Scripture Reading - Matthew 13:13-16

13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:
15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. KJV

A chief difference between those who are spiritual and those who are not is “perception”. The ability to see into the true nature of a situation is biblical “perception”. The context of the verses of scripture that we are reading today came from Jesus speaking to a multitude of people who stood on the shore while he spoke from a boat out on the sea. Jesus typically used parables to teach people life’s lessons. In verse 13 the disciples asked the Lord, “Why does He use parables?” Parables typically use common natural settings to convey a spiritual principle. Many think of parables as a way to introduce a spiritual concept to all people without calling out a person individually because truth is good and profitable for all mankind. Some will wonder why God doesn’t start with clearly stating exactly what each person should do, but the answer is “perception”. The Lord Jesus told us in verse 14 that many people would hear and not understand and also those same people would see and not “perceive”. So the question one might ask is, “Why is that?” This is because without the help of the Holy Spirit you could talk to certain people until you are blue in the face (not literally – just using a common phrase) and they will not understand you. The Lord knows that planting a seed of truth will prosper and grow in the heart of a humble believer. This is true primary because humble believers seek truth and looking for truth opens your heart for more revelation from God. When we, as Children of God, open our heart to God’s truth the Holy Spirit within us takes the extra time and makes the extra effort to give us spiritual insight. This spiritual insight into the true nature of things is known as “perception”. “Perception” is not limited to understanding the truths of God’s Holy Scripture but it also works on understanding people, situations and current events including the movements of God’s Spirit and an accurate witness of what is not God. Yes, in certain instances “perception” will allow you to see into the future by understanding certain actions displayed today by people, events or developing circumstances. “Perception” is not a sixth sense that is a hunch or a guess about how something may turn out but it is rather a good understanding that brings a confident knowledge (knowing) about a particular person, situation or truth. The key with “perception” is Godliness so be diligent to stay humble and observe each person, situation and teaching (doctrine) with an open heart to God’s truth and you will “perceive” exactly what is the truth of the matter. Once you spiritually see into that situation, person and scripture you would have experienced the “Perception of God” which can never be taken for granted or substituted. In society the simple truth is many people have no “perception” from God and those same unfortunate people have no “perception” of God working in their spirit and mind. However, blessed are you, Holy Child of God, because your eyes see God’s spiritual truths and your ears hear God’s spiritual thoughts. Amen.