Scripture Reading - Philippians 4:5

Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. KJV

This is a very short scripture but its meaning is very deep and long. Yes, to read it is very simple but to live it requires character. On our examination of this verse we first see the words “Let your” which means you have to do something. It is not the Lord’s responsibility to make everything good happen in your life without your cooperation. This statement comes as a shock to many Christians because they expect God to work right through them independently of their actions and attitude. However, biblically that is not the case at all. The Lord is the perfect gentlemen which means He will never force His good will over your right of choice. When using the personal pronoun “your” is it easy to understand exactly who is responsible for the producing the actions. Some Christian’s think that God has the fruit and He only must produce the results but that is not consistent with this scripture and others that state, “you have the fruit of God within you”. Speaking of spiritual fruit let us define the next word “moderation” which means - forbearance, sweet reasonableness, and gentleness. Now we all can agree that restraining your temper, judgement and criticism upon others that have come against you or your convictions is “forbearance”. Keeping your head calm in a stressful situation is one thing, but to do it with a sweet tongue is divine. In Christ being reasonable is not the key but rather having a kind disposition in the midst of strife is a key of the Kingdom of God. This is why the word “gentleness” can be used to describe a true disciple of Jesus. Notice we said “disciple” as opposed to a believer. There are many that believe in Jesus in the Body of Christ but to walk as He (Jesus) walked is displaying the person of Christ as a true “disciple”. The two words “be known” basically mean that you should display this fruit. It is not good enough to know what you should do but you must do it unto others. Not only in your prayer closet unto the Lord but publicly “unto all men”. This includes family, friends, fellow workers and any person who crosses your path. The second sentence, “The Lord is at hand” is our constant reminder that Jesus lives with us, therefore He is always nigh (near by). This also means we must live right because His return to the earth is coming soon. We must never take for granted that we are required as representatives of Jesus to model His speech and heart to others in the earth. So be moderate (kind, soft, easy going) toward all people, so when the Lord is trying to speak to them you tenderly reflect His testimony. Amen!