
Scripture Reading - Genesis 1:27 KJV

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Today’s lesson will briefly address the subject of “Insecurity”. One general meaning of the word ”insecurity” is: uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; displaying a lack of confidence. Many people here in American and throughout the world suffer from a bad image of themselves. Sometime this negative image is due to a bad influence upon their life. We (ihlcc) can remember a story where a little boy was making a statement to the present group trying to fit in with an older group and the overbearing father of the boy told him to shut up because he didn’t need to be talking around them. Thus, in obedience to his father the child shut up. However, the new problem the father created was the little boy stopped speaking all together. A good hearted Christian would think of this as a sad story but the reality is there are many believers and unbelievers too that speak evil degrading words to others all the time. These negative (ungodly) words are planted into the heart that they are spoken to and they are the source of a disfigured self-image. In some cases an abusive parent (or parents) was the source of evil words but we also must know that certain tragic events can cause a low self-esteem. Yes, just living in the wrong environment can be toxic to a young developing heart thus producing “insecurity”. We have even heard of some cases where the parents and family influence was good but the child started listening to other voices of their peers that altered their self-image that created “insecurity”. Yes, if we believe the source of all good is God we must also believe the source of all evil is the devil. The reason we must discuss this openly is because as we see in today’s reference scripture that God created us in His Own Image. We believe most everyone who is a child of God would agree that God doesn’t suffer from “insecurity” nor does the Lord listen to the devil accuse His Children, all Christians and saints, of not measuring up to man’s imagined perfect standards. The reason God can’t listen to such lies is because in Christ we are made perfect in Jesus. Thus, in the natural we are imperfect and prone to error but in Jesus Christ our sins have been forgiven and remove making us the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Dear believer since you are made in the likeness and imagine of God it guarantees that God will always smile when you come to see Him because the Good Lord Jesus and Father God always delights to see Himself. Jesus is the Light and Life of the world and you know what we are the little lights shining brightly to all those in darkness in the world. The thoughts of personal shortcoming and imperfections will weigh heavy on any mind but it does have to. No, Dear Believer in Christ Jesus we don’t have to listen to the lies of the devil nor do we need to pay attention to the negative belittling words of mere men. God Himself has already created us in the image and likeness of God so that we can boldly show forth His Image and Glory to all mankind with every living creature. Yes, both man and beast can experience the beauty of God’s Creation when we openly show forth God’s Light and Love. The Good Lord Jesus doesn’t have a negative opinion about you for two reasons. First, you are in Him and He is in you the Lord won’t put His Precious Holy Spirit in an unworthy vessel. No, dear believer, God puts His very own Clean and Holy Spirit only into clean and holy vessels. This means you are worthy as a temple of righteousness to abide in Christ Jesus just as He abides in you for you are made in His same image and likeness. Secondly, God our Father considers you His very own child which means if you love your children and consider them beautiful how much more does your Heavenly Father love you and permanently considers you eternally beautiful also. Jesus echo’s the heart of the Father God so He too finds you completely lovable and adorable. Yes, we (ihlcc) know that not everyone thinks of God this way but we sure do and we think that way because the Word of God tells us that God is love and God loves you. We choose to believe in God’s Love because we are well acquainted with God’s Compassion that never fails, falls or goes away. God is faithful to love you but you too should be faithful to love God. The Word of God tells us in John 14:15 that if we love Jesus we will keep (do) His Commandments and John 14:21 KJV states: “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.” This is proof positive that God is always open for your visitations and He is also delighted to fellowship with you anytime and anyplace. Does the Father God and Lord Jesus Christ do this because you are so smart and perfect? We should think not! No, rather the Good Shepherd and your Father God delight to meet with you because they love you so much and enjoy your presence and attention. Just like you need God to complete you,likewise Jesus needs all the members of the Body of Christ to complete Him. So please dear child of God don’t have an “inferiority complex” because it is not fitting for you. For you are a royal Child of God, a son or daughter of the Most High God, kings and queens and priest of The King of kings and The Lord of lords. Therefore don’t worry about who you look like in the mirror because man’s mirrors are dirty (for they are smeared with sin). However, your born again spirit is viewed through the sinless (stainless) Blood of Jesus and that is exactly how you look in Christ Jesus. That specific image is the one standing, sitting, walking and fellowshipping with God. So in Heaven there are no “insecure” people because in God’s Heaven “inferiority” doesn’t exist. The Light, the Life and the Love of God shines so bright to all those in Our Father’s House and in the Presence of Jesus no one wants to think solely about themselves because we all delight in thinking about Jesus and what He did for us. Such that our Praises, Thankfulness and Worship belong to God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior and Brother. Outside of Christ Jesus we are all “insecure” but when you are covered by His Blood in Christ Jesus “security” is your new way of life so embrace it and enjoy it in Jesus Name. Amen!