Scripture Reading - Matthew 23:27-28 KJV

27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

When considering the definition of the word “Iniquity” we (ihlcc) must say that it can be used (translated) as “sin” simply because it is a characteristic outside of God’s Will. Yes, this word is sometimes used for the word “transgression” also but we will bring a slightly more in-depth understanding of this word “Iniquity” as we see it used in various scriptures. One way to understand the word “Iniquity” is to consider this word as a deeper level of “sin”. Although all sin is wrong (hurtful, bad, working death) “iniquity” is known as a corrupt heart, not just one sin but rather a plethora of spiritual sins inside the heart. Since the general definition of “sin” is a willful act against God’s Will (His Word) and being a “transgressor” is a category for all those who practice sin as a lifestyle. The deeper root to sinful acts and living a lifestyle of a transgressor all starts with the “iniquity” of man. Spiritual “iniquity” is the root that produces all manner of sins and transgressions this is why it is considered a mystery in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 because it is hidden from the physical (carnal minded) man. Yes, mankind having an evil heart is “iniquity” at its core, this is why we repeatedly see in the Holy Bible the phrase, “the iniquities of your fathers” which basically means the evil intentions of previous generations were transferred to the children. Yes, “iniquity” can be passed down from parents to children and even to grandchildren if accepted as a permissible way of life by the children. “Iniquity” goes far deeper than knowing the difference between right and wrong and choosing to sin once in a while because “iniquity” has a heart to sin constantly as opposed to an act of sin occasionally. For this reason it is commonly substituted for transgression because all transgressors have “iniquity” in their heart. The key difference being that transgressors are known by their persistence ungodly lifestyle, whereas the “iniquity” in their heart is the root cause for such behavior. Where sin and transgression is seen outward “iniquity” is related to the spiritual condition of a person who practices unrighteousness. Notice the two verses above both point to the spiritual state of the people under discussion by the word “within”. This means the spiritual wickedness of “iniquity” caused those people to move away from God. We can recall this being the root cause of the fall of Satan in Ezekiel 28:15 KJV which states, “Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee”. So never think that “iniquity” can be taken lightly, nor should we ever entertain the thought (question) about why many separate themselves from the good, holy and righteous things of God. It is always the fact of “iniquity” abounding in men, not by accident but rather a willful choice to do evil from their heart by ignoring the repetitive plea’s from God to do right. Thank God through our Lord Jesus Christ He has delivered us from all “iniquity” when we were saved. His great plan of salvation sanctified us with a new nature that yearns to do right unto our Heavenly Father as beloved children of God. Amen!