
Scripture Reading - Luke 22:41-42 KJV

41 And he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast, and kneeled down, and prayed,
42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

In life there will be situations that arise which put you in the valley of decision. There are times when you reach a fork in the road and wonder which path to take. This may be a major decision but it might be a lesser (more minor) decision and we (ihlcc) are including every decision in-between. The challenge isn’t how big or how small the decision is but rather making the right decision consistently. We notice in today’s verse that the Lord Jesus was conflicted because He knew what His will wanted compared to what God the Father’s Will was requiring. There are times in life where your own will be in discord with the will of God. This can be experienced when you are doing something you like to do or want to do but God’s Word states for you to take a different position. Yes, sometimes Christians like to only consider the major decisions like career changes or getting married as things to get God’s input. However, the Good Gracious God has already given us His input for various situations and principles in His Holy Word. Yes, the Lord has spelled out exactly what every person should do when it comes to living upright with God and your fellowmen (of course including women and children too). This is why we (ihlcc) are taking some time to emphasize the importance of “nevertheless”. “Nevertheless” basically is a statement of surrender. It is the compound word of three words “nevertheless” is “never – the – less” which means never settle for the lesser option. When we know better we must be willing to do better. Thus, to say “nevertheless not my will be done but Thy Will be done” is to openly acknowledge that God’s Will is superior to our will. Now it is not enough to only say the statement (words, the phrase) but you must follow it up with corresponding actions by doing exactly what the Lord requires from you. Yes, willingness addresses the heart, the right decision addresses the soul while doing it addresses the physical body and tangible blessings to another and/or yourself from God. Willingness and obedience is involved in all three realms (heart) spirit, soul and body. It takes all three realms to get the job done correctly. There are too many people in the earth that come to the fork in the road and knowingly (willfully) choose the wrong direction. This means that instead of following God’s direction they following convenience or comfort or greed or selfishness. Yes, temptation comes to us all but only the strong in Christ Jesus can overcome the urge to compromise. The major compromise we all face is the temptation to take short cuts that promise the same reward. Yes, many people are led astray by false promises that doing things in a slightly different way then what God said will bear no negative consequences. This is false doctrine and very deceptive because every time you compromise God’s Word you propagate disobedience into your life. Making a wrong decision today will definitely affect your tomorrow because whatsoever you sow today will be fruitful someday in the future. What we (ihlcc) are saying to you is that you should never compromise on righteousness. Yes, some decisions are more important than others because what you wear today is not the same weighted decision as if you should pray today. We are sure that certain decisions you make include other people and even more importantly there are certain decisions you make that directly impact your fellowship with God. On all those decisions choose God, yes, even if your will is contrary to God’s Will, say, “Nevertheless Thy Will be done” and then do it with all your heart, soul and physical strength (body). If you know in your heart that choosing a specific direction is more Godly then choose it. If you know certain words are more in-line with God’s Word then say (speak) them. If you know in your heart of hearts that you need to distance yourself from certain people, then in Jesus Name please separate from them. If you know in your conscience that you did someone wrong to another walk over to that person and apologize for peace sake simply because it is the right thing to do. Yes, your flesh might not (or will not) feel like it but “never-settle-for-less than God’s Will”. We must purpose to do God’s Will from the heart because that is what makes us free. It is not the knowledge you have about God’s Will that sets us free but rather the willing and obedience we show when it comes to doing God’s Word. Remember, it is not the hearers of God’s Word that are justified but rather the doers of God’s Word (God’s Will) that reap the full blessing of God (or from God). So practice this statement in your daily life by saying it out loud “Nevertheless” not my will be done but Thy Will (God’s Will) be done. When you openly confess this statement on a regular basis it will convict your heart to do what is right in the sight of God. It may not be easy and it may not be popular but it will be God’s Will when done in line with God’s Word with a loving heart. Remember, all that we do we do unto God in Jesus Name. So if you are struggling to make right decisions just remember a multitude of wisdom comes one decision at a time. Therefore, on your very next decision say, “Never-the-lesser”, not my will be done but God’s Will be done. This confession of faith will open up your thoughts to God and follow up that statement of righteousness with complete unreserved obedience to do what God said in His Holy Word or that which He laid upon your heart. For you will find, peace of mind, when you channel your time, on the things divine. Amen!