
Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 12:25-27 KJV

25 That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.
26 And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.
27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

The topic we are speaking of today is “Pulse” and this comes from knowing the status (state) of those you are around, especially those whom you share your life with. Since the scripture has told us (that is all Christians) that we are the Body of Christ we share a common bond. We, as Christians, can conclude that we all share the same blood in the same body, of course this precious blood that is common to all the Children of God is the Blood of Jesus. The Blood of Jesus is alive and powerful today just as it was over two-thousand years ago. We (ihlcc) believe that we should never lose sight of the Precious Blood of Christ that was shed for our sins. Not only did His Blood cleanse us from all unrighteousness but it also wiped our conscience clean from the guilt of sin. Knowing that all blood in living organisms such as people and animal needs to flow constantly in that body to serve its purpose. One might say, “What is the purpose for the blood?” We (ihlcc) would say in general it is to keep that body alive both spiritually and physically. Physically speaking, the blood circulates throughout the body providing oxygen and nutrients and fighting against infections to keep you alive. Spiritually, speaking the Blood of Jesus represents the Love of God which must flow freely to those you are in contact with to provide nourishment, healing and life through the Body of Christ and life (living liquid love) flowing to the Body of Christ. The moment we stop loving others you are not acting like a Christian. Remember, Jesus said in John 13:35 that all men would know His disciples by their love one for another. This brings us to the topic of “Pulse” which physically speaking is the regular throbbing of the arteries due to the consistence contractions of the heart. As our heart is the source of our natural life, likewise God’s heart is the source of all spiritual life. We must be able to tell the “pulse” of those around us to accurately determine what they need, thus minister to them. As Christians we should be able sense the “pulse” in people because God’s life runs through our veins. Even when we don’t know all the details about people God knows. It is not our business to know what people are thinking but we should have enough discernment about ourselves to perceive if someone is happy or sad. We can know their “pulse” by watching them first, then asking the question to ourselves if I can help them and then after that doing something good if it is necessary. Sometimes people need space, or sometimes they just need to be listened to, so don’t assume you are their personal prophet or priest. Always remember the Holy Spirit knows all the ins and outs of each person and He is always ministering to them whether they realize it or not. So as a wonderful Child of God check each person’s “pulse” first before you prescribe some medicine maybe the only medicine they need is private prayer and some personal love by a true disciple of Christ. Remember, only those who operate in the sincere genuine love of God can feel someone spiritual “pulse” so practice “pulse reading” as a lifestyle to be affective. All those who don’t consider others first will never understand the principle of “Pulse” because they have not the heart of God. Jesus loves first, prays second and preforms spiritual healing after He knows their specific “pulse” and position (spiritual state) in the Body of Christ. We must go and do likewise to be consistently effective in ministering to others around us because in saving souls we bring healing to this world in Jesus Name. Amen!

God knows your spiritual “pulse” of how much love you pump out,
the question is, “Do we know His?”