Imageless - Part 9

Scripture Reading - Romans 8:29 KJV

For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

In our first lesson on “Image” we spoke about God making man with an “imagination”. Thus everyone has an “image” of themselves on the inside that will eventually manifest on the outside. A problem we also mentioned is that their “image” of themselves as a person will typically influence their “image” of you. We also taught a lesson on man trying to project his “image” of himself or herself upon others. This means that the people of greater influence typically have a greater “image” of themselves than they ought. We highlighted that “an inner image from God” affects man in a positive sense by God’s design. We have briefly spoken on “Outside Images” that negatively affect all people on the earth as a whole. In another lesson we focused on “The Image of Man” where both men and women have an “image” according to God’s design and the society they live in that they are endeavoring to uphold. We have also spoken on the ever “evolving image” of men and women that can never be perfected because we change over time and our perspective changes too. The “distorted image” of man taught us that many people have the wrong “image” before them and thus fall into Satan’s trap of believing a lie about who they really are in Christ Jesus. Today we will teach on being “imageless” in the sense of having no concept of who you are. This specific teaching targets the many thousands, perhaps millions, of people who lack vision. One problem we (ihlcc) have seen common with Believers and Non-Believers is a lack of purpose and vision. Of course it would make sense that if someone lacks purpose they will most likely lack the diligence (and the discipline) of pursuit also. Why? Simply because how can you focus your eyes on a picture with no image (imageless, hence no meaning). The Good Lord Jesus created us to resemble “His Image” and Likeness so if you don’t know what He looks like you will never know what you should look like. This goes a lot further than knowing God’s Will because even if you think you have a good idea about what is required from man to please God if you don’t have an “image” of yourself you will most likely be someone else. This matter cannot be taken lightly because this is exactly how many people become demon possessed and/or mentally obsessed or oppressed. Yes, in general those who don’t know who they are and what they should be doing on a regular basis are open targets for the lies of the wicked one. The saying, “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop!” is basically saying the same thing. An idle mind is the mind void of focus or commitment, for surely with no purpose there is no joy and no peace of mind. Now contrast that floating mind (“imageless”) to the Mind of Christ which is unmovable and firmly fixed in righteousness and joy and peace in the Holy Spirit. Yes, the Lord Himself is always thinking about the Will of His Father God to their mutual satisfaction. Likewise, as disciples of Christ Jesus we should always think about doing the will of Jesus from our heart to produce this same joy and peace in righteousness. If we allow our mind to drift off center to the place where others are held in the same position as God we are in jeopardy of being “imageless” (void of right and wrong, unable to discern truth and error). Yes, being “imageless” means either one of two things, either we are so self-absorbed that what is going on around us is unimportant or we have put something or someone in God’s place on the throne of our heart. Both scenarios foster an atmosphere of being “imageless” (void of truth and light) primarily because not having the “right image” before us of who we are supposed to be. Being mindless (flippant, too casual, lightly esteeming God’s Will) is the same result as being “imageless”. We (ihlcc) are not saying that “imageless” people don’t see something in the heart because that is not true, certainly everyone sees something whether good or bad. However, what we (ihlcc) are saying is that the heart of man can be so cluttered which cares, concerns, fears, false beliefs and lies that the spirit of that person has no form (no desire, no righteous passion, simply put - no fire for God). If the person has no form they are indeed “imageless” and therefore useless to the Kingdom of God. Why? You may ask, it is because the very first thing God does to get acquainted with each of His Beloved Children is change them into “His Image and Likeness”. Why? Because then and only then will you be able to understand your holy loving relationship with Him. You must be born-again or in other words you must be conformed into “His Image” to see “His Image” in you. Without God in your life there is darkness (confusion) and void (emptiness). You cannot see anything accurately through clouds of darkness and despair and for this reason the Lord Jesus comes into your heart for the sole purpose of cleansing you from all sin it is His Love that replaces your darkness for His Light and your despair for His Joy. This allows you to sense God’s Love and it also allows you to see the loving nature of God giving wholly and freely unto all people all over this world. Being “imageless” is not just dangerous to the afflicted person but rather all people around them. Yes, it has a cascading effect that is detrimental to people as a whole. Since no man is an island unto themself we should all strive to be about our Heavenly Father’s business while here upon this earth. The perils of being “imageless” has negative implications for family members, fellow employees and all people acquainted with the individual because if you don’t know who you are how will anyone else know who you are or be able to locate you spiritually concerning where you are with God. Therefore be the “image” God created you to be. Don’t lose focus on the “image of Christ Jesus” inside of you because that is exactly who you are and any other “foreign image” is a lie. Please dear child of God, understand us clearly the only answer to being “imageless” is Christ Jesus so be in Him, about Him and unto Him in whom we all live and move and have our being. Jesus Christ the Holy One the “permanent image of God” engrafted into our hearts and minds forever. Amen!