Scripture Reading - Luke 16:22-24 KJV

22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.

In the center of the earth way beneath the earth’s surface the Holy Bible refers to a place called “Hell”. This region of darkness seems to be hidden from the thoughts of many people upon the earth. Man in his carnal nature does not like to think about a place of eternal suffering. It is believed by many rational thinkers that an actual place of torment only exists in your mind. Thinking that “hell” is only symbolic, as a type of mental anguish that religion uses to bait people into believing in God. Also many religious people hold to a doctrine that a loving merciful God would never put His creation in a place of excruciating pain because that is against His (God’s) nature. The problem most people have with the reality of “Hell” is that it is known as the final designation of man’s judgment, although many other evil creatures indwell its premises also. Man historically does not like to think about death, nor does man delight in thinking about standing before the Just Judge to give account of their life while upon the earth. It is man’s pleasure to live for himself by doing whatever he so desires to do and that selfishness is the pathway to “Hell”. On the contrary, the whole purpose of man upon this earth is to glorify his creator, our Heavenly Father God. Yes, man is supposed to follow God’s Plan for their life and that specific plan includes the confession of Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. This simple confession of faith spoken from a heart of sincerity will give you a home in Heaven far away from a cell in “Hell”. A home in Heaven is guaranteed when man repents of his evil selfish deeds by deciding to live for God which is living to love others. God’s nature inside of you demonstrates loving others just as much as you love yourself. Moreover, loving God more than you love anything else will keep you on the straight and narrow path of righteousness which leads directly to Heaven and away from “Hell”. The truth is “Hell” is a real place of unbearable heat compared to the sting of fire without the relief of water. “Hell” is known for intense darkness without the Light of Day (hope for a better day). It is known for unbearable pain without a known cure (healing) in sight. It is said, “The Ruler of Hell is obsessed with immeasurable cruelty and hatred, so no torment is too much because no amount of suffering will ever be sufficient to satisfy his unquenchable thirst for more afflictions”. So be wise, Oh beloved one of God, choose life and comfort and peace by choosing Jesus Christ today and forever to save your soul and body from the place called “Hell” in the belly (center) of the earth. Amen!