
Scripture Reading - Matthew 7:1-2 English Stardard Version

1 Judge not, that you be not judged.
2 For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.

Today’s lesson will openly address the subject of “Judgment”. What we have found is that many people don’t like thinking of the term “judgment” because they typically think it is a negative word that brings some type of punishment. How often have we heard the term (phrase), “Don’t judge me!” whenever something that could be considered wrong is done in front of another person. The truth is exactly what you are saying will be “judged” by a listener who is already “judgmental”. Likewise, whatever you do has the potential to be “judged” by an observer who purposes to “judge”. So the term, “Don’t judge me!” is virtually useless because what most people don’t realize is that people “judge” from their heart, not so much with their words. Now, don’t get us (ihlcc) wrong “judgmental words” are being spoken all the time but if those words were spoken out loud they were already formed inside the heart where the “judgment” initially took place. Yes, many people look at others who are different than themselves and “judge” the different person as unworthy (unclean) or uncommon. We do realize that many people today don’t use those terms but they still stand true for mankind. Starting with the word “unworthy” it is fitting because that basically means the different one is unfit for my company. That type of thinking (attitude) translates into the “judgmental” person wanting to be separated from the other person which is walking away from love instead of walking in love. Along those same lines the word uncommon gives off the scent of being an outsider. The difference with this word is that it is not only the issue of you don’t meet my greater standards but you don’t measure up to society as well. Many people will read these words and reject the very thought that they “judge” others but it is a fact that Jesus told His followers not to “judge”. If we were perfect sinless little angels the All Wise God would not have a reason to warn us. No, dear faith friend, “judgment” is going on all the time both in the church and outside of the church because man is very quick to offer their opinion. As one minister said, “You need to be careful about offering opinions because opinions have a mind of their own!” That means many opinions are the voices of thoughts coming from the heart of men. Since, the heart of man is naturally corrupted you can almost guarantee that the majority of opinions that are spoken in the world today are corrupted simply because they are contrary to God’s Word. We (ihlcc) have to watch our words for sure but we must also guard our heart by not letting wrong thoughts of ridicule, wickedness and “judgment” take root in our mind. Remember 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 KJV which states, “(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.” These scriptures remind us that “thoughts of judgment” will come to us but just because they come to us it doesn’t mean that we have to receive them. We can cast down “evil judgmental thoughts” by speaking out against them in The Name of Jesus. For example, “If your boss didn’t speak to you one morning the thought may come that your boss is mean. Now, if you tell that thought (repeat it out loud) to another co-worker you have just “judged” your boss as a bad person in that moment and know according to the reference verses shown today you shall be “judged” in like fashion. This means someone will think that you are mean because one day you didn’t speak to them. Yes, they will even go so far as to smear your good name simply because you chose to smear someone else’s good name. Have you ever critiqued the sermon by the pastor of the church? If yes, you are guilty of “judging”. Have you ever spoken evil of a public official? If yes, you are guilty of “judging”. What about just repeating what was already written publically in an article or on the internet? If you speak evil about any person, even if others are saying the same thing then you our faith friend are guilty of “judging”. You see, dear saint of God, you don’t have to sit in a court room as a judge to “judge” people. Actually anyone can be “a judge” if they believe they know more about what is going on than the other people listening to them. We (ihlcc) find it very interesting that the people who “judge” the most generally know the least. Judgers come off like they are experts but if you listen to them long enough you will find out they have more influence over the ignorant because those who don’t know any better can’t challenge their claims (words). The main message we are trying to express in this article is to “not judge others”. However, you must recognize that it is already inherent in our human nature to “judge”. Yes, the unregenerate spirit will “judge” others all day long because it is used to “judgment” all the time. This is very popular today and it even happens to good Christians who don’t “judge” themselves. So please understand when you “judge yourself” in the light of God’s Word to do what is holy and right it is a good thing. When you understand that “judging” is wrong when it comes to others you will be less likely to be so critical of others and you will be more merciful and kind because that is what you desire to have spoken or shown back to you. Know with all confidence God loves you and He desires you to be under His divine protection. Yes, covered by His Blood where no “judgment” of man or the evil one can harm you simply because “you don’t judge people”. Due to that fact the devil and his kingdom and even evil men won’t be able to “judge” you as guilty before your Holy, Rightness, Merciful and Loving Father God in Christ Jesus. For you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Amen!