Scripture Reading - Titus 2:11-13

11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,
12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;
13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; KJV

In these verses of Titus we are taught that God’s “Grace” brings salvation. This salvation of God is the freedom from all judgement (the penalty) of sin. Although we were all sinners by nature the good Lord decided to show us mercy. Mercy is not being put in prison for the crimes of sin where as “grace” is God’s willing to provide a substitute for our sins.

God’s – Riches – At – Christ – Expense

The substitute was Jesus on the cross at Calvary whereas the plan of God is to freely extend an invitation for all people to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savoir. This plan of salvation from God has been liberally preached to all men hoping that everyone would reject the ungodly ways of this world by accepting Jesus as their Lord. The order should always be accepting Jesus Christ as Lord first because it is through His “Grace” that we overcome the temptations of this world. Some would have you to believe that you must come clean to Christ but no my faith friend it is quite the opposite. When you come to Jesus in filth and shame He washes you clean from all your stains. It is through the knowledge of God’s Word and the power of God’s Presence that we resist (deny) the lust (selfish motive) to do evil. It is solely by His “Grace” that we even know how to identify (separate) wrong from right. All those who don’t know Jesus are living in darkness (death) apart from God’s Light (the personal revelation of Jesus). So even though we may feel sorrow for those who don’t know how good our God is, we can rest assure that God is faithful to offer His Love and “Grace” (Help) to everyone who is open to Him. In the light of that knowledge we are encouraged to look forward to Christ’s glorious return. We are not troubled or perplexed about current conflicts, but rather excited because as soon as Jesus parts the sky we are going up to meet Him in the air. Therefore rejoice and keep a peaceful attitude because though some bad things will happen on earth, our future is only getting better and brighter. Remember the best is yet to come for Heaven is our home in Christ Jesus by “Grace”. Amen!