Scripture Reading - Romans 2:4 KJV

Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

When thinking of “goodness” a phrase comes to mind that is commonly used in Christian circles which states, “For the Lord is good all the time and all the time the Lord is good”. This statement of truth rings in the hearts of many believers who understand exactly who “God Is”, however there are some who don’t understand just how “good” God is. Therefore we (ihlcc) will use a few lines to summarize the goodness of God toward all mankind. First we notice in verse 4 of Romans 2 that God is rich in His supply of “goodness” and this is because our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ with His Holy Spirit is made up of “goodness”. Our Father is “good natured by love” rather than acting good for a friend or loved one. The Lord Jesus showed His “goodness” when He died on the cross of Calvary for the sins of the whole world. The Lord did not become “good” when He started His earthly ministry but rather He was already “good” simply because He has the exact nature (spirit) of His Heavenly Father God. God’s heart of benevolence compels Him to reach-out toward hurting humanity to heal each broken heart. This is why the words forbearance and longsuffering were used because God still loves His enemies, even when they don’t love Him. This “Goodness of God” may also be viewed as “pure good” unto all people and in all things pertaining to thought and motive. This “pure goodness” means there is no shadow (thought, part, portion, fraction, measurement, etc…) of evil anywhere close to His marvelous Light. God is one-hundred percent (100%) “Good”. Truthfully the Lord Jesus and our Heavenly Father are always doing “good things” for us, although many “good deeds” done by our Lord Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father go unnoticed by the casual observer (believer). It is said, “The Believers that are closer to God’s Heart can always feel His Heartbeat”. This is why we (ihlcc) purpose to know more about “God’s goodness” and once we better understand how “His goodness” works and what “His goodness” does within us we can openly release this “goodness” unto others. We must yield to “God’s Goodness” to be able to better appreciate God’s Great Love to us and then we will be in a better position to show this “Goodness of God” to those surrounding us in our daily walk with Christ. So when you think of others always think of yourself as being “good natured” in the same fashion (likeness) of “God’s goodness” because it is the manifestation of that fruit of God that will lead people unto Jesus and our Heavenly Father. Goodness tends (leans toward) helping others because it is right and excellent in God’s sight so be “good” as a true Christian to all your brethren and produce “goodness” to those outside the Body of Christ so that some will be saved in these last days. Amen!