Scripture Reading - 2 Peter 3:9 KJV

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

The Christian living in the world should stand-out (apart from unbelievers) by being different. One difference the believers should have is “longsuffering” because this quality of God is very unique. We (ihlcc) make that statement because many people in the world today get upset when others do wrong. The common man does need for the wrong doing to be personally done to them to be upset. No, the unbeliever will quickly be angered for almost anything being done wrong in their eyes even when it doesn’t affect them. Yes, people today are easily offended and they often verbalize this displeasure very openly without reservation. Some tell their friends and family members the wrongs of others as if they are broadcasting the news. Yes, the media of today feeds into these sins by keeping an open ear and mouth to anything bad that they believe will boost their ratings and/or sells. It is very difficult to watch a news program that doesn’t feature bad news as its headlines. This is where the “longsuffering” of God is very different. This scripture states that, “God was (and still is) “longsuffering” toward us because He desired for all people to be saved”. Yes, divine “longsuffering” is not just being tolerant of people it reaches far beyond enduring the faults of another because “longsuffering” has an element of compassion in it. The compassionate part of “longsuffering” keeps the focus on God’s Love because even though someone is doing wrong true “longsuffering” doesn’t take it personally. “Longsuffering” knows that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood but against powers, principalities and wicked spirits in the heavenlies. Yes, godly “longsuffering” understands that people are entrapped in darkness so they do bad things simply because the nature of badness is engrafted in their flesh. Once a person becomes free (liberated) in Christ Jesus by being saved that same bad nature can be mitigated (quenched) by the power of God’s Holy Spirit within them. People first need to be born-again to even have any hope of overcoming the flesh, “So why should the Saint of God be upset or frustrated with those who practice the works of darkness?” No, dear Christian, we are called to a higher purpose which chooses to be “longsuffering” not because we have to but rather because we want to. Why, because our heart’s desire is to be overflowing with the fruit of “Longsuffering” while we wait for those in darkness to come into God’s Glorious Light of Love. When we consistently show this “Light of Longsuffering” to the world they will have to admit Jesus Christ is living brightly inside of us to the glory of God the Father. Amen!