Scripture Reading - James 1:21 – ASV (American Standard Version)

Wherefore putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wickedness, receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

The word “meekness” is not often spoken by people in today’s society. Initially we (ihlcc) were taught that “meekness” meant teachableness. This is one definition but another word often thought of in connection to “meekness” is humbleness. This is why the Holy Bible teaches us to humble ourselves before praying in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that we may hear from God and clearly interpret what He said unto obedience. Meekness is a divine attribute of God because it includes having the right heart before God that allows one to better relate to all mankind. The Lord Jesus states in Matthew 5:5 that, The meek shall inheritance the earth. This basically means that all those who choose to obey God’s Word shall inherit good things. This did not say, “All those who follow God’s Plan shall earn good things”, because it is not about good works. Nor did it state, “That all those who do God’s Commandments shall lay claim to God’s blesses”, because it is not solely about our confession of faith. It simply stated that they would inherit the earth meaning that the good things of this earth would be given to the “meek” through God’s Grace. This is not surprising because God will bless all those who learn how to listen to His Voice and follow His direction for their life. This is not rocket science it is definitely the wisdom of God taking shape through “meekness”. The “meek” person has learned that spending sufficient time with God’s Word will help them understand and know (discern) God’s Voice. Our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ both have a major part in our lives when it comes to direction, assignments and guidance. The Lord is never trying to keep His Will for our life a secret but the problem comes with people ignoring the power of “meekness” in their life. Without the hallway of “meekness” no one can come close to approaching God correctly. Therefore all saints have a measure of “meekness” but this fruit of God’s Holy Spirit must be developed to maturity to clearly see (understand) the true nature (heart) of God. The moment you understand God’s Heart all the mysteries of God began to be clearer and the plan of God begins to take on new meaning in your heart. So please understand dear Child of God that “meekness” is a key to having successful fellowship with God because how can two walk together unless they be agree? And how can two agree if they have a different heart contrary to “the spirit of meekness”? Amen!