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself for He is our “Friend” that sticks closer than our natural family members. It is always a good thing to be “friendly” toward Him (Jesus) by realizing all God’s children are a part of Him. Therefore “friendliness” is divine whereas non-friendliness is devilish. So be “friendly” to all your “friends” the Lord knows they need it (Him). Amen!