
Scripture Reading - John 1:1-4 KJV

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

Today’s lesson will touch on the subject of “Light”. Recently we (ihlcc) were watching a documentary on the cause and effect of certain sicknesses (and diseases) on the human body. Interesting enough we discovered from a specialist (either doctor or scientist we don’t recall) that if you took a cut through a single cell in the human body you would see that all healthy cells are made-up of light. The speaker used the term of over a billion tiny lights emanating from each cell. Like, little photonic flashlights illuminating each cell which produces “light” over the whole body of man from the inside out. The reason we don’t see them with our natural eyes is because you can only see them at a microscopic level. Those people who have access to microscopes that can magnify an image by at least 400x for cell study and even higher powers to see more of what is happening deeper within the cell. Yes, we (ihlcc) know this is speaking on a technical level but the good news is that this is exactly what the Holy bible teaches. Now, just to be clear we (ihlcc) are not scientist or doctors or physicist but we are definitely born-again Christians. As Christians in John 12:36 we are referred to as “Children of Light”. Now we used to think of this term “Light” as Jesus being the “great Light” and we are just “little lights” in the world. It is very common to think of the “light” as being your reborn spirit because for sure “Jesus is Light” and “His Light" is the Life of men as stated in our reference verse 4. It makes sense that if we are born of God and “God is all Light” that we must be “children of light” in regards to the “Light of God” being within us. Plus, the Holy Bible speaks of us letting our light shine in Matthew 5:14-16 KJV which teaches, “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Commonly, we think of “light” as letting the love of God flow from our heart to others so that they can Jesus through us (our good deeds and our warm smile). Thus, “God’s Light” is known in deed and in truth when expressed in a godly manner. Yes, we thought “light” mainly dealt with the spiritual and the only representation it (light) had in the natural was when an act of kindness or a godly gesture of love was manifested in the natural realm involving other people. This is truth but it is not the fullness of “light”. As science has now revealed that “light” is in your natural body just as “light” is in your spiritual body. Light is the composition of the human body because God made you that way. God is Light so He used Himself to make us creatures of light. For sure, there is untapped energy in the human body that is underutilized by the child of God. Yes, as children of light shouldn’t we rely on light to energize (strengthen, heal, restore) our physical body? The correct answer is “Yes and Amen” unto the glory (light) of God in Jesus Name. So we hath recently learned that at the very core of your being each healthy cell is full of “light” and the specialist also mentioned that an unhealthy cell is void of “light”. Yes, now you know where we are going. Unhealthy cells are deficient of “light” and all cells that “no light” exist are cells of literal darkness that die or are in the process of dying. This is wonderful to hear because it spoke to us (ihlcc) a great truth. Now, this truth is so powerful it could set any person free if they truly understand what we are about to say. The only caution we have at this moment is that we have not personally experienced the full power of this truth. Yes, we are using this new truth but we cannot tell you the depths of how this truth will affect you simply because we have just started using this truth in the last month. However, just because we can’t prove to you the power of the this revelation with various testimonies doesn’t mean that we are afraid to release it to the world as a whole because some people will experience the benefits of this truth and it will most certainly set them free. This truth is built upon proven godly principles so we both felt it was OK to release unto the public in general. Now, here is what we are saying your physical body is full of cells right? The correct answer is, Yes! We also know that healthy cells are full of “light”, correct? The correct answer is, Yes! Now stay with us dear child of God because this truth is for you and your family and even to generations afar off. Please follow our reasoning regarding this truth that is so simple but yet profoundly powerful in it’s operation and that specific combination always equals God. A body that is full of healthy cells is a healthy body right? The correct answer is Yes! A healthy body would be a body that is void of sickness and disease right? The correct answer is Yes! Therefore, we can conclude any time your body is sick certain cells in your body are deficient in light or totally dark, right? The correct answer is Yes! So here is what ihlcc did and what we are still doing today (at this current time because now faith is). This is where those of the Word of Faith camp will join in with us speaking to their own body and also the bodies of all those who agree with this Word of God (this Word of Truth). We decree in the Name of Jesus that every cell in my body is full of Life and Light! Amen! Yes, Jesus told us in Mark 11:22 and 23 to have faith in God and speak to things and in speaking to those things they would obey us. Thus, ihlcc has concluded that by speaking to our body by commanding life and “light” we are bringing God’s glory into each cell because “light” dispels darkness . Consequently, if new cells need to be created speaking “light” will bring new life where needed in Name Jesus. Yes, this powerful word of God called “light” can create healing and life on 4 dimensions: First spiritually we ministering God’s nature into each cell, secondly mentally we are thinking on a higher spiritual level because this will work for any type of physical sickness or disease. Thirdly, this is greatly strengthening and restoring your body, not only driving out disease and sickness but also making it immune from future attacks of cell deformation (sickness, weakness and disease). Fourthly this impacts the future by speaking life and “light” into each cell because we are infusing eternity into our natural body which keeps it from dying. Seriously, Eric and Angela do you two (ihlcc) really believe this? The correct answer is yes with all of our being! The Lord Jesus spoke to things so why would we be any different? Yes the more we understand how to operate upon God’s Words the better concentrated our faith which means our words can be more pointed and accurate so we will use this new found revelation to quicken our mortal body and our only hope is that you will join with us by speaking Life and “Light” into each cell of your body in the Name of Jesus unto the glory, honor and praise of God. Amen!